Chapter 49: Special Forces Assessment

Li Erniu kept his mouth flat: "Squad leader, you…you don't want me anymore, why rush me away?"

The appearance of crying soon is like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Lao Gao glared at him, his voice sharply raised several times: "Comrade Er Niu, soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, let you go wherever you go, what nonsense?"

"But, I like cooking classes, like cooking, and don't want to leave." Li Erniu grumbled.

"Silly cow, your stage is not here, there is a wider sky outside, the cooking class can't keep you away."

Lao Gao patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Don't you always want to shoot a gun? Go ahead, when you get to a new place with them, you will have a chance to shoot a gun. There are a lot of bullets for you, and more weapons!"

"Squad leader, you didn't lie to me, can you shoot?" Li Erniu's eyes lit up immediately.

"Haha, you kid, you feel like marrying a wife when you hear a gun." Old Gao laughed, "Go, don't let the chief wait for a long time!"


Li Erniu saluted and ran to pack his luggage.


Watching He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu get on the car, Gong Jian and Lao Hei have bitter faces.

"Too tm awkward, we trained the soldiers so hard, so easily handed over to someone else, bastard!"

Lao Hei hit the wall with a fist, angrily.

"Hey…These three soldiers were originally stuffed in our company on the fifth. From the moment they came in, they were destined not to belong to this." Gong Jian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Old Hei was silent.

"It's not our soldier, I can't keep it after all!"

Gong Jian sighed: "It's a pity that such an outstanding soldier as Lu Yu was also dug away by them. He alone can match the three of He Chenguang."

"This kid, I have always liked it. If he can come, we will…"

Old Hei gritted his teeth: "Damn Spikes, all the **** bastards! Robbers!"

The jeep took Lu Yu and the four of them, driving along the way, out of the iron fist camp at the fastest speed.

Through the rearview mirror, Fan Tianlei let out a long sigh of relief when no one is catching up.

After half an hour, the car stopped at the military airport.

Looking at the helicopter so close, Li Erniu scratched his head with excitement, just as if he saw a big girl, he kept giggling.

"It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone. Otherwise, I take a picture and send it to my family Cuifen to show her the big plane."

Chen Shanming curled his lips: "I don't know what confidentiality is? The army can shoot anything indiscriminately. You have been in the new barracks for three months."

"He just said casually, it is inevitable that he would be excited when seeing the plane for the first time." Lu Yu smiled.

"You want you to teach me?"

Chen Shanming stared at him fiercely, and shouted: "Get all on the plane for me, don't be sloppy."

Seeing that this guy had eaten explosives, Lu Yu shrugged and didn't care.

In this exercise, Langfangs face was almost rubbed by him on the ground!

These people don't like him very much.

Especially, the person who was "killed" by him…

He heard Kang Lei mentioned that after Fan Tianlei took the group back, they scolded a **** head.

Everyone was punished for 5 days of emergency training in the field as a punishment!

This resentment is so great, it's strange to be kind to him.


Everyone boarded the plane.

Miao Lang pulled Chen Shanming and gave a look: "This time, we are the instructors."

Chen Shanming swept the surrounding area, and smiled Yin Yin: "Look at this Lu Yu, this time I won't take him to death!"

The plane started and rushed into the blue sky and white clouds.

Leaving the Iron Fist.

rush to the Spike Special Forces Brigade!

Entering the special forces is a huge challenge for every soldier.

In regular troops, there are basically no particularly important tasks, but special forces are different. Not only do they perform many tasks, but each is very dangerous!

But it is the duty of a soldier to go to war for the country and spill blood on the battlefield.

From this moment, their future lives will also become unusual.

A group of people, leaning on their seats whispering to each other, their faces full of joy.

"My mind, don't you have a dream? We really want to become special forces."

Wang Yanbing smashed his forehead with surprise on his face.

He Chenguang is also very happy.

Special forces! This is what he dreams of.

Today, is it finally possible?

Li Erniu grinned and bloomed, sitting in his seat and looking around, not knowing how to express his inner excitement.

Only Lu Yu remained silent, as calm as ever.

Because he knew very well that Fan Tianlei, an old fox, would not let them go so easily.

Before entering Spike, there is another test!

Only when he succeeds can he officially become a soldier of Spike. If he fails, he will be sent back the same way.

Fan Tianlei looked at Lu Yu with great interest.

This kid was so calm and completely inconsistent with the other soldiers who entered the wolffang. This was the first time he saw him.

"Why, I'm about to enter Spike? Are you nervous?" Fan Tianlei asked, unable to help being curious.

Lu Yu picked up the corner of his mouth, full of deep meaning: "I'm not nervous, I'm just preparing."

"What are you going to prepare?" Fan Tianlei was taken aback.

"I'm in Langfang, do I need to prepare?"

The movement here also attracted the three of He Chenguang.

listen with ears up.

In their hearts, they had long identified Lu Yu as the boss of this team, even if they were to jump off the plane, they would not hesitate.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The Spike Special Forces Brigade, but the most elite special forces in the whole group! The people here are not only cows, but also very proud. How can we recruits enter the eyes of your veterans?"

Fan Tianlei feels a little bit strange.

How come this kids eyes are so familiar? Just like a little fox…

"Hehehe, you think too much!"

"Really? Chief of Staff Fan, if I guess right, this plane is not flying to Langya station at all~~When we get off the plane, we will face an assessment arranged by you. Only those who pass can Go smoothly into Langya…"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Next, there will be a series of assessments. This is just the beginning. Am I right?"

be quiet.

The atmosphere in the plane suddenly became audible.

Especially those with wolf teeth, their complexion became very ugly, as if they had eaten a fly.

What a hell!

How did this kid see through their plans and arrangements, and they said it all right?

"Ah, is it true? There are still tests?"

Li Erxin suddenly became nervous.

A habit developed since childhood, when I heard about the assessment, I worried that I could not make it through.

"Brother Yu, what kind of assessment will we take?"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing looked at Lu Yu curiously.

"This assessment is to give a smashing power! I believe that there are not only four of us participating in the assessment. Chief of Staff Fan wants to remove a large number of people through the assessment content and screen out among them…"

"Lu Yu, stop talking!" Fan Tianlei covered his forehead.

Is this kid the roundworm in his stomach?

If this continues, he is worried that his plan will not be kept.

"The Chief of Staff, there is really a test. I thought I could go directly into Langya." Wang Yanbing looked depressed.

Since it was dismantled, Fan Tianlei didn't pretend to behave anymore, and he went straight to a showdown: "Spike Brigade is not a place where you can enter if you want to enter. You are only qualified for invitation. Whether you can be recognized depends on your strength!

"Only the strong will not be afraid of challenges! The weak will be afraid of assessment. Stop discussing it and be prepared like Lu Yu."

"Assessment, start now!"

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