Chapter 20: Grand Master Firearms

Gao Shiwei shined the target in front of Lu Yu, and smiled slightly: "Private soldier, tell me, are you still confident now?"


Lu Yu's mouth twitched, his face still full of confidence.

"Oh? Then I want to see, what kind of surprise you can give me!" Gao Shiwei looked at him in surprise, wondering where Lu Yu's confidence came from.

"Go get ready!"


Many people think Lu Yu is too crazy.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

, he is a sharpshooter with a company of guards and a champion in the military shooting competition.

Even if you are a recruit, even if you have the strength, you can hit a hundred rings at most. Compared with Lu Chong hitting a straight line on the target, he still loses.

Lu Yu walked over and picked up the gun.

didn't care about the opinions of the people at the scene.

fell to the ground in a prone position, he turned on the system for the first time, and read the special skill book he obtained last time a hundred times, which happened to come in handy at this time.

"System, use read books a hundred times to upgrade modern firearms!"

He said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Obtain the host authority, trigger the reading function a hundred times, modern firearms technology is being upgraded…"

Suddenly, a bright light spread out on the entire attribute panel, a small book mark that was read a hundred times, and a number of +100 broke out.

All the light at the end dissipated on Lu Yu.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the modern firearms technology has been upgraded, and the master-level firearms knowledge is obtained, the master-level thousand-step piercing headshot sniper technique, the master-level sniper camouflage hidden, and the master-level gunfighting.

Lu Yu only felt a shock all over his body.

A sense of comfort came out spontaneously!

Especially the spiritual senses, I have a deeper understanding of the previous perceptions of elite sniper and gun fighting skills.

Actually, it is a master-level firearms technique?

From the elite level to the grandmaster level!

What is the Grand Master? That is in a certain skill, it has reached the level of starting a school, and it is extraordinary.

According to his understanding, according to the classification of the system level, in this special forces world, most recruits only master the ordinary skills, and then they are at the elite level, the master level, and then to the grandmaster level!

And the elite level skills he has mastered are already among the best in the army, and he has become a master-level skill, which is definitely a standard special forces level. As for the master level skills, it is comparable to the level of special forces king.

"Grandmaster-level firearms, even if you look at the entire military region and even the whole country, no one can match it, and it can shine in the world's special forces!"

Lu Yu is full of confidence. With his current strength, he can definitely create a stronger record by going to the assessment.

What to draw a straight line, to make a circle, are all leftovers from his previous play, too pediatric!

Holding the gun in his hand, Lu Yu felt that he was the master of the battlefield. With just one bullet, he could turn into a **** of death.

There is almost no need to aim. Grandmaster-level shooting skills have already given him muscle memory, and he knows which angle the bullet should be shot from only by feeling.


At this time, the whistleblower gave instructions.

Without hesitation, Lu Yu pulled the trigger for the first time.


"Ten Rings!"

bang bang bang…

He almost finished the remaining nine shots in one breath.

Throwing down the gun, Lu Yu knew his achievements without having to look at it.

But what is surprising is that the voice of the target person on the opposite side did not sound again, as if all the remaining nine shots were missed.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Only one ten ring?"

The people present looked at each other and looked confused.

"Report the number!" Gao Shiwei frowned.

"Report, ten rings!"

"I mean the total."

"The total… is ten rings!"

The soldier reporting the target was covered with cold sweat.

He thinks this thing is really strange!

Ten rings, just call a soldier to come and fight, is it higher than this? Having been a soldier for so many years, I have never seen a worse result than this.

Hearing the sound, everyone present widened their eyes in disbelief.

"Ten rings? Did I get it wrong?"

"This is probably the worst record in the entire military district, right? How did he do it?"

"I thought this kid was a dragon, but I didn't expect it to be a bug!"

hit ten rings, this guy is going to be famous in the whole army.


In the crowd, Gong Jian and Lao Hei had this idea at the same time.

Lu Yus recruits have achieved outstanding performance in special training. They are obvious to all. Even if this kid is playing with his eyes closed, he cannot have only ten rings!

"What's the matter? Did you make a mistake in reporting the target?"

Gao Shiwei glanced at Lu Yu and asked.

"Report, there is nothing wrong! It is ten rings, only one bullet hit the bullseye, and all others missed the target."

Gao Shiwei frowned, picked up the telescope, looked at Lu Yu's target, and then his expression changed.

"Quick! Get me the bazi!"


Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand what to do.

There is still no change?

The target was taken over.

Gao Shiwei hurriedly stepped forward and took a closer look in front of his eyes.

reached out his hand again, touched the only bullet hole, his face changed one after another, and finally turned into a shock.

"Ten Sons Link!"

"This is… Ten Sons Link!"


The officials who followed Gao Shiwei's face all changed their faces, full of horror and amazement.

Ten sons series!

, as the name suggests, are ten bullets passing through the same bullet hole.

But this level of difficulty is almost a metamorphosis level. No one can shoot at this level even if the sharpshooter is four in a row.


There is no sound around.

There was no movement.

The crowd only swallowed constantly…

Ten Sons Link~~ They have just heard of it, and they have never seen anyone type it.

In this world, there really are people with this level of marksmanship?

Lu Yu was not surprised by this result.

Ten bullets, all falling on the same spot, this is the horror brought about by Grandmaster shooting.


A group of people immediately gathered to see what happened.

"It's really a chain of ten!"

"Gosh, did someone really shoot this kind of marksmanship?"

"Leader Kang, your regiment has cultivated a good soldier…"

Faced with the compliments of everyone, Master Kong smiled, but he secretly relieved.

so close!

Just now, he was scared to death. If he really made a ten ring, then he would have to cover his face and walk away when he saw people.

Can't afford to lose this person!

Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

The soldiers of the iron fist group below cheered enthusiastically.

Lu Yu is a soldier of the Iron Fist Group, and this glory belongs to their Iron Fist Group.

Lu Chong opened his mouth in shock, looking at Lu Yu incredulously.

I thought I was going to win, but I didn't expect that a recruit from the other side would actually be able to play a series of ten sons, and he was convinced of the loss.

The Ten Sons Link can't be played out by luck alone, indicating that Lu Yu's marksmanship is better than him.

"Okay! Okay! I didn't expect to find a super sharpshooter today. The next time the national military region compares, see who dares to underestimate our Southeast Military Region."

Gao Shiwei laughed and was very happy.

Many people looked at Lu Yu, full of envy.

They knew that Lu Yu's military career would be bright as long as there were no problems of principle!