Chapter 15: Special Skill: Read The Book 0 Times

"I'm going, is this still a recruit? Special forces are not so awesome!"

"I have been a soldier for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who can get the first place in the assessment. Our regiment has picked up the treasure this time!"

"It's He Zhijun from Wolfyao Team. He didn't have such a performance more than ten years ago…"

Lu Yu's amazing record also stunned the company commanders of the various regiments and battalions who came to visit the assessment.

The other recruits were completely desperate.

Although they worked very hard, as long as Lu Yu and He Chenguang were there, the threshold of the sharpshooter's four companies seemed unattainable.

No one is jealous. Lu Yu relies on his strength and only worships the strong in the army. They are convinced.

"Instructor, Lu Yu took the first place again." Old Hei smiled.

Gong Jian also stared at Lu Yu's figure, nodding in admiration: "This kid is a natural soldier! His performance is one of the best in the military area."

"Fortunately, it is a soldier of our Iron Fist. He has entered the Sharpshooter Fourth Company. There should be no problem."

"There is one final assessment. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the result is not known until the last minute!"

Gong Jian turned around: "Okay, I'll go to the shooting range, and I will bring people over after the assessment here."


Three o'clock in the afternoon, shooting range.

The last item of all assessments today

Live shooting!

"Instructor, it's very windy today?"

Looking at the grey weather, the old black frowned.

Gong Jian took out a piece of paper and stood it up in mid-air. It was screamed by the wind, "It's really not the time, what did you just want to say?"

"Uh, nothing."

Old Hei opened his mouth, then shook his head.

He wanted to say, the wind is too strong, this weather is not suitable for shooting.

The impact of wind speed on the trajectory is very serious, even a sharpshooter, in this kind of weather, the level is greatly reduced.

"Start shooting!"


Old Hei turned to the team and said loudly: "Today is very windy, it's a good weather for shooting! Do you know why I say that? As a powerful sharpshooter, you have to deal with such emergencies at any time and get on the battlefield , The enemy will not be merciful because of the wind. Okay, I now announce the start of the shooting assessment…"

"The first group, Lu Yu, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu are ready!"

The four walked into the shooting range one by one.

"Stand up! Turn left and right."

"Prone bullet."

Pull up the gun, go forward and lie down, lie on the shooting position, adjust the shooting posture, and do it in one go!

"Remove the insurance, and prepare"

Click, click!

Insurance is on.

Lu Yu is holding a 88-style sniper rifle.

looked at the target ahead through the scope, calmly and adjusted the state to the best level.

"Shoot yourself!"

bang bang bang.

The crisp shots continued to sound.

After shooting, the old black picked up the walkie-talkie and motioned to Biaohao to report the target.

"0 ring, miss the target!"


The old black face was full of black question marks.

thought that the reporter had reported an error, picked up the binoculars and looked at it, his expression changed, and his expression changed completely incredible: "Lu Yu, what are you doing? How come you hit the 0 ring, no matter how strong the wind is, you won't miss the target at your level!

Gong Jian also came over, frowned tightly, took the binoculars, and saw that there were indeed no bullet marks on the target. He hated iron and shook his head.

"Report, I think using this gun to shoot targets is a bit too pediatric."

What do you mean?

Lao Hei and Gong Jian were taken aback.

"Lu Yu, if you missed it, you missed it. Is this your excuse for yourself?" Gong Jian frowned slightly.

"I didn't make an excuse."

Lu Yu had an innocent expression on his face, pointing his finger at a flag on the hillside in the distance, and said solemnly: "I thought you let me play that stuff!"


Quickly looking in the direction of Lu Yu's finger, the expressions of the two changed.

"You said you hit the flag?"

Gong Jian and Lao Hei are unbelievable.


Lu Yu looked puzzled: "What's the problem?"


The two looked at each other speechlessly, and again picked up the telescope and looked at the flag on the hillside.

As expected, the flag on the 800-meter hillside was shot out.

"Really? I'm going, in this spooky weather, bullets beyond 600 meters will have to fly into the sky. Can your 800 meters hit the flag?" Lao Hei shook his head in wonder, looking at Lu Yu, he didn't know what to say.

"You can shoot another shot."


Lu Yu lowered his head to aim, stopped for less than a second, and pulled the trigger.

"Huh? Lingqi is still there, is it inaccurate?"

Lao Hei aimed at the telescope, disappointed.

It seems just luck just now. No matter how good Lu Yu's shooting talent is, it is impossible to hit the flag twice in a row under such extreme weather.

Otherwise, it would be too anti-human!

"Ahem…not 800 meters, but 1,000 meters."

Lu Yu is weak and weak to add.


Old Hei wanted to explode a swear word.

took a deep breath and quickly moved the binoculars to look a thousand meters away.

"What is your kid doing? It's not even 1,000 meters…"

However, before I finished speaking, I suddenly noticed a mysterious object floating in the telescope's field of view.

Lao He was stunned, quickly zoomed in, took a closer look, and gasped.

One kilometer distance!

The effective range of the 88-style sniper rifle is exceeded.

Type 88 sniper rifle, effective range of 800 meters! Over 800 meters, the hit rate in the case of a burst shot is only 45%. In addition to the windy weather, the hit rate of 1000 meters is less than 5%, and the lethality is doubled.

But… what did he see? ? ?

is not the flag, but the knot of the flag, Lu Yu never aimed at the flagpole.

One thousand meters away in the sky, I saw a red flag fluttering in the wind, like a dancing butterfly, happily shuttled between the blue sky and white clouds.

The knot was broken and the flag flew into the sky.

Old Hei was messy in the wind…

The assessment is over.

means that everyone's recruiting career is over.

Next ~~ is to swear under the military banner, their military career officially begins.

Lu Yu, without any surprise, won the first place in the assessment of recruits in the military region.

The recruits were not dissatisfied with Lu Yu's first place in all subjects, and even took it for granted.

Including the commanders of the regiments and battalions who came to inspect, they were all convinced, thinking that the future of this soldier was unlimited.

As the representative of recruits, Lu Yu is in full swing and his name spread throughout the military area.

It is worth mentioning that after winning the first place in the assessment this time, the system does not reward merit points, but immediately comes with a special skill!

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations to the host, for acquiring the skill of reading a hundred times!"

"Reading a book a hundred times: As the saying goes, reading a book a hundred times, it is self-conscious. The host only needs to use this skill to trigger the function of reading a book a hundred times, and improve the original skill and item level.

"Fuck it? This is a beefy batch!"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Lu Yu's whole body refreshed and he was overjoyed.

Upgrading the original skill level means that his strength will be improved.

I originally wanted to obtain higher skills, and I needed to pay more merits. One thousand points of merit can only be exchanged for elite skills. Five thousand points are master-level, grandmaster-level, and even more terrifying fifty thousand!

The current merits are still far from the master level withdrawing cash. I dont know if I wait until the year of the monkey.

With this skill, you can upgrade.

For example, marksmanship!

Reach the master or grandmaster level.

Guns are deadly, and the killing power is even more amazing!

hit rate is also higher.

"The elite-level marksmanship is so powerful. If you reach the master level or the grandmaster level, how strong will it be?"

Lu Yu looked forward to it very much.