The compass not A compass

"Past? That's not new. We both went to past together." I thought he was going to say something serious. I mentally rolled my eyes. It was definitely my future self talking because I know my behaviour. Old habits die hard you know?

" Not that past stupid, I meant the dinosaur age." Now that was unbelievable.

"Holly shit!" That was Liam being dramatic. I realized this side of him a few days ago. He's a real drama queen but not everyone get to see this side of him. I also get to know from him that he has been waiting to be friends with me since the day he met me. Sounds cliché right? "Are you for real?"

"Yes Liam. Now keep quiet until I finish saying." I snickered when Liam pouted. Poor guy. What can he do when he's naturally talkative even from his birth?

" I was actually trying to find you for a long time. It's just I couldn't get pass the gate to come here-" This time I was the one who interrupted him.

"What's a gate?"

"A gate is the opening of a time tunnel. Every time you time travel you have to pass through a gate. Remember the feeling of getting sucked in when Little Focus took you with him last time? That was because of the gate. That is the sign of letting you pass the gate. No one can pass through the gate anytime they want but if you have the compass with you, then you can pass through the gate."

" Then didn't you have a compass with you?" Before replying to my question, professor Focus chuckled looking at the ground and spoke while starring right into my eyes.

" I said 'The compass not 'a compass' Focus. The one is meant isn't just a normal compass." I have to be honest, my future self is in another level. I hardly understood what he said. Most of the things he said were just words to me. Professor Redman was a knowledge bank. I wasn't sure anymore about the future I'm going to have after seeing the character development of my own future self.

"Are you sure you are really me?" That was too unexpected because he stayed in the same position for a few minutes trying to collect his thoughts to answer me.

"Well yes because you are me." Of course he would give that answer. It's me after all.

" I mean how do you know so much about almost everything?" Professor Focus laughed and popped a green colour skittle into his mouth.

"Dear young myself, I didn't just get to know them. I collected this knowledge by travelling through time for all these years with gaining experiences worth decades and centuries." What he said really made sense. Who else has so much knowledge in every aspect than someone who knows both present and past. "Alright. I'll explain what this compass is." I nodded but remembered Lucas who was coming back from his trip and asked to have a meal with him. Actually he wasn't the one who asked me to come. Rita was the one who invited me. I couldn't decline since she didn't know about the argument we had nor can I let her know about it.

"Can I hear about this compass later? I have an appointment with my sis-in-law"

"It's already that time huh? But I'm sorry young myself, I don't think I'll be able to stay here any longer. Even so I can't let you skip the dinner or else everything will be a mess. So what can I do?" He went silent to think what to do next. "Get me a piece of paper. Quickly!" Liam was running to get a sheet of paper the next second. Professor Focus wrote down something on the paper super fast. He actually wrote on two papers. While he wrote that, I got ready to go to the dinner with my brother. He stood up as soon as I stepped into the living room after getting dressed.

" I wrote down a few things you need to know. I can't let you know everything eventhough the time line is already in chaos. While you two find the solution to stop this, I get you some time. Try to find the exact answer because there's no going back if we can't stop him at the exact moment."

"Who is this 'he'? And if you know so much about this, why can't you stop this 'he'?"

"It's better if you don't know who this 'he' is. At least for now. And I can't stop this because only little Focus can stop him but I'll try my best to give some assistance." He picked up the papers and handed them to me. "Also read this before 12 hours. I don't know the exact time these texts would disappear. So be sure to read it quickly. Got it?" I nodded looking down at the papers.

"Well then, I'll get going. Little Focus will tell you if I missed out a few things regarding his trip to past. Take care of yourselves Focus. I trust you Liam just like young Focus did. Hope that trust will last long. " Just then little guy appeared while munching some biscuits. "I'm leaving little Focus."

"Man! You just arrived here!" Little guy crossed his arms huffing in disappointment.

"Sorry little Focus. I have things to take care of. I'll come by and visit you sometimes." Really smooth lies. Even I would be fooled if I didn't know the real situation.

" Fine. It's a promise then."

"Nope. It's not a promise." My future self ruffled little guys hair and patted my back and nod his hair at Liam. "I'll see you guys around then. Take care and be careful. Like I said little Focus, don't get too attached to the time line and it's characters." And just like that he was gone.

" And he's gone." Liam and Little guy sighed in union.

"Hello, I'm still here." Liam snickered.


" Get lost asshole. Anyways, I'll be going as well. Take care of yourselves while I'm gone. Give me a call if something goes wrong okay?" With that I too left leaving the two of them alone in my apartment.