Chapter 6: Reading Makes Me Happy

Old Hei fell down with a somersault, and the audience was silent.

was quiet for three seconds.

The atmosphere on the scene burst like boiling water!

"I'm not mistaken, am I? One of his recruits dismissed the old black?!"

"6666, real people don't show their faces! No soldiers recruited from the national track team, right?"

"That kid is terribly physically strong! The track team can't compare…"

"Not on one level, this result can break the world record in the Olympics!"

"Haha! Let these veterans bully us, let's somersault!!!"

All the recruits looked at Lu Yu, like gods.

Gong Jian swishes up from the chair.

Looking at Lu Yu, who was wiping sweat, a huge wave was set off in his heart!

These two people actually went around the training ground.

ran nearly 100 laps? ? ?

You need to know that this lap of the runway is 400 meters, and 100 laps are 40,000 meters, which is equal to 40 kilometers!

An international marathon is only 42.19 kilometers, which is equivalent to two people running a marathon.

Of course, after running a marathon, its nothing. There are 30 kilometers of armed cross-country in the army, so the old black will not be tired and paralyzed!

But because of his eagerness to win, Lao Hei was brought into Lu Yu's rhythm from the very beginning, running almost at his full strength without any physical strength.

is equal to a distance of 40 kilometers, and the two are sprinting at full force.

has been sprinting for an hour!

In the end, Lu Yu's strength was dragged down.

Tired and fainted!

Even the top marathon runners in the world dont dare to sprint all the way. This is completely suicidal.

Lao Hei persists until now, which is enough to show that his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

How abnormal is Lu Yu's physical fitness?

And looking at his appearance, it seems that he hasn't used all his strength at all, it is as easy and casual as running a thousand or two kilometers.

This physical fitness…

is so powerful that he dare not imagine it!

From birth to now, he has never seen such a terrifying soldier!

Lu Yu's future.

absolutely impossible to expect!

The seed of the military commander king!

"It's all right now. I am afraid that the entire military region will know about it. I originally wanted to hide this soldier for the Iron Fist. It's difficult now…"

Gong Jian smiled bitterly.

Lu Yu also stopped at this time.

Looking at the fainted old black, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but an arc.

This won?

There is really no challenge.

For the results of this extreme training.

He was not surprised at all.


If this can't be won, he can just find a piece of tofu and kill him!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, winning the first place in extreme training and rewarding 400 merit points."

The sound of the system made Lu Yu feel wonderful.

"Four hundred feats!"

Gong Jian ordered the health worker to take away the unconscious old black.

He was a little worried about Lao Hei, whether the next training would face the recruits, especially Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu… are you really a recruit? Why is your physical fitness so terrifying?"

Gong Jian looked at Lu Yu, shock still remained on his face.

"Instructor, I am an ordinary recruit. As for my good physical fitness, it should be the result of regular exercise."

Lu Yu answered neither humble nor overbearing.

Gong Jian nodded, this explanation can also be justified.

"You are outstanding! Of course, so are you two!"

Gong Jian smiled slightly, and also glanced at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

"You three physical abilities, the usual training is not suitable for you, take a good rest and wait for my special training!"

Under the leadership of each squad leader, the recruits walked to the cafeteria.

"You are amazing! How can I take it!"

He Chenguang gave Lu Yu a thumbs up.

"You guys haven't forgotten anything, right?"

Lu Yu narrowed his face with a smile.

He Chenguang suddenly patted his forehead.

"Brother Yu! You will be my brother from now on."

Lu Yu glanced at Wang Yanbing: "How about you?"

"I haven't forgotten, I would like to bet and lose! Brother Yu!"

Wang Yanbing is very bachelor, so he shouted.

"Brother Yu, don't forget me, I will mix with you in the future." Li Erniu recommended himself.

"Haha! Erniu, I will cover you in the future."

Extreme training consumes too much physical energy.

These recruits, as soon as they entered the canteen, they looked like wild wolves and began to gobble up.

After eating and drinking, they returned to the army dormitory one by one, slumped and fell asleep.

On the first day of the new barracks, they were exhausted, and the spirits were raised to face the next torture.

Night falls.

In the dormitory, one after another snoring sounded!

Lu Yu was lying on the bed, communicating with the system.

"System, what books can be extracted for 400 merits?"

"The minimum extraction requires 100 points of merit, and the host can extract four ordinary books."

"Normal level?"

Lu Yu raised his brows.

, thinking that the division of comic books in "Captain Ass" is the pinnacle level, so he asked: "How is this book level divided?"

"The system divides books and skill items into ordinary level, elite level, master level, grandmaster level, pinnacle level, handed down level, consummation level, and super **** level!"

"Different levels of extraction merits are different. For example, the lowest ordinary level requires only one hundred merits, while the highest super **** level requires over 100 million merit points to extract! Normal level books can only allow the host to extract common skills, super gods Grade books, allowing the host to speed up the super **** skills."

"The super soldier serum currently possessed by the host is an item extracted from the peak-level book "Captain Hips", belonging to the peak level!"

After listening to the systematic explanation, Lu Yu suddenly realized.

It seems that I was lucky, so I picked up a pinnacle book.

If it is an ordinary book~~ this free extraction opportunity is wasted!

"Then how do I gain merit?"

"Like today, this system publishes tasks and completes them to get corresponding merit rewards. The greater the impact, the more merit points will be. The system tasks are divided into passive tasks and active tasks!"

Lu Yu rubbed his chin. It seems that the system released today is an active task?

But, what is this passive task like?

"Also… can I cash out any book I read? Can e-books be available besides physical books?"

"No, only physical books!"


Lu Yu curled his lips. These four hundred feats were kept for the time being, and ordinary skills were not mentioned.

In this world of special forces, most of the common level skills are still in the category of recruits, but he is a man who wants to become the king of special forces. It is meaningless to come.

At least, it must be elite!

Even master or grandmaster skills!

Mastering the elite level skills can have a foothold in the army and become a leader.

And the master level skills can definitely make him comparable to the standard special forces. As for the master level, it is the proper level of the special forces king to run!

"I don't know, what kind of existence is this skill that is beyond the master level?"

Thinking of this, Lu Yu asked again: "How much merit does an elite skill require?"

"A thousand points!"

Lu Yu sighed.

Keep working hard!

Read more!

"I love reading, and reading makes me happy! If I don't read a day, I feel uncomfortable and flustered. The night without books is so lonely…"

Muttered, Lu Yu fell asleep and fell asleep.