Chapter 52: The Miserable Connector


He Chenguangs bus first arrived at Jiankang Station.

As soon as left the station, a van stopped in front of the road.

"Are you the connector?" He Chenguang asked vigilantly.

The other party ignored him and just threw a sentence: "In 10 minutes, rush to the crossroad of the opposite elementary school, otherwise you will be eliminated."

"Damn! So cruel?" He Chenguang was secretly speechless, too late to think, and hurried forward with his legs.

Just in time, a policeman came from the opposite side.

Watching him run wild with sparks and lightning, he was alert and immediately followed.

At the crossroads, He Chenguang just stopped, and a man in a black windbreaker riding a motorcycle threw a bag to him.

"Protect the bag, don't be caught by the police, otherwise the game will be over." Kuku said, the motorcycle roared and left.

Opening the bag in his hand, He Chenguang's eyes narrowed.

Inside is a black hole pistol.


He hurriedly pulled up his bag and put his back on his back, his palms started to sweat.

"I was really hit by Brother Yu, these people really dare to play!"

murmured, looked around vigilantly, and rushed into the nearby alley before the police arrived.

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu also rushed to Jiankang and encountered the same scene.

The two men kept Lu Yu's words in mind, and treated the connector as an enemy and were very vigilant.

Wang Yanbing didn't say anything. Before the connector could speak, he kicked the opponent, picked up the bag and ran.

Li Erniu got the bag, and always kept a distance of more than two meters from Miaolang, so that the depressed Miaolang didn't even have a chance to do bad things.

Temporary headquarters.

Fan Tianlei heard the information returned by Miao Lang, blowing his beard and staring with anger, and slammed his fist on the table.

"Damn, Lao Tzu's plan was completely destroyed by Lu Yu, this stinky boy! Even He Chenguang and the others are on guard."

Fan Tianlei was extremely depressed.

I really cant figure it out, why was Lu Yuquan seen through his plan?

"Chief of Staff, Lu Yu is coming too, do we want something cruel?" the coyote reminded.

"Of course!" Fan Tianlei snarled, "Notify Chen Shanming and Miao Lang, so that they are ready, and that kid must know how good we are! We must not let him pass the test easily, otherwise, I will not save face in the future?"

After half an hour, Lu Yu's bus finally arrived at the terminal.

The car stopped, and Lu Yu looked through the car window, patrolling the outside like a falcon.

got out of the car, he did not leave the station immediately.

The other party must be waiting for him to get the bait, so he went out so easily. Lu Yu is not that stupid.

circled inside and saw a homeless old man passing by.

Lu Yu's expression on his face changed slightly with a thought.

The bones and muscles squirmed each other, and instantly turned into a 70-80-year-old vicissitudes of life, exactly like that vagrant old man.

At the side of the garbage dump, he picked up a set of undesirable clothes and carried a snakeskin bag. Even if Fan Tianlei was standing opposite, he could not recognize that he was Lu Yu.

"This face-changing skill is very useful!"

Lu Yu smiled, and followed the people out of the station.

There was a square outside, and there were quite a lot of people. At this moment, Lu Yu was hunched over his waist. Anyone who looked at him would only regard him as a homeless old man.

The person in charge of the connection must be nearby.

They are soldiers, and there is an indelible aura in the soldiers, even if they get out of the uniform and mix in the crowd, they will look out of place.

Ordinary people may not be able to find it, but a trained person can definitely recognize it at a glance.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes, swept around the square, and quickly locked on the target.

Near the flowerbed not far from him, Miao Lang and Chen Shanming were smoking cigarettes.

After discussing with Fan Tianlei about the plan to deal with Lu Yu, the two of them have always been looking forward to getting Lu Yu to eat.

Not long ago, when he heard that Lu Yu had arrived at the station, he stayed here for the first time, waiting for Lu Yu to appear.

"Unexpectedly, are they two?"

Lu Yu's mouth ticked: "This is also called makeup penetration, too casual, right?"

looked around and found that there were riot police patrolling back and forth, maintaining law and order.

Jiankang is a metropolis in the south. Public security is very strict, and there are constant police patrols at stations.

Once a public accident occurs, the police will immediately ensure the safety of the people.

His eyes flickered slightly, a smirk appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and he staggered over.

Sure enough, when they came to the two, they didn't notice.

is still talking to himself.

"Harley has been waiting in front. Even if he can escape from our side, he can still play with this kid."

Miao Lang took a cigarette and chuckled: "It must be Harley that has the deepest hatred against that kid! He was knocked out by a punch during the exercise, and he was hailed as the greatest shame, but he waited for this opportunity to take revenge. It."

"Deserve it!" Chen Shanming snorted: "This kid is too arrogant. The last time I was punished for training in the field because of him, my legs were run down."

"But, are we going too far? People are still recruits after all, so making things difficult…"

"This is what you tell the chief of staff!"

Chen Shanming rolled his eyes: "Recruit? Which recruit has you ever seen so crazy? The chief of staff said that adding some stuff to him to prevent him from passing the assessment is to grind the edges and corners of this kid. It will be easy to manage in the future!"

"That's what I said." Miao Lang nodded.

"Hey, our care this time, if he can pass the test, I am completely convinced."

Chen Shanming grinned, grinning gloomily.

"Ah, am I thanking you for taking so much pains to prepare so many good things for me…"

The sudden sound rang in the ears of the two of them, which shocked them.


The two turned their heads at the same time.

saw Lu Yu, who had recovered his appearance in front of them.

"You… how did you come?"

Chen Shanming stepped back and asked.

Lu Yu shrugged: "Come early!"

"Then what we just said…"

"I heard you all!" Lu Yu grinned.

Chen Shanming: ""

"You guy, why don't you tell me when you come? You are still dressed like this ghost~~ I dont know the time is pressing??!"

Miao Lang scowled and scowled.

"Notify you, and then you will be pitted?" Lu Yu curled his lips.


The two have a guilty conscience.

Chen Shanming coughed, a glare flashed in his eyes, and he was about to pass the box to him: "Here is the information you need, and there are clues… Ga!"

Before he finished speaking, he found that the box was snatched by Lu Yu.

was stunned for a while before he reacted and immediately gave Miao Lang a look.

Miao Lang knows how to take out a blood bag from his pocket, and triumphantly said to Lu Yu: "Boy, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he slapped his head.


Miao Lang cooperated and screamed: "Help, it's killing…"

With this shout, he realized that Chen Shanming's eyes were not right, and he reacted.

Damn! Where's my blood bag…

is empty in his hands, the blood bag is missing.

No, to be precise, the blood bag was in Lu Yu's hand, who was looking at them with a smile.

The two were stunned!

"You…what did you give him the blood bag?" Chen Shanming looked speechless: "No blood bag, what are you shouting?"

"He and I"

Miao Lang speaks incoherently, I don't know what to say.

How do I know that the blood bag will go to that kid?

It was still in my own hands just now…

Lu Yu shook the blood bag and smiled indifferently: "You said you want to add some stuff to me, isn't it?"

said, grabbed the blood bag and slammed it on his forehead.

The blood packet was broken.

Suddenly, my face was covered with blood…