Chapter 7: King Of Land Warfare


Early in the morning of the second day, the assembly whistle sounded quickly.

The recruits were assembled on the training ground on time.

After a while, under the surprised gaze of the recruits, the old black squad leader who was abandoned yesterday appeared magically on the training ground.

"Fuck it? It's actually the old black???"

"Didn't he get scrapped? He recovered so quickly?"

"Damn! The life of this old black squad leader is harder than Xiaoqiang!"

The recruits whispered for a while.

There are even a few bold ones, and the light from the corner of their eyes floats to Old Black from time to time.

Yesterday, I lost to Lu Yu in running. I lost my face in front of the whole group. I didn't expect to be alive and kicking again all night.

Old Hei's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, as he strode towards the meteor.

"Speak down, everyone, the monitor is here."

He Chenguang, the leader of the team, whispered.

Lao Hei walked, walking like flying!

can't see any signs of exhaustion yesterday.

Coming to the front of the team, Lao Hei's patrolling eyes glanced around, and then struck Lu Yu's face.

can't see any change in expression, as if yesterday hadn't happened.

Lu Yu looked at his nose, his nose at his heart, thinking about how to quickly obtain merit points, and he didn't even hear about the old black.

Old Hei's mouth twitched: "Smelly boy, dare you ignore yourself?"

dont really think that if you beat him, you think the world is invincible, right?

However, he did not target Lu Yu immediately.

His eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised a playful look.

"Wait! I'll show you something awesome today!"

Lao Hei snorted in his heart.

Let you recruits know.

Military camp is not a place to do whatever you want!

"Everyone has it, stand at attention!"

Old Hei shouted: "Tell me, do you know what you are going to do today?"

The recruits looked at each other and shook their heads.

"The training task given to you today is called courage training. Do you know what courage training is?"

Still no one speaks.

What Old Hei wants is this kind of effect. He said indifferently: "As new recruits, you were supposed to have the most basic regular training, exercises, standing military posture, cross-country running… But yesterday, some of you performed very well, I think, Conventional methods can't satisfy you, so just skip the previous steps and enter unconventional training."

Upon hearing this, the recruits had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

But after yesterday's lesson, no one dared to blame his teammates anymore, and they kept silent.

Seeing this, the old black nodded in satisfaction.

"Line up with me and go to the tank training ground."

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Old Hei, a group of rookies arrived at the tank training ground.

Looking at the steel behemoths painted in camouflage in front of them, they roared constantly, and excitement surged across everyone's faces.

It's the same thing to watch on TV. Only when you meet these big guys up close can you really feel its shock.

The oncoming sense of deterrence and oppression made the recruits involuntarily hold their breath and look straight.

Tank, known as the king of land warfare, this thing is more popular than any Ferrari!

After exploding any sports car or something.

do not accept explanation!


On the training ground, an armored main tank roared and stopped in front of the recruits.

Gong Jian got out of the tank, smiling at the recruits below: "How about? Is this guy handsome?"

The recruits looked excited, and replied uniformly: "Handsome!"

Looking at Gong Jian, they were full of envy.

This training, wont they be driving tanks?

Many people showed enthusiastic eyes.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are even more eager to try.

Even Li Erniu's eyes shine!

Only Lu Yu, squinted at the silly joy of a group of people, curled his lips.

"Handsome? You will cry later!"

This so-called courage training, others do not know what it is, but he knows it very well.

"Don't be afraid, everyone." Gong Jian said again.


Are you afraid of Mao?

What does the instructor mean…

Many people, the brain hasn't turned around yet.

"When you go to the battlefield in the future, you will inevitably have to contact this big guy and let you experience it for yourself. This is the most basic courage training! Old black."


"Show them a demonstration."


Old Hei ran forward, straightened his body, and stood on the path that the tank must pass.


What is this going to do?

The recruits looked at each other.

The smile on his face gradually solidified and disappeared…

"On the battlefield, the enemy's tanks won't be polite with you, you have to face up to the difficulties." Gong Jian raised his volume.


The armored tank roared and started, with a huge roar.

Between the operation of the two crawlers, there was a bang, a bang, and a rushing forward.


Is it…

The recruit's face turned pale in an instant.

showed horror, they realized what was going to happen next.

"The instructor is playing big now!"

"Killing, but going to a military court!"

In front of such a giant, someone really needs to stand on the opposite side, and it can be crushed into powder in an instant.

Seeing Old Hei's body, he was about to be crushed.


In a short shot, Old Hei leaned forward and pressed against the ground, holding his head in his hands and closing his feet tightly.


The tracks of the tank rolled over.

This scene seems like an elephant is about to crush an ant.

Fortunately, the ant got into the gap.

Lao Hei got up, patted the dust off his body, and vomited the sand from his mouth.

The recruits opened their mouths wide and slapped in admiration.

"See it clearly? Who will come first?"

Gong Jian asked with a smile.

"By the way, when you are lying down, don't move around casually. The driver is very skilled, but if you seek death by yourself, no one can save you!"

The scene was silent.

No one dares to try!

"No one dares? Yesterday, the old black squad leader said that you are a group of bear soldiers. Yesterday, you are really right~~ Look at all of you bears, all of them are gone?

Li Erniu stared at the tank and swallowed.

is not greedy, but scared!

"Ding! Trigger system missions and complete courage training."

Lu Yu was taken aback, and then he looked happy.

The system really released the task!

Its no more than drilling the tank once. Each tank has a certain height space at the bottom. As long as the lying posture and position are correct, the chance of survival is more than 99%.

The remaining 1% depends on the level of the driver!

"Task requirements: lie down on your back, open your eyes all the way! If the task is successful, 600 points of merit will be rewarded, and 300 points will be deducted for failure."

"Fuck! The system is **** me?"

Lu Yu trembled all over.

Closed his eyes, just like Lao Hei just now, simpler.

This cheating system actually makes him open his eyes?

Lu Yu suddenly lost his heart.

can be a system task, it must be completed!

What can he do?

600 points of merit, must also be obtained.

plus the 400 merits of yesterday, you can collect a thousand merits and complete an elite skill extraction!

"Report, I want to try."

Lu Yu called out.

Gong Jian looked at Lu Yu admiringly: "Okay, you outperformed Lao Hei yesterday and slapped us veterans in the face. Today you are the first one again. I look forward to your performance."

"Report, I will go too!"

He Chenguang also stood up.

He already regards Lu Yu as his goal.

"Okay, you two are together."

Gong Jian's mouth curled up.

This new recruit is getting more and more interesting!

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