Chapter 62 - Can Cooking Soldiers Enter Spikes?

Director Qian hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Our troops are already in place and can launch assaults at any time. I think we should launch a general attack first and take them down!"

Wen Guoqiang and Mr. Gao looked at each other and laughed.

"No, you ask someone to quit!"


Director Qian was dumbfounded.

"Command Wen, are you kidding me?"

"Am I joking?" Wen Guoqiang smiled.

Gao's team can't wait to pull him: "Go, I can't wait to see Lao Fan's expression."

The two walked towards the gym.

"Command Wen, Team Gao, you can't go there!"

Director Qian yelled anxiously: "Here, they are all extremely vicious criminals, but don't be affectionate! Too dangerous…"

"What's the danger? This is a drill, so please remove the people."

Wen Guoqiang smiled and waved his hand: "If people stay here, can't wait for me to invite you to dinner? I can't afford to invite so many people!"


Director Qian was taken aback, but quickly understood.

"Isn't it just a drill? I have been busy for so many days, take it back and have a good rest, everyone has worked hard these days."

Wen Guoqiang smiled and said, "I am very satisfied with the results of this exercise!"

Director Qian smiled bitterly, these two big guys really know how to play, they can't sleep to make such a big battle, block the whole city, just for a drill?

I can only say that he doesn't understand the big brother's world…

Next, Director Qian began to issue instructions to evacuate the armed police force in a smooth manner.

The vigorous military-police joint counter-terrorism operation has finally come to an end!

When Wen Guoqiang and Team Gao stepped into the gate of the gymnasium, they saw Fan Tianlei still in the gust of wind and showers, his saliva crackling like a machine gun, and bombing the recruit.

"If you want to be a real special force, you must have the ability to counter reconnaissance. This is the basic quality of a special force!"

"But you were stared at by the police, and you took them back to the base camp to expose the base, you are so stupid!"

"How did your old army teach you? If you stay with soldiers like you, you will kill the whole team…"

The recruit was aggrieved, and even his waist was cursed.

"Okay, Lao Fan, if you lose, you lose! Why do you vent your anger with the recruits?"

Wen Guoqiang walked in and said with a smile: "The quality of this soldier is not bad. We even exchanged six investigators to keep up with him!"

"Hey, Lao Fan, are you convinced this time?"

The high team's face bloomed with joy.

Fan Tianlei sighed, faintly said: "If you use more routines, you will be caught out and have experience! I will come up with a new method next time."

"You are welcome, come up with a better way."

Wen Guoqiang smiled and said: "We have competition with each other to test the police's defensive loopholes! You are the litmus test of the police. Only when our police are stronger can we protect the safety of the people."

Fan Tianlei was stunned for a while, twitching the corner of his mouth, and finally turned into a speechless sigh.

Seeing him like this, Wang Guoqiang and the Gao team have no intention of winning.

originally wanted to watch a joke, dont you really blow this old mans confidence?

Fan Tianlei ordered to go down, repatriate the soldier back to the original force, and disqualify him from permanently entering the Spike Brigade.

In the gymnasium, the remaining dozens of veterans and recruits who passed the assessment were swept by Fan Tianlei's cold eyes.

"Stand up!"

All the staff stood up quickly.

Look at the nose with the eyes and the heart with the nose, not wanting to be caught in the fish pond.

But Fan Tianlei is still in anger, and obviously does not intend to let them go: "Today's failure is not accidental, let alone his fault! You should take warning and take responsibility."

"All of them, run back to the base before dark, I will drive in front to lead!"

"Report!" Song Kaifei stood up.


"This incident is his fault, it has nothing to do with us! Why should we bear it?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes.

This silly fork, dare to provoke Lao Fan?

Isn't it just looking for smokers!

"It's ok?"

Fan Tianlei glanced at him coldly: "You must know that you are a collective, and one person makes mistakes, which may lead to the annihilation of the entire army! Now, is it okay?"

"Because you are alone, you will be punished for all of you! Load 30 pounds and run back to the base."

Fan Tianlei roared: "Forty kilometers, not far away!"

Song Kaifei is not poor and wants to speak.

Lu Yu stopped him with a look: "If you don't want to hurt everyone, just shut up."

"Spikes, a gathering place for brave men, a paradise for victors!"

Fan Tianlei's gaze was like electricity, sweeping the crowd: "The wolf will not accept the weak, and you can't endure this bitterness. Get out as soon as possible."

"Turn right and go!"

Song Kaifei died down, and honestly followed the large army, and rushed out of the gymnasium.

Lu Yu took the lead and ran at the front of the team.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, helping five teammates complete the assessment task, laying the foundation for the formation of the red blood cell team, and getting 10,000 meritorious rewards!"

In the process of heading to Langya base, Lu Yu's mission rewards were also received as scheduled.

The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned. With these feats, he will be more able to protect himself in the future.

Spike, here I am!

Forty kilometers outdoor cross-country.

From morning until eleven o'clock in the evening, everyone became tired and became dogs.

They feel that they have been fooled by Fan Tianlei. The distance is far more than forty kilometers, and they have been pitted by this old fox again!

The final destination is not a so-called base, but a military airport.


The recruits, panting with exhaustion, were driven into the helicopter by ducks before they had time to rest.


It's as dark as ink in the night.

Two s-70 transport planes soared into the sky, carrying this group of recruits, flying towards the real Spike!

After a day of exhaustion, everyone is a little tired.

Lu Yu also felt a little tired, and leaned on the plane with everyone and fell asleep.

On the second day, the sky was just dim and bright.

The moon is still hanging on the treetops and has never left.


The transport plane landed on a base square, and the huge propeller swept the fog on the playground and started flying.

"Hurry up! Get off the plane immediately!"

"All the rookies, don't be too slow!"

The rookies of the special combat brigade woke up one by one and jumped off the plane amidst the shouts of the pilots.

Song Kai leaped off the plane ~~ and glanced around the square, showing disdain.

"That's it? Still the Spikes? I thought the special forces were so tricky, it turned out to be that way!"

Song Kaifei shook his head solemnly: "The planes here are not of the same grade as our Army Aviation Corps. They are all obsolete antiques. I don't know where their superiority comes from?!"

Li Erniu came up curiously: "What plane does your Army Air Corps fly?"

Song Kaifei smiled triumphantly: "I have flew all planes like here! I have flew those that are not here, such as F-8, F-10, Wuzhix…I have flew them all! But Langya didn't have these things, it was too shabby. "

Li Erniu was shocked: "Huh? Have you flew so many planes? That's amazing! Unlike me, I haven't touched a few guns."

"Huh? You, a soldier, don't touch your gun?"

Song Kaifei suspiciously: "Is it possible, can you still get a spoon?"

"Hey, how did you know? I cook every day, specializing in spoons and kitchen knives." Li Erniu smiled shyly.

"Isn't it?"

Song Kaifei widened his eyes: "You, what do you do?"

"I'm in the cooking class!"

Li Erniu replied: "Unfortunately, our sharpshooters are cooking classes and don't practice guns."

What? ? ?

Song Kaifei was dumbfounded.

"The cooking class can also come to the special forces brigade, is that right?"

"That's right."

Li Erniu raised his chest proudly: "I have a second-level cook certificate, and the rice I cook is delicious."

"I'm dizzy…"

Song Kaifei was stunned for a while, and said silently: "Isn't the Spike Brigade the most elite soldiers to come in? How can you even dare to recruit soldiers from the cooking squad! Is it possible to get on the battlefield and cook dishes for the enemy?"

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