Chapter 54: Blood Pit To The End

What did you say? Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were arrested by the police?"

Hearing the report sent back, Fan Tianlei was so startled that he almost did not fall off his chair.

The coyote nodded bitterly: "The police also found guns from their bodies, as well as explosives, which should be time bombs installed on their phones."

"Where are they now?"

"I have been in the detention center and are being closely monitored… I heard that the police will interrogate them." The coyote smiled bitterly.


Fan Tianlei exploded with a swear word: "These two two goods, how on earth are they going to be wronged by others?"

In his heart, ten thousand grass mud horses ran by!

originally wanted to give Lu Yu a little special attention, but as a result, he pretended to be overwhelmed and was slapped, and even the two generals under his command got in.

I'm so embarrassed this time…

Fan Tianlei had a poop-eating expression, and his heart was unspeakable.

had confronted Lu Yu so many times, it seemed that every time he was led by the nose, once the advantage was not taken.

Is this kid the nemesis God gave him!

This pit **** name, shouldnt it be time to let others go?

"Ah… Chief of Staff, do you need to say hello to the police and release the two?" asked the coyote.

"Say a fart!" Fan Tianlei waved impatiently: "As soon as we talk about things, the police don't know that we are in a drill? Will they cooperate fully and hunt down those little bunnies?!"

"Then… just be locked up like this?"

"Closed! No one can die, they deserve it."

Fan Tianlei said in a huff: "I can't even handle this. Let them stay in jail, and reflect on it."

Turning his eyes to the big screen, Fan Tianlei squinted his eyes and hummed coldly

"Lu Yu, now Jiankang City has been completely sealed off. Even if you go into the sky, it will be difficult to fly this time!"

Jingle Bell.

Fan Tianlei was sulking when the phone rang suddenly.

"Hello? Who?" Fan Tianlei asked in a deep voice before picking up.

"Hehe, Old Fan, why don't you notify me in advance for such a big battle?"

Wen Guoqiang called, and heard his smiling voice: "If I hadn't personally gone to the police station and saw the arrested person, I really thought there were terrorists!"

As soon as he heard this voice, Fan Tianlei became angry.

"Huh, tell you, isn't it just to release water for my group of soldiers? Only if you go all out to search and arrest, can you show the strength of my soldiers!"

"Yeah? I am so confident, but I'm a real man. Haven't all your soldiers been caught? I counted them. There are more than forty. I also caught two of your men. I know them."

Wen Guoqiang smiled triumphantly: "Look, if you tell me in advance, I will release water for you. It won't be so embarrassing, right?"

Fan Tianlei grumbled and snorted: "I've caught a few small fish and shrimps, and I am embarrassed to talk about it? There are many elites in it, all of which are carefully selected by me!"

"You have a species, let's catch the most powerful one!"

"Oh, really?"

Wen Guoqiang laughed: "I have laid a net, let alone a person, not even a fly can fly out. Your action this year is doomed to fail!"

"Let's wait and see, don't talk too much!"

"By the way, your two old men, do you need to put them back?" Wen Guoqiang asked with a smile.

"Come according to the rules, close it!"

Fan Tianlei hung up with a gloomy face.

"Old man Wen, don't be proud of you! At least He Chenguang and them, you can't catch them, hope you don't let me down."

As for Lu Yu, Fan Tianlei was very entangled.

Not only hopes that he will pass the test, but also hopes to teach that kid a lesson, it is broken…

At this time, an hour has passed since the joint military and police search.

The defense system of Cannes was built and fully upgraded.

Every intersection, every checkpoint has an interrogation, and every time a car passes, it will be strictly screened.

Even military dogs are sent on the field, all suspicious smells can't escape the nose of military dogs.

Under such a rigorous examination, the candidates for the red blood cells can be said to have struggled every step of the way.

Every once in a while, someone will be arrested and withdrawn from the race.

He Chenguang and the three of them were reminded by Lu Yu to avoid being trapped by the joint person, but the next escape journey was not easy.

is in an unfamiliar city, and has no money, except to hide.

He Chenguang relied on his martial arts foundation and agile figure. He climbed up the wall and climbed the tree, allowing him to avoid many searches.

Li Erniu, a bull who relied on his physical advantage, ran wildly all the way, he just got tired of the police dogs, and managed to escape.

Wang Yanbing is in a miserable state. He is inflexible and unable to run with a dog. The police chased him like a mouse crossing the street.

Finally, I can only hide in the trash can.

found a broken bowl and pretended to be a beggar!

Not to mention, it really made him escape the search.

Everything that happened to other people was nothing to Lu Yu.

With the wallet that came from Chen Shanming and Miao Lang, he first went to a western restaurant, had a steak, and then went to Starbucks for an afternoon tea.

That cozy look, where is it like a great escape? Obviously it is here for vacation.

After eating and drinking, Lu Yu went to the clothing store and changed himself into new clothes.

Lu Yu at this moment, in his early 30s, wearing a suit and a pair of gold glasses, his face has also become a Chinese character, a proper mature business elite.

After changing his face and disguising, he walked on the street without any sense of urgency~~ with ease.

Looking at the armed police vehicles and troops passing by, Lu Yu was squeaking with a straw in his mouth, sucking a drink.


Suddenly, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

saw an old acquaintance!

His eyes flashed slightly, and Lu Yu quickly followed.

Harley is very depressed.

Originally, he was lying in ambush near the station and wanted to give Lu Yu something special!

But the movement made by Lu Yu at the station attracted a large number of police officers. Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were arrested, and his plan was also ruined.

Unwilling to let Lu Yu run away like this, he was beaten unconscious by Lu Yu in the last exercise, which was regarded as a lifelong shame.

If you don't get the face back, when Lu Yu enters the red blood cell, he will not have the face to stay with the teeth.

But at this time, Lu Yu disappeared early.

Can not find Lu Yu, can only ride a motorcycle, wandering around in the street, I can imagine the depression in my heart.

Just when Halley was wandering aimlessly, he suddenly saw a figure appearing at the intersection ahead, very familiar.

Damn! Isn't it Lu Yu?

Harley was excited.

I really can't find any place to break through the iron shoes, it's all effortless!

This kid hit the gun by himself.

The cheerful Harry stopped the motorcycle immediately, followed carefully, and waited for the opportunity to start.

Perceiving Halley following, the corner of Lu Yu's mouth curled up, pretending that he didn't know to continue walking.

In order for this big fish to be hooked, he deliberately changed his face back, and found a peaked cap to wear, sneaking.

Companion has suffered, this kind of disobedient bear child, who still doesn't know how to retreat, must learn a lesson.

Lu Yu took Harley into an empty alley.

Halley's eyes lit up suddenly.

The opportunity is here!