Chapter 13: Special Forces Brigade

Just as a group of recruits were conducting shooting training in full swing, they didn't know their every move, and they had already fallen into the eyes of two caring people.

A small hill outside the shooting range.

Chen Shanlin drove a military jeep, drove Fan Tianlei to the foot of the mountain, and parked the car.

The two men raised their binoculars and stood on the hillside to capture all the training of the recruits.

"Haha, this soldier is not bad, but yesterday you told me that the recruit who smashed the old black?"

Fan Tianlei smiled from ear to ear, and looked at Lu Yu's impressive performance on the shooting range.

Originally, he came here specially to see the performance of the three soldiers he had specially recruited.

I didn't expect that there was unexpected joy!

"Yes, it's him."

Chen Shanming smiled and nodded: "This kid is called Lu Yu. When we recruited him into the army, he also got the admission notice from Peking University. I don't know what this kid thought. He actually gave up studying at Peking University and came to serve as a soldier."

"Oh? Still a top student?"

Fan Tianlei was surprised, and his smile became stronger:

"Our soldiers must not only have a strong military quality, but also have an education level. Modern individual combat depends on brain and technology, and neither of them is indispensable. This kid has the advantages that others do not have, and it is even more precious! A little training is absolutely necessary. Can become the king of the future soldiers."

"The other three are also good seedlings of special forces. Let me watch them together. The soldiers required by my special operations brigade can't run!"

Chen Shanming laughed and said, "Chief of Staff, are you too impatient? The training of recruits is not over yet, and you have to be known by Captain Kang. You may have to fight us hard for your idea of hitting his soldiers."

Fan Tianlei rolled his eyes: "You have said that, but Lao Kang discovered that such a good soldier with both civil and military skills, can I still fool around?"

"Hey, that's what I said."

Chen Shanming knows the grudge between these two.

"Three months later, didnt we have a military exercise with the Iron Fist against the Red and Blue Army? Seeing how this kid behaves, if he really is the seed of a future soldier, even if I save my face, I have to personally ask Lao Kang. people!"

Fan Tianlei sighed helplessly. For the trump card of Lu Yu, he had to cheat that old friend again.

determined the whereabouts of Lu Yu New Barracks after training.

As if they were thieves, they picked up their telescopes and looked at the shooting training ground.

on the training ground.

The elites of the various units are training hard in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"I read books and learned!"

As soon as Lu Yu spoke, the atmosphere fell into strange silence.

This sentence seems to be magical.

Everyone on the scene opened their eyes wide.

It seems that one by one is being used to fix the body, like a mud-carved wood plastic, staring at Lu Yu~~ Can you learn marksmanship?

From a little white who had never touched a gun, after reading a book, he became a sharpshooter with a hundred shots? ? ?


We are new recruits, but we are not idiots!

tease me? !

Lao Hei's face was full of black lines, and he tugged at the corner of his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't utter a word when he reached his mouth.

As if being pinched by someone's throat, like a swallow, it has never been so uncomfortable.

Which **** said, it's so shallow on paper?

I believe in your evil!

It is said that good practice brings out the truth, but when it comes to Lu Yu, why is it not useful?

In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, Lu Yu really lied and deceived people. It was not the first time he played with a gun.

But with ten shots and ten rings, and a circle drawn on target, shouldn't the sand sculpture protagonist in the novel have this style?

Even if they call out the best special forces in their regiment, they will fire ten shots without panting.

Don't talk about making a circle, the bullets will go to heaven!

Is it reading a book.

Can you really practice marksmanship?

In the future, let the instructor send a book to the recruits, telling them that you must start with the textbook first!

Old Hei is a little bit suspicious of his worldview.

obviously doesn't work!

"Squad leader, what you have said should count!"

Lu Yu didn't care what Old Hei thought, he squinted and leaned over.


Lao Hei sighed long, his face was full of sadness.

Yesterday, I lost the extreme long-distance race to this kid, and today I lost the betting contract and was beaten by Lu Yuhang twice.

How come in this kid's hands, he always suffers?

What you can say is like splashing water!

He was a veteran who lost to a recruit, but he didn't get a good reputation. If he ransacked on the bill, then he wouldn't have to be in the army.

It seems that tonight is destined to be bleeding!

After the training was over, the old black simply called He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and Lu Yu together.

The four of them are the best among the recruits.

The old black is willing to bet and lose, and he is willing to spend the money. You can't favor one another, and just invite it together.

In the envious eyes of other recruits, Lu Yu and the four followed Lao Hei to the cadre canteen.

These days, I eat big pot rice in the cafeteria, and the taste is really unflattering.

There was a chance to have a good meal, Lu Yu and the others immediately ordered a large table of dishes, and they were not at all polite.

Especially Comrade Li Erniu, it is really incredible.

Hearing the squad leaders treat, he opened his stomach happily, and the little old black heart trembled…

stubbornly dragging his shriveled wallet~~A face, which is darker than a black charcoal!

5555, this recruit is too difficult to bring!

I am so difficult.

Time flies like a white horse, gone forever.

The recruiting period of more than two months passed in a flash!

As the final assessment time approaches, the recruit training is also coming to an end.

Lu Yu's performance over the past two months has completely conquered others, and He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing have no temper.

At the beginning, the two of them wanted to compete, but every time there was training, Lu Yu got the first place every time, which also let them understand how far they are from Lu Yu.

In the past two months, Lu Yus merits have not increased much, and barely accumulated to 3,100 points. According to the system, the same training task will only reduce the merits in order.

To put it bluntly, it just needs a new task to stimulate.

Accumulating three thousand merits, Lu Yu was not in a hurry to withdraw cash. If there is no accident, there will be an exercise confrontation after the recruit training is over.

But Lu Yu didn't take time off either. He usually ran to the library if he had nothing to do.

There are no hard and fast rules in the system.

Now, he can read the book thoroughly in advance and just exchange it directly.

Eliminate the steps of reading and increase work efficiency.

Cool and crooked!

Of course, even if the system does not approve this method, he has read the book he wants to read beforehand, and rereading it again will shorten a lot of time.

Recruit training, only the last week is left.

Next month, the four marksman will be selected.

This is how the new recruits are struggling, and the company that wants to enter has been training harder.