Chapter 55: System New Tasks

Looking at Lu Yu entering the alley, Halley quickly took out his cell phone: "Is it a police station? I found the suspicious person, probably a terrorist, the location is…"

After calling the police, he put the phone in his pocket, and Halley smiled triumphantly: "Boy, this time I will let you run!"

In order to prevent Lu Yu from escaping, he immediately chased up and shouted, "Stop."

Lu Yu stopped, there happened to be no one here.

He turned his head and looked at Halley with a faint smile: "Oh, isn't this a defeated player? Last time, I was stunned by me not enough. Do you want to come again?"

"Lu Yu, you can't escape!"

Harley stepped back cautiously.

It's not that he is afraid of Lu Yu.

Instead, I wanted to delay time and wait for the police to arrive.

Being knocked out and being caught are two different things, and the nature of the matter is completely different.

was caught by the police, it indicates that the assessment failed and will be eliminated!

"Lu Yu, let me tell you, you better surrender as soon as possible!"

Harley sneered coldly: "Today, you can't escape from my palm. The surrounding area has been surrounded by police, and you can hardly fly with your wings."

originally wanted to use psychological tactics to make Lu Yu surrender without fighting.


As soon as 's voice fell, a wooden door was knocked open next to it, and a large group of big men with dragons and tigers rushed out!

"Grass! Who reported the police? I have a grudge against you! I hid here, so you found it?"


What is the situation?

Lu Yu and Harley are dumbfounded!

The sudden scene that even Lu Yu didn't understand.

However, looking at the appearance of the group of people in front of me, it is obviously not like good people.

were shirtless, tattooed or dyed their hair, and also wore large gold chains, in a typical young and Dangerous outfit.

"What about you, just say you! Who the **** sent you to smash Lao Tzu's place?"

The big man headed by shouted at Halley.

Harley's face was dumbfounded. Until now, he hasn't figured out what the situation is!

He called the police and arrested Lu Yu himself, why did he explode a criminal gang?

Lu Yu reacted, and it seemed that they had made a mistake and ran into a criminal den.

Sure enough, he glanced at the room. Inside was a small workshop with all kinds of raw materials and finished products, and the dazzling white particles. This was a drug manufacturing base.

squinted his eyes and looked at Harry slightly, Lu Yu frowned. He was really a pig teammate.

"Damn, I want to ask you something! Where are your people? How many people are there? Who sent you?"

The tattooed man fought a steel pipe and shouted fiercely.


Just as Harley was about to speak, Lu Yu rushed over.

"Big Brother!" He hugged the lead brother and shouted very skillfully.

Such a good opportunity, if you don't make good use of it, isn't it a waste?


Harley's heart jumped, giving birth to an ominous premonition.

as expected!

I saw, Lu Yu pointed at him: "Brother, this guy is a stub, come here to find out the way, can't let him go!"

"Are you really a policeman?"

The eldest brother who took the lead flashed a fierce light in his eyes: "I didn't want to kill anyone! But your note, you dare to touch the door? Just to catch Laozi?"

He smiled grimly and waved behind him: "Brothers, get on with me! Kill him and withdraw!"

Seven or eight big guys picked up the guy and rushed toward Harley aggressively.

Harley's eyes condensed, and he wanted to rush to catch Lu Yu, but the surrounding area was sealed by the big man.

After all, Harley is also a special force, and under normal circumstances seven or eight people cant get close.

bang bang bang, he put three down.

"Brothers, come out! Get ideas and work together." The drug dealer yelled at the house.


A dozen people burst out of the room.

Everyone, holding weapons in their hands, hula la greeted Harley.

The gap just made in front of him was filled by the crowd.

Harley was forced back, and he was so angry that he yelled: "Lu Yu, I am your uncle!"

Not far away, Lu Yu smiled and waved his hand, telling him with his lips:

"Didn't you call the police? The police are coming. Now, it's time to test your military quality as a special veteran. Don't be beaten down by a few drug dealers… Come on! You can!"

Harley: "#@@%!"

Harley's curse, Lu Yu obviously couldn't hear it.

shrugged and strode away.

Seeing the drug dealers in front of him surrounded him round and round, Harley was not angry.

"Slot! I said, I'm not a policeman! You found the wrong person."

successively beat several drug dealers to vent all the anger towards Lu Yu.


There was the sound of police siren, and a large number of police officers rushed out of the car with guns.

"Don't move!"

"Hold your head in your hands and squat down!"

The drug dealers are under control.

Harley was also inexplicably pushed to the ground.

"Comrade! You made a mistake, I am my own person, misunderstanding and misunderstanding…" Halley hurriedly shouted.

"My own person?"

Police officer sneered: "We, the people's police, don't fight in public! If you dare to pretend to be a policeman, you will be more guilty! Wait and go to jail."

At this time, the police officer in charge of the search came and reported: "Captain! A large number of drugs and raw materials for drug production were found in the house."

The captain's police officer's expression was serious, and his eyes became increasingly cold.

Dare to love, or two groups of people eating black?

Rush? ? ?

"Come here, take all the **** drug dealers away!"

Harley wants to cry without tears.

Not only was he beaten by a drug dealer, but now he was detained by the police and put in a police car.

Who am I to provoke…

"Comrade, I am really my own person, you caught the wrong one!" Halley yelled aggrievedly.

"Uncle policeman, he lied. Just now he said he was not a policeman." The drug dealer pointed out in unison.


Harley spewed a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

"Lu Yu, you bastard, I am at odds with you!!!"

Halley cried out in grief and indignation.

Far away from the alleys, Lu Yu pretended to be a student, and started sightseeing in the streets of Jiankang City again, very pleasant.

"Will the Chief of Staff ~~ often engage in this kind of makeup penetration assessment? It's rare to relax!"

On the campus in the afternoon, Lu Yu was lying on the lawn, looking up at the blue sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

If Fan Tianlei heard this, I wonder if he would be angry with the gun and crash him on the spot?

"It's better to look at the school flowers."

Lu Yu squinted his eyes, looking at the group of young and lively beautiful female students on the green shade playground.

If he hadn't joined the army, he should be in the university at this time, just like ordinary college students, bubble girls, fall in love, and enjoy the agitation of youth hormones.

But, there is no if!

Soldiers, defend their homes and the country, always put first!

His future is bound to be full of gunpowder and crisis, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to have this kind of comfort in the future.

The sun shone on his face, Lu Yu half closed his eyes, quietly enjoying this little beauty.

at this time–

"Ding! The system releases the main task, ask the host to help 5 or more comrades in arms, pass the special forces assessment, and successfully form their own special forces team."

"The mission is completed, reward 20,000 merit points!"

"The host uses transformation skills, pretends to sneak in, successfully gets rid of the stalker, and rewards 2000 exploits."

Lu Yu was taken aback, then the corners of his mouth turned upward.

Mission, here comes.

Ease… It should end too!

He opened his eyes abruptly, and his eyes were as bright as the sun.

The breath of the whole body became extraordinary, no longer as introverted and soft as a student, but like a sharp sword out of its sheath, with sharp edges.

The changes in Lu Yu attracted the surrounding female students to look over frequently.

suddenly felt.

This cold boy…so handsome!