Chapter 53: Military And Police Joint Counter Terrorism

Lu Yu screamed ah and shouted: "Help, it's murdered…"

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were stunned.

How did this kid learn their moves?

The plot shouldnt be like this.

"Don't move, raise your hands, squat down!"

The two police officers on patrol discovered the situation here, and immediately rushed over. Seeing Lu Yu's face covered with blood, they snapped at Chen Shanming and Miao Lang.

"Comrade police, it's not like this, listen to me to explain…"

Chen Shanming gave a wry smile, and at this moment, Lu Yu also took the opportunity to step back.

"We are soldiers and are performing a secret mission."

Watching more and more police surrounded them, the two quickly explained.

"Soldier? Bring out your ID!"

Chen Shanming touched his pants pocket.

There was a sudden jump in my heart.

is broken, the ID is missing!

looked up and found Lu Yuchong who had fled to the distance, proudly raised his wallet, which contained the credentials of the two.

made a mouth shape and pointed to his pocket: "The phone is on you!"

The two were stunned.

What phone?

Miao Lang smoothly took out a hard object from his body, opened it, and it turned out to be a mobile phone.

and Chen Shanming looked at each other, awakening.

Isnt this a mobile phone with a time bomb installed to tease the recruits? How to them…

Countdown on the phone, only three seconds left!

Miao Lang didn't even think about it, and threw the phone out, just at the feet of a policeman.

The phone banged, and a lot of white smoke came out.

Because it is a dud, it has only the power of firecrackers, but the sound is still very loud.

The police suddenly changed their expressions: "They are terrorists, get arrested!"

Damn, what the hell?

Looking at the back of Lu Yu, who had long since escaped, the two of them instantly stunned.

This mobile phone was originally used to pit Lu Yu, but instead he put himself in the blood.

If you can't make a mistake, you get fucked, it's a beeping dog!

Seeing this is bad, the two want to drive off.

But the police did not agree, and they rushed forward. Although they were special forces, they couldn't hold the wolves, so they were directly pressed to the ground.

Chen Shanming was so angry that his soul went out of his body, and he roared up to the sky.

"Lu Yu! My eighth generation ancestors…"

was cursing, suddenly a police officer found a gun from him.

"He has a gun!"

Have a gun?

Therefore, the police's face changed drastically, and the look at the two men became worse.

Chen Shanming was also dumbfounded, looking at the black pistol found from him, so familiar…

Fuck me!

Didn't he put it in the box and hand it to Lu Yu with it? Why did you run on yourself again?

But, I didnt seem to see Lu Yu opening the box. Is it possible that this kid will do magic…

"Report to the main station, report to the main station! Terrorists were found carrying explosives and guns at the station. The suspect has been arrested."

"Comrade police, misunderstanding, really misunderstanding! We are soldiers…"

Chen Shanming complained again and again to prove his innocence.

"Do you have a gun license?"

The lead police sneered.

"What about the military officer's ID? You don't have any ID, so you dare to pretend to be a soldier? You suspect are so courageous, why don't you say you are a general?"

Chen Shanming is speechless.

Damn, I'm a soldier, posing as a woolen yarn!

But he couldn't tell the truth, all his documents were taken by Lu Yu, what would he use to prove himself?

"Don't think that our people's police are so easy to deceive. Soldiers drop bombs when they see police?"

The leading police yelled: "Terrorists can't let go of their rhetoric! Take away!"


Several policemen caught Chen Shanming and Miao Lang and threw them into the police car.

After half an hour!

Jiankang City, in the police hall.

Commander Wen Guoqiang, with a solemn face, strode towards the headquarters.

A female police officer behind was reporting to him: "Commander Wen, at least five or six suspects carrying guns were found in different places in our city today. These people have been professionally trained and possess strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. Before people arrive, they have ran out of sight!"

"In addition, there was news from the station just now that two suspects with guns were captured. They had guns on their bodies, and during the arrest, the suspects used explosives…"

Wen Guoqiang stopped abruptly and asked in a deep voice, "The bomb? Did it cause casualties?"

"No, it's a mobile phone time bomb with very little power."

Wen Guoqiang just breathed a sigh of relief when a male police officer hurriedly reported:

"Report, the latest news on the front line, there have been suspected gunmen in many places throughout the city, and the number is estimated to be at least 50 or 60!"


Wen Guoqiang's face sank like water in an instant!

fifty or sixty people, this is a huge number.

How can so many gunmen swarm into Jiankang City?

too late to think, he promptly said: "Go, go to the headquarters immediately!"

Under the order of Wen Guoqiang, the entire Jiankang City Police Department and its various sub-bureaus are all in action.

All personnel above management level rushed to the command center to hold a joint anti-terrorism operation meeting!

Wen Guoqiang looked solemnly, standing on the stage and issuing instructions.

"Everyone knows the situation. According to the information reported at all levels, there are not only four or five gunmen, but as many as fifty or sixty! Everyone carries dangerous guns. Once the criminals flood into the downtown area. , It will pose a great threat to peoples lives and property ~~."

"Comrades, this is the most serious crisis in the history of our city. As the public servants of the people, the police must stand up! We must raise our soldiers for thousands of days and use them for a while. We must let these lawless terrorists know that if we dare to come to Jiankang, we will never Won't let them go!"

"Now, immediately gather all police forces in the city to conduct a centralized search! All vacation personnel are on duty, and special police are on standby 24 hours a day to conduct key investigations on places with concentrated traffic, especially shopping malls, stations, subways and other places."

"The time has come to meet the challenge. The gangsters want to play a game of cat and mouse, so we will do our best to kill them all!"

"Yes!" All the police shouted loudly.

"Command Wen, we probably don't have enough manpower. These terrorists have very strong military qualities. If they want to hide, it is difficult to find out." The female police officer next to her reminded.

Wen Guoqiang nodded: "Don't worry about this. I will contact the armed police force immediately. This time, we and the armed police will conduct a large-scale raid, block all the exits of the city, and conduct investigations on every vehicle. No criminals can be found, so we will not tolerate it. ."

only 10 minutes.

The various police forces of Jiankang City are dispatched jointly, the police station, the security brigade, the police station sub-bureaus, and the criminal police force.


On the street, there are all police cars whistling.

The soldiers of the Armed Police Force are fully armed, riding in a motorized police car, and cooperate with them to conduct a full search!

All the armed police are standing by, and the whole city has entered a state of security and prohibition.

This joint military-police counter-terrorism operation has officially begun.

Under such intense search, in less than an hour, more than a dozen soldiers who participated in the red blood cell test were put into police prison.

was declared eliminated!