Chapter 14: Sharpshooter 4 Consecutive Selection

With the final assessment period, it is getting closer and closer.

In addition to hard training, everyone is also in a state of intense preparation.

Sharpshooter Four Company, is the most mysterious and powerful ace company in the Iron Fist. It can be said to be the elite of the elite, and it is also the most desirable place for the recruits.

If you can enter the Sharpshooter Fourth Company, it will prove that you are the best soldier and can be better trained.

In the legend, a soldier is drawn randomly from the fourth company, and they are all first-class sharpshooters.

However, the annual enrollment quota is very limited. For these few quotas, everyone has paid a lot of money!

The most prominent ones are He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing. In order to compete for places, they have worked harder than anyone in training. Even Li Erniu has improved a lot and achieved great results.

Among the crowd, it seems that only Lu Yu is an exception.

In addition to gaining merit, he is not interested in the glory of entering the four consecutive marksman.

Now he has a good shooting technique, but he has no weapons to take advantage of it.

Although Sharpshooter Four Company has a lot of good guns, 88-style sniper rifle, 95 semi-automatic rifle, 92-style pistol…but it still needs to be considered if he is really allowed to go to Fourth Company.

"Every year, the four companies of sharpshooters compete fiercely. Only the top soldiers among you will have the chance to be selected! Therefore, on the last day of your training, we will conduct a pull training assessment, and your performance will determine Your company."

On this day, Lao Hei and the instructor Gong Jian were responsible for gathering the rookies on the field training camp for training.

"Rookies, tell me, do you want to get into the Four Strands of Sharpshooter?"

"miss you!"

The recruits had firm eyes and an unusually loud voice.

In the past two months, they have been reborn, as if they exposed wild little leopards.

But in the crowd, there is a person absent-minded, looking at the sky and wandering away!

The sharp-eyed Gong Jian frowned, his gaze fell on Lu Yu, and he secretly said, "This kid is usually more active than anyone else. Why is he not waking up now? It's the last juncture, there won't be any moth Right?"

However, an excellent soldier like Lu Yu can definitely be an elite of the elite as long as he is trained a little!

This kind of person, can they really keep the Iron Fist?

Gong Jian fell silent…

And at this moment, Lu Yu is thinking about a very serious question.

The Fourth Company of Sharpshooter turned out to be the ace company of the Iron Fist. Normal training must be harder. If he joins the Fourth Company of Sharpshooter, wouldn't he have no time to read?

This is no good! You can skip meals and sleep, but you can't stop reading for a day.

"I am such a person who loves to study. If I can't read, what is the difference from Xianyu?"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with a faint sadness on her delicate face.

For the future military career, Lu Yu has a clear plan in mind.

The requirement of the system is to make him the strongest special forces king, so everything must start with special forces.

The first small goal, of course, is to join the special forces. Although the Sharpshooter Four Company is powerful, it is still far from the special forces!

For him, it is not even a stepping stone to achieve a goal, so naturally there is no need to pay attention.

And as far as he knows, the red blood cell selection of the special operations brigade is imminent, this is where he should go.

Lu Yu had a bitter face, and he blamed him for being so popular these days. How could such a good self escape the four consecutive selections of sharpshooters?

"Hey, the pretense is too full, I can't take it back now… Is it impossible for me to release the water?"

Lu Yu finally realized that being excellent is also a trouble!

However, it is definitely not good to put water, this is not his style.

Besides, both Lao Hei and Gong Jian are like Ming Jing in their hearts. They really want to make their grades worse. They will not spare him the first time.

At present, it seems that I can only go all out, and I must get the first place in the team!

The winner will have the right to choose.

"I love reading, reading is my life, no one can stop me from studying!"

After making a decision, Lu Yuxin relaxed, and took out a book from his trouser pocket, looking beautiful.

The last week also passed quickly.

The end of the day of training.

Lao Hei allows everyone to move around freely and have ample preparation time.

Lu Yu had nothing to do after training. When he returned to the dormitory, he saw Li Erniu peeling potatoes.

I remember that Li Erniu was in a company. It seemed that he was in the cooking class. I didn't expect this guy to be so self-conscious and start to exercise himself now?

Lu Yu walked over, watching Li Erniu feel unhappy, and he also understood how he felt.

Although after more than two months of training, his various achievements have developed towards excellent levels, but there is still a lot of gap between the two top soldiers He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing!

is even more incomparable with Lu Yu, resulting in Li Erniu's lack of self-confidence and a very depressed mood these past two days.

There is a hurdle in my heart, I can only rely on my own thinking to understand that what Lu Yu can do is to help him when it is critical.

Looking at the two large buckets full of potatoes, Lu Yu shook his head. What time does it have to scrape?

"Brother Yu, you are here!"

Li Erniu looked up and found Lu Yu, and at the same time he took out a small potato from the water, brushed the blade a few times, the cold light flashed, the potato was peeled smoothly.

"Er Niu, your sword skills are very slippery."

Lu Yu opened his eyes.

Li Erniu smiled shyly: "Brother Yu, UU reading, but I have a second-level cook certificate. Although I am not as good as you in training, you are not as strong as you in culinary skills. Knife skills are only the most basic. Yes… By the way, I will still keep dogs, and I wont be able to go to Four of the Sharpshooters. Its okay to assign me a specialty for training military dogs!"

Ok? Military dog profession?

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, and suddenly he thought of something.

After the selection and assessment of the sharpshooter's fourth company is over, the next step is to face the red and blue forces of the Iron Fist Regiment and the Spike Special Forces against military exercises.

This exercise is the top priority!

is also a turning point in the fate of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing.

If you want to enter the Spike Special Forces Brigade and become a member of the red blood cell, you must prepare early.

Finally, everyone is looking forward to it.

The last day of recruit training, as promised!

The selection of marksman's four consecutive companies officially began.

The assessment is divided into several items.

Mountain armed cross-country, blindfolded disassembly and assembly of firearms, 400-meter obstacle race, high posture sideways and forward, live ammunition and so on.

From the beginning of the armed cross-country, Lu Yu always maintained the first place, followed by He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, in the second echelon, struggling to catch up.

Li Erniu was alone in the third echelon, ahead of the other recruits.

Although the remaining group of people wanted to catch up, they found that they were not physically strong, and they were chaotically caught up in the rhythm. They didn't run a few steps and were panting, and they fell behind to eat ashes.

Various assessments are being carried out in full swing.

"Lu Yu, first in armed off-road!"

"Lu Yu, first in rock climbing!"

"Lu Yu, it takes the shortest time to disassemble the gun, first!"

"Lu Yu, 400 meters obstacle pass, first!"

Without exception, in these projects, Lu Yu always took the lead.

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