Chapter 36: Lu Yu Evaporates From The World?

Lu Yu took He Chenguang and the three of them, separated from the blue army who was searching for them, and quickly touched the base of the command post.

After rushing all night, they had gradually arrived at the blue army assembly area at dawn, and the roar of armored vehicles came from the foot of the mountain.

Lu Yu ordered to stop and drive, let everyone rest first.

"Brother Yu, you are really awesome! The five bodies I admire you now, the Blues are being tricked around and tired of running, I can't think that we are thousands of miles away." Wang Yanbing laughed.

Lu Yu's mouth curled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just a trick!"

"Brother Yu, you are too modest. If this is a trick of carving insects, how do you let us live?"

He Chenguang praised from the bottom of his heart. He found that since following Lu Yu, he had learned a lot by himself.

"Hehe, I have always believed in Brother Yu, as long as Brother Yu is there, we can definitely avenge the Iron Fist."

Li Erniu, my little fan, does not hesitate to appreciate it.

"Do you think we won't be really safe anymore?"

The three of them were taken aback at the same time.

Wang Yanbing scratched his head, and said in doubt: "The Blues can't find us at all, how can they drop?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "You look down on the Blues too much. They didn't find it all night. They would definitely suspect that they were on the army dog. Then they would dispatch a helicopter for remote infrared search! They would even use thermal imaging technology… They simulated it. The most advanced foreign military, with many high technologies, we have nowhere to hide."

As soon as he said this, it was poured down like a basin of cold water, allowing the three of them to recognize the reality.

"Ah…what can I do then? We are going to be turned into bereaved dogs again?" Li Erniu looked like a discouraged ball.

"Go, I have a way."

Lu Yu greeted the three of them and followed him.

Entering the dense forest, a quagmire appeared in front of him, Lu Yu looked serious, pointed to the quagmire and said: "Jump down!"

"What? Do you want to jump again?" Wang Yanbing said bitterly, "My clothes are just dried."

"If you want to avoid infrared thermal imaging technology, you have to keep your own temperature the same as your surroundings, and wrap your body with mud. This is the best way."

Lu Yu glanced at a few people: "If you want to survive, you have to jump!"

After finishing speaking, he was the first to jump into the quagmire, hit a roll in it, and buried his whole body in it.

The three of them looked at each other helplessly.

What else can I do? Jump!

"For victory!"

They shouted and jumped into the mire.

Blue Command Base.


Fan Tianlei was so angry that he threw the report in his hand on the ground, and shouted: "What a fool, it's out of reach! A large group of people have been fooled by a dog, and they have been tricked around looking for people all night… fool! fool!"

Chen Shanming smiled bitterly: "Golden Eagle, these four little guys are too ghosts and elves to deal with…Even the army dogs have nose failures. It is even more difficult to dig them out."

"There are so many veterans of us, but we are so embarrassed by a few boys who are playing around!" Miao Lang beside him sighed.

Fan Tianlei said viciously: "Spike Brigade, can't afford to lose this person, nor is it allowed to be so embarrassed…Go! Send me a helicopter and use remote infrared scanning! I don't believe it, they can really evaporate from the world."

Order, six helicopters carrying infrared scanning, take off from the headquarters base.

carried out a carpet search on all the routes where Lu Yu and the others might escape, and never missed any area.

Infrared scanning, as long as the ground heat source is sensed, feedback information can be obtained.

until, four hours have passed.

By noon, six planes went back and forth and searched the area where the exercise was located no less than six times, but no trace was found.

Upon hearing this result, there was silence in the headquarters.

Everyone stared.

I dont know what to say!

In the end, Chen Shanming coughed and broke the silence: "Ahem, Golden Eagle, these four people you are looking for are really amazing, can you even escape infrared scanning?"

It is not impossible to avoid infrared scanning.

As long as the body is covered in some cold and humid place, and the temperature is consistent with the surrounding temperature, it can avoid the helicopter search.

But these are some combat veterans who only understand experience and must cooperate with agile speed.

If you are not careful, you will be exposed to the helicopter!

"This is the first time I have seen such a great recruit." Chen Shanming exclaimed.

"It's not their cattle, it's Lu Yu Niu!"

Fan Tianlei corrected: "He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu were three of them. I personally recruited them. I know how good they are…"

"Hiding the plane may be possible once, but it is impossible to avoid it again and again. Lu Yu, this kid, is the one who hides the most!"

Chen Shanming expresses this.

Even his drone can be shot down.

This kid is not human!

"Even the infrared scan failed, what should I do now?"

"I'm going to find someone, she should have a way!"

Fan Tianlei's eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately left the headquarters and went straight to the information operations command center.

In the command center, there is a woman in military uniform sitting in front of a bunch of machines with brave looks.

This person is Tang Xinyi, a combat information engineer.

was sent to test the thermal imaging technology of the battlefield. Her professionalism should be able to come in handy.

"Xiao Tang, I have something to ask for your help!" Fan Tianlei said straightforwardly.

Tang Xinyi greeted him immediately: "Chief of Staff, you are joking, please give me an order directly."

After explaining his intentions, Tang Xinyi smiled confidently: "It's a trivial matter. I can locate them precisely in 5 minutes at most."

Sitting in front of the computer, Tang Xinyi immediately entered the state, crackling with her hands on the keyboard.

"Tang Gong, these guys are very cunning, you have to look carefully."

Chen Shanming who followed up~~ smiled and reminded.

Tang Xinyi curled her lips in disdain: "Do you know what high technology is? This uses a satellite positioning system, radar reflection detection technology, coupled with infrared thermal imaging, even four ants can not escape my detection!"

"Forget it, you guys don't understand… Anyway, as long as they are still in this place, alive, and able to radiate heat, I can find out."

Tang Xinyi is full of confidence: "The future battlefield battles will also be a contest between informatization and technology! The charm of high technology is everywhere!"

She operated fiercely, spreading the coverage area to the entire exercise area.

"Huh?" Tang Xinyi was suddenly shocked and frowned.

"It's been 5 minutes!" Chen Shanming reminded him kindly.

"I know, I want you to talk more."

Tang Xinyi stared at him not angry.

The speed underneath the hand is faster, ten fingers seem to fly, and some hidden techniques are also opened by her.

Full search!

Until 10 minutes have passed.

But it turned out…

got nothing!

"Why can't you find it?" Fan Tianlei frowned.

"Hehe, high-tech, it's not that powerful."

Chen Shanming joked: "Looking at what you said is so mysterious, I almost believed it."

"Impossible!" Tang Xinyi said decisively: "It is impossible for my equipment to malfunction. This is the world's top high-tech."

"But you still haven't found anyone?"

Chen Shanming shook his head slightly: "They are all four big living people, they are still steaming and jumping around, playing hide and seek with us!"

"That kind of explanation, they are no longer in the exercise area." Tang Xinyi said proudly.