Chapter 12: Absolute Shot

A bang, the bullet hits the bullseye.

Bang, the next second shot!

also shot in the bullseye.

But the distance from the first point is slightly offset, and there is no legendary link of the same point.

The third shot!

4th shot!

Lu Yu shot out one after another, almost without stopping.

The action is smooth and flowing, all in one go.

"Damn, is this kid playing so fast?"

Lao Hei frowned slightly, looking at Lu Yu's proficiency in shooting, it was not like the first time he took a gun!

shook his head, disappointment flashed across his face: "I hit so fast, I don't know if I press the gun, the bullet can't be aimed at all, I'm a novice, I can't run away."

After ten bursts of fire, Lu Yu threw away the gun and got up from the ground.

Don't look at it, he knows his grades.

This is the confidence brought by elite marksmanship!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for completing an elite shooting for the first time, and getting 800 meritorious rewards!"

Lu Yu was taken aback. He didn't expect that the system would give rewards for completing the elite shooting?

But, it feels really good!

Eight hundred feats were made.

He was full of beauty.

"Lu Yu, I asked you to shoot well, what did you just hit indiscriminately?" Old Hei asked calmly.

"I didn't shoot randomly."

Lu Yu has an innocent expression on his face.

"Hmph, just like your style of play just now, the bullets are all flying up to the sky, I can have a sixty ring with your last name."

Lu Yu grinned: "Hey, squad leader, I don't want to take advantage of you. I don't need to have my last name. I don't have such an older son."


The old black face turned black.

This kid, deliberately **** him off, right?

"Report it, just as we just said, I'm still waiting for the monitor to invite dinner." Lu Yu urged with a smile.

The old black is speechless.

Where is he so confident?

"Hmph, I see you, I can't cry without the coffin… Hey?"

Old Hei raised his binoculars, trying to make Lu Yu lose thoroughly.

As a result, as soon as he looked over, the expression on his face stiffened and his voice stopped abruptly.

seemed incredible, rubbed his eyes, fixed his eyes and looked carefully, but there was still no change.

The atmosphere was silent for a second or two.

The crowd also discovered that Lao Hei looked wrong.

"what happened?"

"Is the results so bad that the old black can't bear to announce it?"

"I won't even have 60 rings…"

Everyone whispered.

Only Lu Yu, who was the party involved, looked at the old black with a smile on his face, and said nothing.

Finally, Lao Hei put down the binoculars, glanced at Lu Yu with complicated eyes, pointed forward, took a deep breath and said, "Bring Lu Yu's target here."

"Yes, the idea of , the idea of , take No. 16 to come and review."

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang looked at each other, somewhat puzzled.

Soon, Lu Yubazi took it over.

Lao Hei glanced, and sure enough, it was the same as what he had seen in the telescope.

But still couldn't help his pupils shrinking slightly, and my heart was shocked.

"Guess how much Yu brother hit?"

Wang Yanbing leaned over and asked in a low voice.

He Chenguang looked serious, and shook his head: "It's hard to say."

After all, when looking at their targets, Lao Hei never showed such an expression.

Moreover, he observed that the moment Lu Yu touched the gun and shot, his whole body was very sharp, and he looked like the king of the world!

The same aura, only seen in his grandfather who is the commander of the military region, which shocked He Chenguang.

Lu Yu's changes, he can't see through, can't understand…

"Er Niu, let everyone see."

Old Darkness sighed secretly, and ordered Li Erniu.

Li Erniu was the closest, and immediately saw the situation on the target, staring a pair of bull's eyes.

However, he didn't feel any surprise. Instead, he raised the target happily, as if he was honored to have won.

Bazi is so close at hand, it is impossible for everyone to see clearly.

The bullet holes arranged on the top made everyone gasp: "Hiss!"

I saw that on the red heart of the target, ten white bullet holes were arranged neatly and regularly to form a standard circle.

A group of people opened their mouths wide, looking at Lu Yu's eyes like a ghost!

"Fuck! The bullet makes a circle? God man!"

"I am a ruthless man, I admit that I can't draw such a round circle with my hands."

"Compared with him, I feel like a scum…"

"The physique is abnormal, and the marksmanship is so awesome! He was sent from heaven to **** us off purposely?"

"I lost twice in a row, ask for the psychological shadow area of the old black squad leader."

The recruits marveled again and again, and they had already classified Lu Yu among the non-human beings.

Has anyone seen a recruit hit a hundred rings when he touched a gun?

Moreover, tm actually used a bullet to make a circle, which must be deliberately annoying.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Lu Yu's marksmanship is so powerful that it is incredible.

The two of them completely lost their comparability!

Soon, there was a burst of applause.

From this moment, in the hearts of everyone, Lu Yu has become an unclimbable mountain, and it exists like admiration!

"Have you really never touched a gun before?"

Lao Hei still asked in disbelief.

"No, this is my first time."

Lu Yu nodded earnestly: "If I insist, I played with toy guns when I was a kid. I wonder if this counts?"

Old Hei's mouth twitched, if he can practice marksmanship with a toy gun, then he, a veteran of all battles, might as well look for fast tofu and kill him, he can't afford to lose that person!

But from Lu Yu's words, he also heard that it was indeed the first time the other party had shot.

But this result is even more incredible!

The distance between each hole on Lu Yu's target is evenly distributed. From the experience of his veteran, he can see that even with a ruler, the distance is equal.

This terrifying body control power shows that the opponent's grasp of the ballistic trajectory and shooting angle is completely nuanced and achieves absolute precision control. It cannot be played by luck.

Except for genius, he really couldn't find a suitable word for Lu Yu!

But I just praised him~~ He Chenguang is the best soldier he has brought, and as a result, Lu Yu came to hit him in the face.

The old black swallowed speechlessly, and faced the gaze of the recruits, he coughed slightly, "Lu Yu, your performance is very good. It is far beyond my expectation. You are the best soldier I have ever brought…"


The recruits cast contemptuous eyes.

Uh… Old Black touched his nose awkwardly.

Blame me?

How do I know this kid is so perverted!

The baby feels bitter, but the baby does not say.

No one cares about him.

The recruits were all around Lu Yu, talking about each other.

Upon seeing this, Lao Hei shook his head and smiled bitterly. This kid was so quick to gain popular support, even his squad leader was abandoned.

"Brother Yu, have you really never learned how to shoot a gun?"

Li Erniu was curious about the baby, so he came over and asked.

"Who said I never studied?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes: "I haven't studied before, can I get such a good result? It took me a lot of effort to learn!"

Upon hearing this, Lao Hei finally found the topic, inserted into the recruits with a cheeky face, and asked in confusion, "Didn't you just say that this is your first time shooting?"

Lu Yu blinked: "Yeah, I didn't lie to you. This is the first time I shot a gun."

"Then why…" Old Hei was even more puzzled.

Lu Yu turned out the "Simon Sharpshooter" he had just read.

threw him an idiot look, and said solemnly: "Didn't I say it? I read and learned just now."

Old Black: ""

Li Erniu: ""

Everyone: "…"

Other fighters: "???"