Chapter 33: Is The Dog Chasing? Wait Until I Finish Reading The Book

Blue Command.

Fan Tianlei walked back and forth anxiously.

"Isn't it just four soldiers? They definitely won't be able to run far, and they will be caught back soon. Do you need to be so anxious?" Chen Shanming kindly reminded.

"You tell me, the army dog has been looking for a day without even catching a personal image. This is very fast?" Fan Tianlei glared at him.

"Four little boys, how big a wave can they make? Now, our entire Blues are hunting them down."

Chen Shanming smiled confidently: "They didn't eat or drink, and they were chased around for a day. I believe they will soon be unable to withstand it and will surrender! I think you don't bother yourself."


Fan Tianlei said decisively: "He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu were three of them. I personally selected them. I know the dispositions of these three people. I will never give up easily! And… the most terrifying thing is that Lu Yu."

"This kid, I have never been able to see through, and the wicked way is very, as if knows our actions well. If I don't catch him for a minute, I won't be able to feel at ease for a moment… Keep the notice, increase the search effort, before dawn tomorrow They must be caught! I still don't believe it, can these four little guys go to heaven or not?" Fan Tianlei shouted.

The Blues mobilized all the army dogs to attack!

The mountains and plains are full of people, and the soldiers barking constantly, hunting down Lu Yu.

at dusk.

Li Erniu suddenly got excited, got up from the top of the pit, and looked around: "Did you hear any sound?"

"Where is the sound?"

Wang Yanbing screamed, "Er Niu, are you dreaming?"

"No, it's the barking of dogs, just like in our village… Army dogs are chasing them again!" Li Erniu's expression changed.

"Isn't it possible?" Wang Yanbing frowned: "Is this the ground, there will be someone chasing it?"

"Are you sure, did you hear clearly?" He Chenguang also asked.

"Yes, it must be a dog barking! Every household in our village has a dog, so I can't hear you wrong."

Li Erniu looked anxious: "What shall we do now…"

"It seems that our whereabouts have been exposed and we must change places."

He Chenguang's face was serious: "The army dog is chasing after smelling it. Once caught, the Iron Fist regiment will be wiped out."

Army dogs are specially trained, they are also fighters, they are their comrades in arms, they are very capable!

The most important thing is to not be cruel to the army dogs, otherwise they will be severely punished.

In this way, you can only passively bite?

The three of them were worried, their faces pale.

"Brother Yu, why are you still reading a book?"

Li Erniu suddenly cast his eyes on Lu Yu, only to find that the other party took out a book from his backpack.

"What's the hurry? Isn't there still me?"

Lu Yu's face was indifferent, but fortunately, he had already prepared, and prepared the book in advance, which happened to come in handy.

Wang Yanbing took a closer look, and the corner of his mouth grinned slightly: "The Complete Collection of Military Dog Training Courses? Niang… Brother Yu, do you want to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily?"

He Chenguang craned his neck curiously and saw the big characters in Lu Yu's book, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

I thought you had any secret weapons, but in the end, only got a training material for military dogs?

I usually read books, that's all.

Exercise at this critical moment, Brother Yu, you took a book out of your backpack? Zhedi~~ can we still win the exercise?

Besides, military dog training is a professional subject, and it cannot be learned overnight.

The army dog and the trainer have cultivated the feelings since childhood. After hard training day after day and year after year, they become a qualified army dog soldier.

Looking through a military dog textbook, can you turn people's loyal military dogs back? This is too far-fetched…

"I will read the book for a while, and then call me when the dog arrives."

said, Lu Yu picked up the book and looked with relish.

I go!

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu all stared, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.


Wang Yanbing patted his forehead, and then said: "Brother Yu, does he like reading so much?"

"I don't know." He Chenguang smiled bitterly: "He was like this when he was training last time, but Brother Yu is also big enough to read a book at this time…"

But the three of them couldn't help it. Lu Yu was their backbone.

The other party did not speak, and did not know what to do!

Lu Yu negotiated with the system: "System, get it for me."

"Ding! Unable to extract, please read the book before the host can extract the items and skills in the book."

"I have finished reading this book." Lu Yu replied.

"According to the evaluation criteria of this system, the host has not been detected to be fully engaged in reading. Please spend 100 points of merit to substitute the reading into 100% and re-read the book."

Lu Yu couldn't help but want to jump and scold his mother!

Sure enough, I still can't keep a fluke and will be caught by the system.

"Wait… It's still a great effort to bless Mao's sense of substitution? Why didn't it happen before?" Lu Yu frowned again.

"Host, given that you are out of the novice protection period, you will be granted a reading for 100 merits once, and the charge is reasonable."

"Damn, it's dark enough."

Lu Yu secretly scolded a profiteer.

spit out in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all, and a wheelie got up from the ground.

"Ah…I think, let's move separately, so that we can disperse the enemy's pursuits and escape one by one! It's not very good for you to rely on me like this. If you encounter danger, you still have to solve it yourself."

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said solemnly to the three of them.

The most urgent task is to buy time. I have read this book once, and it will be quick to read it again.

"Brother Yu~~What are you doing?"

He Chenguang and the others stared at them, but they didn't understand.

"Remember, as long as you run fast enough, the military dog will not catch up! If everyone is alive, we will meet at the Blue Command post."

Throwing a word, Lu Yu ran away.

Not far away, Chen Shanming, who was leading the army dog to search, immediately noticed the movement here, and immediately ordered the dog to chase him.

"Harry! Come on!"

"Don't let them run away."

More than a dozen army dogs hula la la frantically ran over.

"Does the dog hurt them?" A platoon leader asked worriedly.

Chen Shanming smiled and said: "Don't worry, our military dogs have been professionally trained to distinguish between friends and enemies. They will only bite their backpacks or clothes, and will not hurt people! They will only bite the enemy."


In the jungle, the dog's shadow jumped, and the dog barked one after another. Only then did He Chenguang and the others wake up.

"Damn! Brother Yu ran away alone?"

"This…too unjustified!"

"It's over, the dog is going to chase it!"

The three of them paled with fright, and turned around and ran away.

Chen Shanming smiled and shouted from behind: "A few little rascals, hurry up and surrender. Our Blue Army treats the prisoners preferentially."

"Go to your sister, and treat us as three-year-olds? I understand, can dogs understand?"

Wang Yanbing ran out of life, even using the strength to feed her.

Lu Yu climbed up a tall tree and hid his figure in the dense foliage, watching the three people who were chased by the vicious dog and fled.

"Brothers, don't panic! I'll save you when I finish reading the book. Before that, you guys should act as bait and don't get caught so quickly."

The eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of Lu Yu's mouth turned upward.