Chapter 2: Lied To Me To Read 1000 Books

one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

Southeast Military Region.

Six army green trucks full of recruits drove slowly into the training camp square.

That's right, Lu Yu is here to serve!

Three days ago, after learning that the system **** had come, Lu Yu bought a ticket to Donghai City, submitted an application for enlistment, passed the recruit medical examination, and became a glorious soldier of the people.

got off the train, boarded the military vehicle, and saw the familiar faces.

Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang…

He realized that he came to the world where I am a special soldier!

The TV series of "I'm a Special Forces" series was very popular in his previous life, and it was almost a household name.

This is a pure military world!

There was no outbreak of a world war, no resident crisis, no aura recovery, science, and so on.

The whole world pattern is almost the same as the previous life.

Except for the occasional war in the Middle East and the US imperialism often setting off firecrackers at other people's homes, it is always peaceful and beautiful.

wont come up with a life worrying situation!

Speaking of the system.

He has a grievance and wants to complain…

It's been almost 10 years since he has been here. At first, the system told him that as long as he persisted in reading a thousand books, he could activate the god-level reading system and step onto the pinnacle of knowledge.

For this, Lu Yu will not hesitate to work tirelessly!

Hanging beams and stabbing stocks, reading every night.

From ancient and modern Chinese and foreign masterpieces to 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty, from high school textbooks, mathematics, physics and chemistry, to college calculus, to physical science and quantum computers for master's and doctoral studies…not to mention the knowledge of astronomy and geography. One hundred years, five hundred years later, the top ten modern young theorists!

and almost got the admission letter from Peking University.

As a result, this system…

Let him be a soldier?

said a good reading system!

Say it's good to go to the pinnacle of knowledge? !

I have finished reading nine hundred and ninety-six books. You just stepped on the horse and told me that this broken system can be activated in advance?

Ok… forget it!

But from a god-level reading system to a special forces reading assist system, what do you mean?

Lu Yu couldn't help grinning, you have a system, can you change attributes at will?

I really think I am the Monkey King, will 72 change?


In that case.

I still read so many books for Mao?

"Host, the book has its own golden house book, and its own Yan Ruyu, reading gains power, knowledge changes destiny!"

"Through reading and experiencing the knowledge and perception of the characters in the book, as long as the sense of substitution reaches 100%, you can use the merit points to exchange the skills and items in the book, whether it is a god-level reading system or a special forces reading assistance system, it is the same. Its just a different name."

"The door to reading has been opened for you. Just by reading books, you can acquire all kinds of incredible abilities and become an invincible special forces king…Host, please work hard!"

Lu Yu: "I believe in your evil! The Dogecoin system lied to me to read a thousand books. I might as well paddling and bubble girl paper when I have this time."

System: ""

Forget it.

Special forces are special forces!

In his previous life, being a soldier was a wish hidden in his heart, but for various reasons, he did not join the army.

This is a pity.

In this life, I can make up for this regret, and it is also a disguised realization of my military dream!

Soldiers defend their homes and the country, and blood is on the battlefield.

Never regret one's death!

is like the border guard who met at the station!

devoted all his blood to the motherland.

Since it was fate's arrangement, he had no choice but to accept it.

With a thought, opened the property panel.

A virtual interface similar to a game appeared in front of Lu Yu:

Host: Lu Yu

Age: 18

Position: New recruit rookie

Physique: 7 (10 for normal people, a rookie among normal people)

Strength: 7 (10 for normal people)

Speed: 8 (10 for normal people)

Merit: 0

Skill: None

Task: None

Looking at his various values, Lu Yu fell into deep thought.

The physical indicators of this picture are very poor, even ordinary people can't reach it.

Over the years, I have been patronizing the goal of reading a thousand books and rarely exercise!

Staying up all night to study, how good is your body?

Thinking of this, he despised the system again.

This pit b system is really unreliable!

System: (, )(Innocent face!)

Now that he has entered the barracks, improving his physical fitness is imminent!

Otherwise, it is difficult to survive the next training.

"Er Niu, wake up!"

Feeling the car stop, Lu Yu opened his eyes and patted Li Erniu who fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Let me sleep for a while."

This **** smashed his mouth a few times and turned over.

"Really a pig!"

Next to , Wang Yanbing whispered and got up and jumped out of the car.

"Er Niu, let's have dinner!"

Lu Yu smiled and leaned to Li Erniu's ear.

"What? It's cooked, where is it? Where is it?"

Li Erniu quickly opened his eyes and looked back around.

swept around and found that he was still in the car, he couldn't help but curl his lips: "Lu Yu, you lied to me?"

"I'm on the ground, get out of the car!"

Lu Yu pulled Li Erniu together and jumped out of the car.

On the square where the sun is like fire.

A group of recruits stood lazily, constantly looking at the barracks, pointing and pointing, everything seemed so curious.

Lu Yu looked up and saw the national flag flying on the flagpole and the flags surrounding the four marksman and six flying tigers, as if stained with blood, full of killing.

There is also the center of the square, the vigorous and powerful iron fist sculpture, as if moving forward, it seems to be able to punch a hole in the sky!

He took a deep breath, and his mind was dazed.

Iron Fist.


Seeing the army lineup up close, the rookie recruits were also shocked and speechless.

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

makes people so nervous that they dare not pant loudly!

A square-faced instructor with a straight body like a pine, looked at the rookies with a sneer, silently.

"Look at you one by one, stumbling, haven't you eaten enough?"

At this time, a black-faced Baogong came over, roaring like thunder.

He is the old black squad leader of the Iron Fist!

"Stop neatly for me within 30 seconds. If you can't stand upright or stand badly, the original troops will be returned and dealt with as deserters!"


The rookies awakened suddenly.

After a sparse noise, they lined up neatly.

Lu Yu followed the queue, standing behind the crowd.


"It was detected that the host arrived at the barracks~~ officially became a soldier of the people's army, and received a special reward: read a random book for free!"

Ok? Free withdrawal?

is the novice spree!

Lu Yu's eyes lit up.

According to this meaning, do not consume merit points, and directly extract skills and items after reading a book?

pit b system, finally did a decent thing!

Lu Yu geared up and couldn't wait to try it.

"Wait… This is the recruit camp, how can I have a book to read?"

Lu Yu looked a little discouraged when he thought of it.

This problem is really hard to solve!

He scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and suddenly his right hand touched the back pocket of his buttocks, and he touched a hard object, like a book.


I was at the station before, didnt I just buy the book? It's still a comic book, Marvel's "Captain Butt".

He quickly took out and took a look, it really was this one!

"Haha! The sky is endless. This book was originally used for waiting for the car, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now."

Lu Yu was full of beauty.

took advantage of the instructors not paying attention, immediately opened the comic book.

At the same time, relevant information about this book also emerged in his mind:

Title: "Captain Cocktail"

Type: Marvel

Level: Pinnacle

Sense of substitution: 0%

"Peak level? What the **** is this…don't care, just watch it first!"

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

Can you extract skill items from the book?

Just look at this one…

With the support of the system, the sense of substitution reached 100%, and Lu Yu quickly sank into reading.