Chapter 35: The Blues Were Tricked By A Dog

Brother Yu, how did you bring it, wouldn't it reveal our position?" He Chenguang asked worriedly.

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, the mighty general is now ours. The key to our victory this time depends entirely on it."

"Mighty General?" Several people looked at each other.

"Yes, I think its previous name is not good, what is it called Harry? It is not domineering at all, it is still a foreign name!"

Lu Yu touched the head of the mighty general's dog and smiled.

"Tsk tsk, mighty general? This name is good, and it's a general's material." Li Erniu gave a thumbs up.

"Isn't it, it's General Dog in the Dog." Wang Yanbing also smiled.

The mighty general looked flattering, and licked Lu Yu's face. Obviously, he was satisfied with his new name.

"Did you eat **** just now? It smells so bad!" Lu Yu pushed it away in disgust.

woo woo~

The mighty general was innocent and shook his head.

and expressed a strong protest: I am a high-quality army dog, I only eat rations, not shit.

Seeing this scene, the other three couldn't help but smile.

"By the way, Brother Yu, you just said that the mighty general can help us win, what's the matter?" He Chenguang wondered.

"Now, they can find us only by the nose of the army dog. If all the army dogs run around the mountain with the blue army, you say we are not safe?"

Upon hearing this, several people's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Do you mean to make a noise?"

"Yes, military dogs are equivalent to the smoke bombs we release. Unless thermal imaging technology is used, they won't find us at all."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The Blues never expected that the army dog had become our comrade-in-arms, but we appeared in another place."

"I'm a good boy, this is a great trick!"

Wang Yanbing clapped his hands and applauded: "If the blues want to break their heads, they will not think that the army dogs will betray and help us. At that time, they will only be led by the noses of the army dogs and run… Brother Yu, I found that you are a god, this I can figure it out."

"Haha, let them lose their wife and lose their troops! Brother Yu, I am now very impressed with you. Not only do I have good marksmanship, but I also train military dogs. I doubt there is anything you can't do?" He Chenguang looked at Lu Yu. Full of fanaticism.

"Hey, its a long time to come, you will learn more about it later."

Lu Yu smiled, and the conversation turned:

"Take advantage of this opportunity, we have to make a little bit of momentum, let the Blues get exhausted, and then… go straight to Huanglong!"

said, waving his hand and making a beheading motion.

"Brother Yu, but he is a dog and not a human, are you sure?"

Lu Yu did not speak, and gestured to the mighty general who was lying on the ground.

"Mighty general, stand up!"

The mighty general yawned and threw a contemptuous look at He Chenguang, and then he stood up from the ground with his two feet, and his two front paws swayed everyone.

"This dog is so obedient?"

"Niu Bian!"

Everyone was eye-opening.

"What's this? Show them again, slow motion with left and right hands."

The mighty general stretched out his two front paws and drew circles in a dog-planing manner.

"I'll go, this is all right? This dog can dance." Li Erniu swallowed.

"Mighty general, let's put my tongue out and lick JJ again."


The mighty general stiffened.

The dog glanced at Lu Yu.

I'm a military dog, don't want face!


Several people were suddenly amused.

Which is this dog?

Lively and lively with a dog in play!

Didnt you say that animals are not allowed to become refined after the founding of the Peoples Republic?

"Brother Yu, we are considered convinced by you, and you can get the dog instructors of the entire military region with your dog training skills."

They didn't have enough confidence, but at this time, they were convinced of Lu Yu.

Even at this time, Lu Yu took them to the blue army headquarters and would follow him without hesitation!

"Mighty general, go."

Lu Yu patted the mighty general on the head.

After receiving the order, the latter rushed out like a black lightning.

All four of them lie in the grass and observe quietly.

Soon, there was a lot of footsteps, and the Blues were talking.

"Where did people go?"

"Report, the military dog is running in this direction."

"Huh, I thought it would be able to get rid of us? The soldiers were divided into two groups. We continued to chase and notify the other encircling and annihilating units to come and join us to see how far they could run.

The Blues are divided into two echelons, and hula la moves separately.

After the Blues left, Lu Yu and others also left here and sneaked in the opposite direction.

The white fish belly is exposed from the horizon.

The golden light pierced the clouds and mist, gradually dispelling the night.

Deep in the dense forest, from time to time, there are heavy gasps, barking dogs and messy footsteps.

"Harry, wait for me, don't run away!"

A soldier of the dog company was out of breath.

A group of Blue Soldiers following him were equally exhausted and panting, and their bodies were also wet with sweat.

A dozen or so meters away from them, a wolf-like army dog was sitting there with his tongue out, his eyes like an eagle, and he waited proudly.

is the mighty general who was instigated by Lu Yu!

A group of people ran to the mighty general.

A squad leader looked around and found that he didnt even have a personal figure. He roared, "Wheres the person? Where is anyone here?"

"Fuck, I ran away for nothing!"

The other squad leader scolded and was very upset: "We chased for the whole night, and even several nearby hills were trampled down. Not to mention the human figure, even the root hair was not seen! Several little rascals, have they evaporated from the world? "

A group of soldiers didn't say anything, but they were all complaining in their hearts.

This night, under the leadership of the mighty general, they ran for almost a thousand miles!

once to the east, once to the west.

As a result, all are taking the wrong path.

At the beginning, UU read www. and they were still full of confidence, thinking that the four of them were chased and ran around the hills without direction.

but soon discovered that this is not the case.

No matter how fast they ran, when they arrived at their destination, they didn't even see a single figure.

There are several times, several teams searching at the same time, they all came together!

The enemy didn't catch it, but he got confused.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?" The dog handler soldier touched the mighty general's head with concern.

"Did your dog betrayed and deliberately took us to go around the mountains?"

A blue squad leader next to him grumbled with dissatisfaction.

"I think it is 80%!"

Another monitor interjected: "Those boys are very chicken thieves, maybe your dog was bought by someone with bones."

"Fart, Harry is a warrior, I have fed him since he was a child, he will never betray, you are insulting his comrades in arms!" The trainer roared blushing.

"Oh, don't be angry, we are kidding!"

"That's… the army dog is also our comrade-in-arms. Maybe he was caught in the enemy's shameful tricks and was blinded by his mind."

The two quickly apologized.

The trainer's thoughts are all on his dog: "Harry, you hurry up and wake up…"


The mighty general found something and rushed out again.

"Quickly chase, Harry found the target."

The trainer cheered up and shouted anxiously.


A group of blue soldiers wailed.

prayed in their hearts: "This time, don't go around in circles anymore, you must find someone!"

"Brother Dog, please…"

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