Chapter 1: Special Forces Reading System


Border Railway Station!

Today with the development of the Internet, most people choose to buy tickets online, but in Bianzhen, due to lagging equipment, queues for ticket purchase still account for the majority.

In a long line, a young man looked at the time anxiously, gritted his teeth, walked out from the back of the line, and hurried to the ticket window.

"Huh? Someone jumped in!"

"Don't you see that we are all in line?"

"Young people nowadays, why don't they have any quality…"

There was a good line, but because of the young people's actions, it attracted a lot of criticism and criticism!

I didnt see everyone queuing, why did you jump in?

Who gave you the privilege? ? ?

"Sir, please go to the back to line up, thank you for your cooperation."

The conductor said coldly.

The young man flushed immediately.

looked at the conductor awkwardly, he took out a certificate from his pocket: "I… I am a soldier, can I buy a ticket first?"

Hearing the soldiers, the noisy crowd shut up.

Soldiers have priority to get enough votes!

At any station in China, trains, ships, long-distance buses, including civil airliners, you can see this habitual slogan.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were a soldier!"

The conductor glanced at the officer ID and apologized immediately.

"and many more!"

At this time, an arrogant voice came from behind.

A man with a long body of fat and a big gold chain around his neck glanced at the young soldier with a cold eye, "Oh, what a soldier? Why do you buy the ticket first?"

"I…I have something urgent." The young soldier blushed.

"Everyone is queuing, who is not in a hurry? Shouldn't soldiers lead by example and let the people?"

The guy yelled.

The soldier stays where he is at a loss.

"I can see such **** wherever I go…"

Lu Yu put the comic book he just bought into his pocket and walked straight over.

The big golden chain is still spitting: "Huh, which army do you belong to? Don't protect the safety of the people at the border, and rush to grab tickets with us. If the soldiers are like you, then our country can't…"

"Hey, buddy!"

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He glared at Lu Yu.

"It's okay, just let you see clearly."


The big gold chain is inexplicable.


was about to get Lu Yu out, he felt his **** hit hard, his fat body couldn't control it, and he rolled out like a fleshy ball and fell to the ground.


The people around were startled.

Didn't expect this young man with a handsome face to be so fierce?

"Fuck! You…"

The big golden chain is angry.

Lu Yu didn't bother to care about him, walked around behind the young soldier, and tore away the other's clothes.

"Keep your dog's eyes wide open and see clearly, that's why soldiers have priority!"

what? !

The big golden chain was stunned by the scene before him.

The faces of the people in line changed drastically!

My god! ! !


Is it still a young man's body? ? ?

covered with scars!

The skin is rough, like dry and cracked ground!

There are several scars like centipedes, distributed on the chest, waist and back.

It is hard to imagine how terrible the body of the young soldier has gone through!

Those two hands are as old as a seventy-year-old farmer, covered with thick calluses!

Growing up in peaceful times, have they ever seen a person's body with so many scars?

This is so shocking! ! !

Lu Yu also gasped!

He knew that this was a border guard.

The border guards are very hard, and their lives are even in danger every time they go out on mission.

But when they really saw the scars in front of them, everyone realized that this kind of suffering was a thousand times harder than they thought!

"Take a good look, what were you doing when you were so old? Making girls? Playing games in Internet cafes? Reaching out to ask for money from home? They risked their lives and shuttled across the border, guarding the peace of the motherland and protecting the billions of dragons. National peoples safety…"

"Without soldiers throwing their heads and sprinkling blood, you can live so rich and fat? Without soldiers, you can stand here to be majestic? If it weren't for the great things, how could soldiers compete with the masses?"


How can there be quiet years?

is just in the darkness that you dont know, someone silently carries your weight forward.

This is the Dragon Soldier!

rise to the top!

"Come on…"

"The soldier's partner has hit someone, so it's reasonable!"

The big gold chain yelled.

Lu Yu's eyes were cold!

hit someone?

This kind of crap, kill it!

In the war era, a proper traitor.

The movement here also attracted the police on duty at the station.

The matter is very simple. The big golden chain made trouble and insulted the soldiers and was taken away directly.

"thank you!"

The young soldiers thanked Lu Yu.

"Go buy tickets, it's not easy for border guards."

To make a soldier so anxious, not queuing to buy tickets, there must be something big.

"Brother, my father has a cerebral thrombosis, and he is still in the hospital! I missed this bus and can only wait for tomorrow to go back. I'm afraid I won't see the last time of his old man, otherwise I won't…"

said, the young soldier's tone was choked, his eyes were slightly red.

Soldiers bleed without tears!

If it weren't for the old father's dying, how could he leave the post he insisted on.

Since ancient times, the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety.

guard the frontiers for the motherland and give up a small family home for everyone.

The word soldier is heavy!

"Then take a taxi and go back!"

"My family is waiting for money…"

Lu Yu sighed helplessly.

Soldiers defend their homes and the country. In the end, their family gets sick, but they dont have money to treat them!

But some guys with big brains and intestines are embarrassed to ask why soldiers have priority?

is really sad and ironic.

He can guarantee that there is definitely more than one such person!

"Tickets will be issued immediately!"

The conductor immediately picked up the certificate and handled it.

promised that even if there is no ticket~~, he will be arranged in the cabin crew to catch this train and go home.

Lu Yu shook his head.

It has been peaceful for too long, the blood in many people's bones has long been wiped out, and it is impossible to imagine the scene when the war comes.

It is natural to think that if soldiers do not fight, the country is raising them for nothing.

But what about the actual situation?

There are border guards who guard the first line of defense in the motherland at all times, and give you a home for everyone!

There are firefighting soldiers. In the face of natural disasters, fires and earthquakes, they have launched rescue operations without fear of hardships and dangers. They left their lives and rushed to the front line. How many innocent lives have been saved?

Not to mention the battlefield, there are not a few martyrs killed in disaster relief operations every year!

Soldiers use the right to death in preference to others.

Then why should they not have priority over others in accordance with the law?

Are soldiers great?

Of course the soldiers are great!

Although the welfare of soldiers has been improved a lot, this has not been recognized by the public.

Chinese people will only blindly pursue celebrities, and they will be called Oppa when they see a beautiful boy.

Troubled soldiers save the country!

The prosperous actors have missed the country!

This is a kind of helplessness and a fact.

Lu Yu didn't belong to this world in the first place. He was powerless to change everything, so he could only be himself.

"Ding! Everything is inferior, only high school! The host has been detected to comprehend the belief of being a soldier! Set out for the country, fight for the country, **** battles, no regrets!"

"God-level reading system, changed to special forces reading assist system activated in advance, data scanning…"

A clear and sweet voice rang in my mind.

What the hell? ? ?

Is this asking me to be a soldier?

! ! ! !