Chapter 32: Hunting Trip

Prisoner of War Camp.

All the members of the iron fist group who were killed were locked up here.

Before the end of the exercise, all of them except the top officer will spend here.

Looking at the Blue Army soldiers walking back and forth outside, Gong Jian's face was unwilling. He felt like he was being watched as a monkey in a zoo.

"Our iron fist team has never been so embarrassed!"

Gong Jian hit the wall with a punch and said angrily.

"The Blue Army has long had a combat plan, a thorough layout, and special forces such as lightning strikes. We lost and it was normal."

Old Hei sighed: "After all, as long as the Spikes Special Brigade takes action, there is no unwinnable war!"

"Our Iron Fist regiment has never lost a battle since it was founded. This time we were taken to the nest by others. Even with the help of the Spike Brigade, this face is too shameful." Gong Jian smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that the kid was right. If I heard him last night, maybe it wouldn't be the case." Old Hei suddenly thought of something.

Gong Jian looked at himself puzzled, so he repeated what Lu Yu said to him last night!

"This kid is usually a bit arrogant, but he's better than a monkey… can he predict things like a god?"

Gong Jian looked surprised and suddenly widened his eyes: "By the way, why didn't you see him? Didn't you get caught?"

"I don't know, since the camp was assaulted by the Blues, he has not been seen, and even He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu have not been seen." Old Hei shook his head.

"Will… they all ran away with Lu Yu?"

Thinking of this at the same time, the two looked at each other, their eyes blooming with hope.

Lu Yu naturally needless to say.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are also outstanding recruits, and their military qualities are better than those of veterans.

Li Erniu is a bit close, but at any rate he is a soldier of the fourth company of Sharpshooter, and his marksmanship is also first-class!

Three people together.

There is also the mysterious Lu Yu.

Maybe, it can really create miracles…

"I hope the four little guys can save our iron fist." A smile broke out on Gong Jian's face.

"Do you believe them so?" Old Hei was surprised: "Four people, how useful can they be?"

"Is there any other way? I just hope that Lu Yu can create miracles for us!"

In the dense mountain forest, Lu Yu and his party are running fast.

It was expected that Fan Tianlei would send chasing troops over. Along the way, they left a lot of confusing messages to buy time for escape.

This time, Fan Tianlei dispatched the army dog company, and Lu Yu's camouflage was quickly seen through, and the chasing soldiers caught up again, biting hard behind his ass.

Through the dense jungle, Lu Yu suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's no way to run like this. They have military dogs, and sooner or later we will be overtaken."

"It's not easy to get rid of military dogs." He Chenguang frowned.

"I have a way, come with me."

Seeing a quagmire in front of him, Lu Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately led the three of them in.

"I'll go, so smelly?"

Wang Yanbing clutched his nose, showing disgust.

"This is formed by the accumulation of silt and fallen leaves, and it is full of rotting plant rhizomes and some dead animals."

He Chenguang was knowledgeable and explained.

"Jump down." Lu Yu ordered.


Wang Yanbing's eyes widened: "Brother Yu, this place is like Mao Keng, it's very smelly."

"If you are afraid, you can disarm and surrender." He Chenguang joked.

"Fear of a fart, in my life! I have never been afraid of anything." Wang Yanbing refused to admit defeat.

"Stop talking nonsense, chase soldiers are here, jump."

Lu Yu jumped first, and Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang followed in no particular order.

Li Erniu only obeyed Lu Yu, so he simply jumped into the quagmire.

The four people were covered in mud, like clay figures, groping towards the depths of the jungle.

Behind him, the soldiers from the army dog company gathered around.

Four or five army dogs stopped on the shore, spinning back and forth, and refused to move forward.

"It's just a drill, don't you need to fight like that? The heads are gone." A soldier cursed at the mire.

"These people are very clever. They know how to use the scent of the mud to cover up the smell on their bodies. The smell of the mud is so stinky that it can make the nose of the army dog malfunction, and it is temporarily impossible to track them." The commander of the army dog company. Reluctantly shook his head.

"What should we do now?"

"What can I do? You jump in such a smelly quagmire?"

Looking at the black bubbling quagmire, they felt a panic, and they really didn't have the courage to jump down.

"There are so many of us, even four soldiers have been chased and lost, do you have the face to go back?"

"Don't worry, the quagmire can only temporarily cover up the smell, wait for half an hour to evaporate and it will be useless!"

The company commander said in a deep voice: "We will continue to search. I don't believe they can run far."

After climbing out of the mud pool, the four of them continued to run for a certain distance, and a rushing river appeared in front of them.

"Let's jump!" Lu Yu shouted again.

"What? I just jumped into the quagmire and want to jump into the river again, Brother Yu, you really don't treat us as human beings."

Wang Yanbing complained bitterly.

"Let you jump and jump, less nonsense."

Lu Yu didn't say a word, kicked him down.

"Don't be a real hero this time."

Li Erniu sighed and jumped off.

! Puff!

All four fell into the river, splashing a lot of water, and were washed away along the river.

The river is very turbulent. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing can hold on for a while. Li Erniu is a stone ox, knowing no water at all, so Lu Yu dragged him forward.

After ten minutes, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing couldn't stand it either. Lu Yu had to take the three of them alone and rushed downstream.

The potential of the super soldier has fully exploded, and Lu Yu, who is in three areas, is also at ease in the rush of rivers.

After swimming for half an hour, Lu Yu took the three ashore until he left the chasing soldiers~~.

"Ding, the host successfully escaped from the enemy's pursuit, rescued three companions, and rewarded 800 merits!"

The system prompt sounded again.

Lu Yu do the math, so far, he has accumulated 10,300 points!

As his whole body was soaked, he found a shelter from the wind and dug a smokeless pit to start a fire.

The three picked up the engineering shovel and immediately dug a hole on the spot.

After digging, Lu Yu found the dead branches to set up a fire, spreading weeds and leaves on them, and all three of them lay down.

Suddenly, a warm feeling came, and I only felt extremely comfortable.

The heat coming from under the smokeless pit, dried the soaked camouflage uniform little by little.

"Brother Yu, I didn't expect you to know this method. Have you ever been in a special force?" He Chenguang gave Lu Yu a thumbs up.

"Where have you been to special forces when I enlisted with you?" Lu Yu smiled.

Actually, Lu Yu knew this because he not only got the super soldier serum to strengthen his body, but also inherited the knowledge of Captain Rogers.

The hip captain was originally a soldier, and many of the experience and practical methods on the battlefield are exactly the same as the special forces.

"Brother Yu, no matter how you know this, if we don't have you anyway, we will all be prisoners." He Chenguang admired.

"I said a long time ago that Brother Yu is amazing!"

Li Erniu laughed, turning into a little fan of Lu Yu.

"Brother Yu, what shall we do next?" Wang Yanbing asked suddenly.

"Do nothing, sleep."

Lu Yu leaned against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and resting.

The few people looked at each other, knowing that at this time they must have enough energy, and there is a tough battle to be fought next.