Chapter 48: Go To Spike

Early in the morning of the second day, Lu Yu got up early in the morning.

The logistics company did not have regular training. Most of the soldiers were still in the blankets. Lu Yu put on the load and started a 10-km cross-country race around the playground.

Only by continuously strengthening the body can the fusion of the super soldier serum be intensified, and the degree of fit with itself can reach the highest.

is like, his physical fitness is a container, only the larger the capacity of the container, the more water can be stored.

Lu Yu wants to develop his own body container, so that it can store more!

Kang Lei office.

Two people were greeted early in the morning.


"Come in!"

Gong Jian and Lao Hei walked into the office.

Kang Lei rubbed his forehead, looking at a document with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Gong Jian, instructor of the fourth company of the Sharpshooter, report to you."

Kang Lei raised his head: "You came just right, and I am looking for you too!"

"Head, what instructions do you have for me?" Gong Jian was puzzled.

"No hurry, let me talk about you first!"

"I'm here to apply to the head of the delegation to transfer Lu Yu to the 4th Division of Sharpshooter." Gong Jian held his head high.

"What… ahem!"

Kang Lei coughed again and again.

Gong Jian was puzzled. He thought the group leader hadn't heard clearly, and said loudly, "Report to the group leader, I want to recruit Lu Yu into the 4th Sharpshooter!"

"At the beginning, he was the first in the assessment, and he should enter when the company is divided! With his sharpshooter status and sniper talent, it is our company's scarce talent, and he has been promoted, and I am going to let him be the deputy company. Chief, served as a sharpshooter four company shooting instructor, supervising all company marksmanship training."

"Impossible!" Kang Lei waved his hand in refusal without even thinking about it, let alone screaming out: "It's definitely not possible!"

"Head, why?"

Gong Jian is bold and bold.

"This one"

Kang Lei gave a dry cough, and his old face was full of embarrassment: "Anyway, if I say no, I can't. Not just Lu Yu, but even He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu, the three soldiers, we can't keep it."

Can't keep it? A few meanings!

Gong Jian suddenly became anxious.

"Head, why is this?"

It doesnt matter if you dont give it to Lu Yu, even the top three pawns of the Sharpshooters four companies have to get away?

What is going on here? !

"Ahem…I haven't been fooled by Fan Tianlei's old fox."

Kang Lei's face was depressed.

what can I do? I am also desperate…

Gong Jian suddenly realized: "Head, you have been drinking with Chief of Staff Fan again?"

"Hmm!" Kang Lei nodded boredly, "Don't mention it, just think about it."

Gong Jian smiled bitterly.

Day and night protection, hard to prevent house thieves!

He racked his brains to conceal these people, but in the end, the number five got on the ground first and snatched them away.

"Head of the regiment, it is difficult for our regiment to come up with these four good soldiers. With a little training, they are definitely the future king of soldiers. They can't be poached by the special operations brigade like this…"

Gong Jian said bitterly.

"I have promised that old boy, whoever repents and grandson!"

Kang Lei stared at him fiercely: "You want me to be a grandson?"


Gong Jian stretched out his hand to cover his face.

My leader, you are really confused!

"Remember, don't mention it in front of me in the future! Damn, I made wedding gowns for others, I was so busy."

Kang Lei cursed, his saliva was sprayed on Gong Jian's face:

"Tell me again, I am anxious with you!"

Lu Yu finished 10 kilometers off-road and was about to return to camp to rest. A military pickup truck stopped at the entrance of the camp.

A long distance away, I saw Fan Tianlei's iconic fox smile and waved at him!

Lu Yu ran over, stood still, and saluted: "Good leader."

Fan Tianlei waved his hand and said with a smile: "Remember what I said last time?"

"of course I remember."

Lu Yu grinned, "You invited me to the Wolfya Special Battle Brigade!"

"How's it, speak countless?"

"Our Iron Fist soldiers spit one nail at the other, and never regret what they say."

Lu Yu said sternly, I'm afraid you won't come.

"Good boy, I appreciate it."

Fan Tianlei smiled and patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "I have explained to your team leader, and the transfer order has been given. Your team leader agreed to let them go. Go back and pack things and follow me."

Lu Yu was not surprised, but he didn't expect Fan Tianlei's transfer order to come so quickly.

clenched his fists, there was an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

Are you going to Langya now?

My special forces journey, has officially begun?

There is nothing to clean up in the dormitory.

is just some change of clothes and living utensils, Lu Yu walked out with his suitcase, Fan Tianlei handed him a box.

"There are the medals of merit and lieutenant rank insignias you got, so please keep them away."

Fan Tianlei glanced at the sky: "Let's go, we have to pick up other people."

Lu Yu held the box, but did not leave immediately.

Instead, he turned around, solemnly directed towards the logistics company, and saluteed him.

At this time, Wu Hongtao, with the soldiers from the logistics company, gathered at the door and shouted: "Stand at attention, salute!"

Brush together!

The soldiers rushed to Lu Yu and also saluted him.

"Company commander, sorry."

Lu Yu's eyes flashed vaguely: "Although I left, I will remember that I am a member of the logistics company. No matter where I go, I am a soldier here!"

"Go, drive quickly, don't wait for your leader to regret it again!"

Fan Tianlei is a resolute temperament, so he pulled Lu Yu into the car.

glanced at a certain spot of the crowd, and urged: "Shanming, hurry up and drive!"

Chen Shanming stepped on the accelerator.

The military vehicle screamed and rushed out, escaped and left the camp.

Watching Lu Yu leave, UU read Wu Hongtao sighed long.

"From the first day this kid came here, I can see that the logistics office can't keep him sooner or later…"

Kang Lei, who was hiding in the crowd, walked out with a convulsive expression on his face: "Asshole Fan Tianlei, I've been abducted by him, and he used the rank I won as a favor. What a bastard!"

"Commander, do you want people to come back? Fan Tianlei only gave an invitation, but there is no military command." Wu Hongtao tentatively asked.

"Fuck off, whoever repents and grandson!" Kang Lei gritted his teeth fiercely.

"I'm not a grandson, never!"

Wu Hongtao: ""

Sharpshooter four in a row, cooking class.

"Squad leader, try my craft!"

Li Erniu brought the cooked dishes to the table and had breakfast with his comrades in the cooking class.

After eating two bites, two figures came in with their bags behind their backs.

"Chenguang, Yanbing, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the two, Li Erniu's eyes lit up.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing walked to the squad leader Gao, and saluted: "Hello squad leader!"

"Oh? He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, you two are here just right, and the three fighting heroes are all together, so the cooking class can be brilliant!"

Old Gao smiled and said, "Quickly talk about your heroic battle deeds this time, let them learn something."

"Squad leader, we still have orders!"

He Chenguang quickly said.

Looking at the bulging rucksacks behind them, Old Gao Lima understood.

"Want to take someone away?"

"The person who picked us up is already at the door."

Old Gao secretly sighed.

It's time to go, or go!

"Er Niu, go and pack things and go with them."