Chapter 40: Army Dog Combat

was outside the blue army headquarters, and continued to detect for a while, Lu Yu led the three people back quietly.

"Brother Yu, what are we going to do?"

The four people communicated quietly.

"Into the Lair of the Blue Army Command and take them all in one go. I haven't done anything so exciting yet. I'm excited just thinking about it!"

He Chenguang flexed his hands and licked his lips: "Are we going to sneak in?"

"No, I just need your help."

Lu Yu whispered: "Strike out with firepower to attract the attention of the Blues, and leave the rest to me."

With only three people, it was a matter of giving away the head of a regiments base to attack.

But the three of them agreed without hesitation.

"As long as I can avenge the team leader, I can do anything."

Li Erniu smiled honestly, his eyes firm.

"Don't worry, I won't let my comrades-in-arms and brothers die! You are just adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, and when the blues take the bait, immediately retreat."

Lu Yu also gave a guarantee to the three who trusted him unconditionally.


"Brother Yu, when will you start?"

He Chenguang asked.

"No hurry, after all, the members of the Special Operations Brigade have been on the battlefield. They are all old and cunning, and you have to wait until they all relax…"

Speaking of this, Lu Yu smiled slightly:

"When do you think people are most sleepy?"

He Chenguang looked at each other and said in unison: "At dawn!?"

"Yes, it's just before dawn!"

Lu Yu nodded: "During the time when the sun rises, when people's spirits are the most exhausted, even the wolf-tooth brigade that has experienced many battles cannot violate this natural law! We…just act at this moment."

"Hurry up and rest, there will be a tough fight later!"

Lu Yu gave an order, and the three of them found a place to lie down.

Now, they are under the nose of the Blue Command!

The so-called black under the lamp is safer!

Dont worry about being discovered.

Seeing that Lu Yu was not asleep, instead he drove towards the forest alone, Li Erniu asked curiously, "Brother Yu, don't you sleep?"

"I'm going to find some helpers, only with the four of us, it's a little too close!" Lu Yu smiled.


All three of them were stunned.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing are inexplicable: "Brother Yu, isn't our iron fist group destroyed? Where is the helper?"

"You will know then, go to sleep!"

After speaking, Lu Yu quietly left.

They also know that now is not the time to ask questions.

Next, but the most critical battle, we need a good sleep to supplement the spirit!

The three of them lay on the ground and soon fell asleep.

Lu Yu came to the top of a small hill and made a weird shout at the neighborhood.

does not sound like a human voice at all, it resembles some kind of animal that has never been seen before, and it has a strong penetrating power!

Even the people in the blue army command heard it, but didn't care about it, thinking it was a beast in the mountains.

yelled for three full minutes before Lu Yu stopped and waited quietly on the spot.

After a while, rustling footsteps came from the depths of the forest.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing, and the blowing leaves swayed slightly.

Soon, in front of Lu Yu, a series of low figures appeared, rushing to this side in the night.

got closer, and you could see two small green lanterns floating in front of those figures, all surrounding Lu Yu, the picture was extremely strange.

"Little guys, it's finally here!"

A smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

barking barking.

These figures rushed in front of Lu Yu, shouting cheerfully, it turned out that it was just a military dog.

They kept using their heads, rubbing Lu Yu's trouser legs and arms, and sticking out their tongues to lick Lu Yu's face, in a very intimate state.

If you see this scene in front of these army dog breeders, you will probably cry and faint in the toilet.

The army dog he had tamed since he was a child turned out so easily, and the object of the betrayal was their enemy.

Since he won the title of Master Dog Trainer and the aura of King of Dogs, Lu Yu can easily control army dogs.

With the halo effect of the king of dogs, these military dogs completely regarded him as the king of dogs, and only obeyed Lu Yu's orders.

The strange sound Lu Yu made just now was to summon them, and the army dogs, no matter where they were, immediately turned around and rushed over.

"Mighty General, from now on, you are their leader, I need you to do something later…"

Lu Yu stroked the head of the mighty general and said with a slight smile.

Next, he told the other person his thoughts.

will be transmitted to other army dogs uniformly by the mighty general.

Three minutes later.

All the military dogs squatted on the ground, like a soldier listening to the general's instructions, waiting for Lu Yu's order.

"Can this task be completed?" Lu Yu asked.


The army dogs shouted uniformly, as if soldiers were answering.

"Okay, leave it to you, take action!"

4:30 in the morning, the sun has not risen yet.

He Chenguang woke up leisurely.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized that there was a huge head in front of me, and a hairy mouth. The green eyes were shocking!

"Mom! What the hell??"

He Chenguang's scared soul trembled and rolled back directly.

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu were also awakened by this sound.

I opened my eyes and took a look at ~~ I was scared enough to find dozens of dogs surrounding them.

"Don't be afraid, they are the helpers I invited, and they are also our comrades in arms. From now on, we will fight side by side with us." Lu Yu's voice came from the side.

"Huh? The helper that Brother Yu said is actually a group of dogs?" Li Erniu stared straight.

"Yes, don't underestimate them, they are very useful!" Lu Yu smiled slightly.

Seeing the army dog sitting honestly in the same place, straighter than the soldiers standing there, the blank faces of several people were shocked.

Before , Lu Yu brought only one dog, which was enough to make them stunned.

Now he has recruited a group of army dogs, and he is so obedient, it is really shocking enough.

"Brother Yu, you… are you really a trainer?" He Chenguang asked.

"I entered the army with you and trained together. When did you see me raising a dog?" Lu Yu smiled.


Wang Yanbing choked and said, "Brother Yu, I found out that you are a fairy…"

Lu Yu shrugged, squinted, and glanced at the sky: "Go ahead, it will be bright in an hour."

patted the head of the mighty general, who immediately rushed out, led a dozen army dogs with a time bomb, and rushed to the blue army headquarters.

"what the hell!"

Wang Yanbing slammed his mouth and looked away: "Brother Yu, I am not mistaken, am I right? Dogs have time bombs? How do they do it…"

Lu Yu said in a relaxed tone: "While you are asleep, I let them go to the Blue Command to steal them."

What rice?

Can dogs steal bombs? !

Wang Yanbing was dumbfounded, and smashed his head and said: "I'm a good boy, this dog has become fine? It's incredible…"