Chapter 50: Reading Is My Life

Fan Tianlei's good mood is gone.

The culprit is naturally Lu Yu!

This kid is more like a veteran than himself, a lively old fritters.

"Report!" Next to him, a voice sounded.

"what happened again?"

Fan Tianlei was not angry, and gave Lu Yu a look.

"I have a request."


"I want military dogs. They are military dogs that perform missions together during the exercise." Lu Yu grinned.

"Military dog? Didn't your head give it to you?"

Fan Tianlei frowned.

"No, I mean all military dogs!" Lu Yu replied, "I want them all."

Fan Tianlei was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Lu Yu, what are you doing? You are here to be a special soldier, not to raise a dog in a military dog company. What do you want so many military dogs to do?"

Chen Shanming also said: "Boy, you are too much! Our Spikes Brigade is a pack of wolves, not dogs, let alone military dogs."

"What if I am the first in the assessment?" Lu Yu said lazily.

"Confidence is a good thing, but don't be too arrogant! You don't even know what the assessment is, how dare you say that you are number one?" Miao Lang coldly snorted.

"Hey, do you want to make a bet? I must be number one."

Lu Yu shrugged and smiled provocatively.

"Okay, I want to see, how do you get this first." Miao Lang was exasperated.

"Chief of Staff, if I win the first place, can I let the military dogs follow me?" Lu Yu stared at Fan Tianlei closely.


Fan Tianlei was very interested: "I have recruited so many soldiers, I have never seen such a big talk."

"You haven't answered me yet!"

"Lu Yu, did you talk to the chief like this?" Chen Shanming shouted.

Fan Tianlei waved his hand: "Okay! I promise you, as long as you can complete the task, let alone dogs, wolves, I will give you a few."

"Are you fooling?" Lu Yu asked.

"Who is playing tricks on whose grandson!"

Yes, I was infected by Lao Kang.

The other party's promise also made Lu Yu relieved.

He must have these military dogs. In this exercise, the military dogs helped him a lot and forged a deep friendship.

Lu Yu possesses a master dog training technique and a halo of the king of dogs, which can maximize the capabilities of military dogs!

In the future, the military dogs will follow him, the mighty general will be the leader, and the military dogs will be responsible for the action, and the team's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

15 minutes later, the helicopter stopped at a military airport.

After getting off the plane, Chen Shanming asked Lu Siren to take off their military uniforms, put on ordinary people's casual clothes, and head to the nearby station.

"Now, I will post tasks for you."

Fan Tianlei cleared his throat and said in a cold voice: "Don't look at you as my pick, you can enter the Spikes, and we have to conduct an assessment before that."

"The content of the assessment is to sneak in with makeup! You are not allowed to bring anything except the clothes on your body. Each person only has one ticket to go to Golden Dragon City from different routes."

After hearing Fan Tianlei's words, a faint flash of excitement flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

can finally leave the military area, pick some books that are not available in the military area library to read, and extract more skills.

Lu Yu went to the library yesterday, trying to extract master-level skills, but couldn't find a suitable one.

As for master-level skills, Lu Yu didn't want to waste it in the military district library, nor was he willing to spend it.

The special forces assessment is coming soon, one more ability, one more guarantee!

"Okay, now issue a ticket, take your own ticket to take the bus, and get off at a different location, there will be a contact person to give you clues and needed items! Get the clues, go to the assembly point!"

Chen Xiangming threw a ticket to each person.

The four people go to different bus stops and boarding times are also different. This is to act alone.

"Let us hurry?"

Wang Yanbing was surprised while holding the ticket.

Li Erniu breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "I was scared to death. I thought it was so difficult for the assessment. It turned out to be so simple."

"I always think it won't be that easy."

He Chenguang is very vigilant and looks at Lu Yu.

"Yes, of course it won't be easy!"

Lu Yu glanced to the side and lowered his voice: "The wolf-fangs will not allow us to arrive smoothly. Maybe they will cause a lot of trouble along the way."

"Brother Yu, why do you sound so careful?"

Li Erniu shrank his neck in fear.

Lu Yu analyzed: "Make-up penetration means that our identity is likely to be an enemy. We must enter the Golden Dragon City under their close supervision! We will be surrounded and blocked along the way, and they will try to stop you…"

"Damn! You don't think of us as terrorists and call the police to catch them?" Wang Yanbing's eyes widened.

"It's possible. Have you never experienced their methods? This group of people is broken!"

Lu Yu warned: "In short, when you get out of the car later, you must be careful, especially to prevent the people they send. That is the most dangerous."

It is impossible for him to tell everything he knows.

can only remind this!

Otherwise, he is not responsible for He Chenguang and the others.

An excellent soldier has to deal with various emergencies at any time, otherwise he is too dependent on him, and he will really encounter danger on the battlefield in the future, what should he do?

A carelessness is the end of life!

That really hurt them.

Lu Yu will blame himself for a lifetime!

"Why are you still dwindling? Waiting for me to invite you to dinner?"

Fan Tianlei roared.

"Report, Chief of Staff!"

However, an unsuitable voice.

"Your kid is endless?"

Fan Tianlei was a little bit sour, and stared at Lu Yu fiercely: "You are not in the military area now. You are ordinary people. You don't need to call a report. I am not the chief of staff."

He does not cause the crowd at the station to watch.

"Old Fan, borrow some money."

Lu Yu smiled and climbed up the pole.

Fan Tianlei had a black line: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you say it just now ~ ~ You can't bring anything, and money!"

Lu Yu smiled and pointed to the station bookstore not far away: "I'll buy a book and have a look. It's a long journey and add some knowledge."

What ~~Supplementary knowledge?

Fan Tianlei's mouth twitched suddenly: "I don't know that it's the assessment time, and it's not taking you out for vacation, what book to buy?"

Lu Yu curled his lips and said solemnly: "I have loved reading since I was a child, and I feel uncomfortable without reading! I have only one thing in my heart while I am alive, and that is reading. Reading is my life. If you don't let me study, it will test me Not participating!"

Don't participate?

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lu Yu's words!

In the assessment of the Wolftooth Special Forces Brigade, I dont know how many people sharpened their heads to get this opportunity. You actually said you wouldnt participate if you didnt participate?

I even promised a military dog, now come to slap me in the face?

What about trouble? ? ?

Fan Tianlei's face was dark, Lu Yu didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't get through for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

Lu Yu saw this, knowing that he could not do too much, and immediately went down the hill: "Hey, Lao Fan, I just buy a book to pass the time, and all the remaining money will be returned to you, and I will never leave a cent on him."

Fan Tianlei thought for a while with a sullen face, and felt that this requirement is not too much~~, it is a good habit.


After convinced himself, he pretended to be dignified and stern:

"There is only one chance, not as an example."

After finishing speaking, under everyone's stunned gaze, he took a hundred yuan from his pocket and stuffed it to Lu Yu.

"Thank you chief of staff!"

Lu Yu smiled, picked up the money, and ran to the nearby bookstore.