Chapter 51: Extract Again: X Men

He Chenguang and others stayed where they were, with weird faces.

They are not surprised at Lu Yu's habit of reading anytime and anywhere.

But he did not expect that at the critical moment of the special forces assessment, Lu Yu would not forget to read a book!

Brother Yu likes to read books, to such an extent?

No wonder they entered the barracks together. They were all on the same starting line, but now they are so far apart.

Lu Yu's diligent and studious energy alone makes them beyond the reach…

Even the three of them thought, should they read more books and improve themselves?

Well, when I go back after this assessment, I will ask Brother Yu for advice.

Lu Yu entered the bookstore, but due to time constraints, it was too late to choose.

Anyway, as long as it is a grandmaster-level book, the ability should not be too bad. Under the screening of the system, he randomly selects a grandmaster-level book that meets the requirements and returns after paying the money.

Seeing that Lu Yu had indeed bought a book and nothing else, Fan Tianlei was relieved, his face lightened slightly.

"Well, your car is here, now the countdown begins!"

The four people looked at each other and ran towards different stations.

Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming did not look back until all four of them got on the car.

"Golden Eagle, are you too indulgent to that kid? There has never been a precedent before!"

Chen Shanming frowned: "Don't you forget the enemy from last time, his hand is covered with our blood, I don't know what you think, anyway, I feel shameful."

The dignified special combat brigade was sneak attacked by a recruit, and the brigade commander and chief of staff were all killed. It was a shame and shame!

Chen Shanming still remembers this hatred.

"Of course I didn't forget!"

Fan Tianlei looked down and said in a deep voice, "This selection test is to teach the kid a deep lesson and let him know the true strength of Langya. Moreover, we must not let him pass easily! In this way, we can hold the initiative. , The boy withered."

"what do you mean?"

Fan Tianlei smiled treacherously: "Don't get rid of his arrogance and self-confidence at this time, and how to convince him when he enters the special forces brigade? The special forces brigade will not turn the sky.

"Besides…Reading is a good habit. Today's soldiers must not only have the courage not to be afraid of death, but also have outstanding cultural achievements! If he really picked Liangzi just now, did we plan for nothing? The Wuliangye I gave to Lao Kang is very good. I cant bear to drink the expensive one."

Fan Tianlei smacked his lips, and added: "If you don't meet that kid's requirements, how can he die completely?"

"That's true." Chen Shanming nodded: "But this kid is not easy, no worse than our special forces. I'm afraid of them."

"You go with Miao Lang in person! At the station, then…"

The two conspired.

There is full of color between the eyebrows!

If Lu Yu was here, he would definitely know that the two of them didn't hold any good moves.

But even if he knew it, he was not afraid at all!

I'm a man who turned on the hook, I don't know who plays who.

At this time, Lu Yu had already arrived at the designated bus station.

As soon as he got in the car, he found a corner position to sit down.

The coordinate location of Golden Dragon City is not short, it is more than 1,000 kilometers, and it takes two hours by plane.

Fan Tianlei's ticket only allows them to ride to Jiankang.

Jiankang is a southern metropolis, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, with convenient transportation. They have to take transportation here to go to Golden Dragon City.

But Lu Yu knew that Fan Tianlei would set up a net in Jiankang, and it would be a great escape to greet them!

The bus started, Lu Yu seized the time and took out the book he had just bought and started reading.

Title: "X-Men"

Type: Marvel

Level: Grand Master

Sense of substitution: 0%

Lu Yu looked at the title of the book in deep thought.

"X-Men", like "Captain Ass", is also a comic under the banner of Marvel.

In the "X-Men" series, Lu Yu has watched several movies. The superheroes here are all mutants and possess all kinds of incredible mutation abilities.

Professor x, Magneto, and Wolverine are among his favorite superheroes.

Especially Wolverine, with an immortal body, can quickly heal all kinds of wounds, even bullets can not die!

The most powerful phoenix girl, once the big move is opened, it is almost every second, every mutant has to kneel.

I dont know what kind of mutants he can mention after reading this master-level comic book?

Just thinking about it, Lu Yu was very excited.

However, the system defines this book as a grandmaster level, so there shouldnt be any bugs like Phoenix Girl…

"There is no Phoenix girl, Professor x telepathy, Magneto's Earth magnetic field control, and Uncle Wolf's claws and immortal body are also awesome.

Lu Yu murmured, looking forward to it, he immediately spent 100 points of merit, and the sense of system substitution reached 100%. He couldn't wait to read the comic book.

Time passed, the bus passed through multiple stops all the way, and after an hour and a half, it was about to reach the end.


Lu Yu exclaimed, after reading the entire comic, he withdrew from the sense of substitution.

"Ding! The host will get a chance to retrieve the book once he finishes his reading. Do you want to withdraw it?"

System reminders sounded in my mind.

Lu Yu endured the excitement, took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Extract."

Closed his eyes slightly, Lu Yu waited for a long time, but the system did not respond this time, which made him surprised.

"The system, which mutant has the ability to extract?"

Lu Yu asked nervously.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for successfully extracting the devil girl's master-level deformation ability (simplified), gaining enhanced self-healing ability (healing power + 10%), and obtaining the title of'makeup bonus'."

After half a minute, when Lu Yuxin mentioned his throat, the system finally responded.

What? The witch?

Lu Yu was full of black lines on his forehead.

A grandmaster-level extraction opportunity, but I didnt even learn a powerful superpower. Transforming skills? Or a lite version?

Give yourself a fighting skill anyway!

Is it useful to deform?

Could he turn into a woman to seduce the enemy?

And ~~ this makeup bonus, let him be a makeup artist for special forces?

Lu Yu was really unable to complain.

However, the self-healing ability is okay, but 10% is too little, it's also a grandmaster…

"The host, the devil's abilities are at the pinnacle level, with the superpowers that can become anyone, copy the appearance of others at will, change the size, strength, hardness and flexibility of the body! It can also change the structure of the body to avoid strong damage… "

"The reduced transformation ability can only change the basic appearance of the host, achieving the effect of top-level disguise, allowing you to easily pretend to be in the crowd without being discovered.

"In addition, the healing power is not the strong point of the magic girl, 10% is already pretty good!"

seemed to know what Lu Yu was thinking, and the system stood up and said.

Well, you are the system, you are awesome!

Lu Yu quietly compared a **** in his heart.

To put it simply, this master-level transformation skill has only a castration version.

cannot change the size of the body, only the appearance.

To put it plainly, it is Yirongshu.

Thinking of the grandmaster-level extraction opportunity finally, he only exchanged for the tasteless disguise technique, Lu Yu felt painful.

Its tasteless to eat, but its a shame to throw away…

System: "Host, if you want to upgrade your transformation skills to the full version, you can use the book to read a hundred times to upgrade."

Lu Yu: "Raise your marksmanship to Super God level, isn't it fragrant?"

System: ""

Hey… The deformability is deformability, isn't it the makeup penetration? It just happens to be useful, right?

So comforted, Lu Yu was relieved.

looked out the window.

The scenery passed by him quickly, waiting for the bus to arrive.