Chapter 63: Martial Arts Family

Saying that, Li Erniu also heard something wrong in his words: "What's wrong? You look down on the cooking class? I tell you, Brother Yu is from the Iron Fist, just like me. Is he still in the logistics department?"


Song Kaifei's eyes almost didn't come out.

His head was circled for a while!

He didnt even dream of it. He saved himself twice in a row and hacked into the command system of the Ministry of Public Security. The **** man who can even be transferred by the police is… just a soldier in the logistics department?

"Fuck, your iron fist troopers are so powerful? Crouching tiger, hidden dragon!"

Song Kaifei swallowed and smiled awkwardly.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Yanbing came over with a smirk: "The soldiers in our Iron Fist Group Farm are not bad."

Seeing this guy's provocative look, Song Kaifei raised his eyebrows:

"It's the cooking class and the farm again, want to fool me? Why don't you say that you raise pigs?"

"Eh? I am a pig farmer!" Wang Yanbing smiled, "Moreover, I also specialize in raising flying pigs."

Raising flying pigs?

Song Kaifei's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Didnt these words come to him specifically? He clearly called himself a pig!

is tolerable, unbearable.

Song Kaifei said angrily: "You are a recruit, pay attention to your own words! I'm a lieutenant, do you talk to the chief like this?"

"Lieutenant, is that great?"

He Chenguang snorted coldly, disdainfully said: "My brother Yu is also a lieutenant, why don't you show up like you? Relying on military rank to suppress people will only make people look down on."

Upon hearing these words, Song Kaifei suddenly lost his breath.

The key is that he can't refute it!

Lu Yu is indeed better than him.

"Huh, I don't have the same knowledge as yours."

A guilty conscience glanced at Lu Yu, Song Kaifei glared at He Chenguang: "Are you also from the Iron Fist?"


"Are you in the cooking class? Or a farm?"

"Report, none of them!"

He Chenguang has a chest: "Comrade Lieutenant, I am an Iron Fist Group who specializes in flying planes."

What the hell?

Hitting a plane? ? ?

Song Kaifei's eyes twitched fiercely.

I cant talk this day.

Too annoying!

"Look, you want to hit me specifically, right?"

"That's right!"

He Chenguang grinned: "You guessed it!"


Song Kaifei couldn't bear it.

As a pilot, he is a proud man of heaven, he himself consciously has a higher sense of superiority than others.

Now one after another, being ridiculed by three recruits, the public personality suddenly broke out!

"I think you owe you a beating! Want to beat me? Come on, take a look?"

He roared, clenched his fists, and rushed towards He Chenguang.

To say that he is a pilot, He Chenguang is no match for ten planes, but when it comes to fighting, it's too far.

He Chenguang easily dodged and pushed out with a light punch.


Song Kai flew upside down, fell to the ground on all sides, almost falling into the mud.

Fortunately, Xu Tianlong stepped forward in time and supported his figure with one hand, so he was not too embarrassed.

Song Kaifei's face was a while, blue and white.

was defeated by a private soldier, his face crackled.

"Your uncle!"

Song Kaifei roared and rushed forward again.

He still doesn't believe in evil!

He Chenguang raised his brows. With this kind of offensive, things were full of loopholes. He didn't even have any interest in making shots before.

Fan Tianlei, standing not far away.

Seeing the movement here, I was very interested in watching.

These new recruits made trouble on the first day they arrived. They are kind enough…

Song Kaifei rushed forward and punched a combination punch.

His boxing style is also at the level of self-defense, placed in front of a national martial arts champion like He Chenguang, just like a three-year-old kid.

"Morning, beat him up!"

Wang Yanbing is not too busy to watch the excitement.

He Chenguang shook his head, avoided Song Kaifei's offensive sideways, and hit Huanglong with his right fist, making him a long memory.

At this moment, Xu Tianlong's eyes flashed.


rushed over!

arrived first before He Chenguang's fist arrived.

not only blocked He Chenguang's offensive, but also blocked Song Kaifei's fist.

bang bang!

Two muffled noises shocked Song Kaifei.

"Have you two practiced?"

Xu Tianlong lowered his glasses and looked at He Chenguang with a smile: "Everyone is a comrade-in-arms, how do you fight? Song Kaifei just broke his mouth, don't bully him."

He Chenguang frowned and retracted his hand.

This guy is a master!

Song Kaifei also knew that he couldn't beat He Chenguang, so he hummed through this step and stopped talking.

"Have you practiced Kung Fu?"

He Chenguang looked at him with interest.

"Well, it's from the family."

Xu Tianlong smiled and nodded: "My name is Xu Tianlong, you can call me Longlong."

"Martial arts family? No wonder."

"Rough and shallow effort, not worth mentioning!"

"Which school are you from?"

Xu Tianlong smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, my grandpa said that you need to be cautious when you go out, and you can't report your family! There are too many enemies in the Xu family, and I am afraid of people seeking revenge."

"I am in the 21st century, do you still believe this?"

Song Kaifei joked: "Are you still afraid of your enemies, you can find special forces for trouble?"

"I see, you have watched too many Hong Kong movies." Wang Yanbing sneered: "Also seek revenge!"

Xu Tianlong smiled awkwardly: "No way, this is my family's ancestral motto, the Xu family must abide by it! Otherwise, my grandfather won't let me go."

Seeing Xu Tianlong insisting on this, everyone is not asking too much, so the topic stops here.

Xu Tianlong looked at He Chenguang a few more times: "A master like you, it's hard to come by now! Another day, let's discuss it?"

"Okay, it's okay to learn from each other, but I can't be called a master! The real master is Brother Yu~~ He Chenguang chuckles.

said, he looked at Lu Yu with eyes full of admiration.

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu, both of the Iron Fist Team, are the same.


Xu Tianlong was surprised!

The real master is Lu Yu?

Although Lu Yu had rescued him before, he had never been able to show the mountains or rivers. He looked more like that kind of spy agent. There are not many people who are ruthless. I am my brother Yu in society.

With the addition of Lu Yus super hacking methods, he also believes that Lu Yu is just like him as a cyber technician.

However, He Chenguang personally admitted that Lu Yu is a martial arts expert, which was beyond Xu Tianlongs expectations…

Lu Yu didn't know how he attracted the attention of others.

What he really noticed was Fan Tianlei who was not far away peeping!

This old fox is so good, he puts out a battle, and lets them fight? It must be holding bad water.

Lu Yu's goal is to become the king of special forces. He doesn't want to be led by the nose!

Entered the Special Operations Brigade, and may be tortured to death by training, wouldn't there be no time to read?

can't do it!

My future, I must call the shots.

Lu Yu, who had made up his mind, rolled his eyes when he saw Xu Tianlong approaching.

"What are you doing? Want to be beaten?"


This product is actually eager to try it.

is a fighting madman again!

What a fart!

Lu Yu's face turned black.

When is it all, these bear kids are still unconscious one by one. They didn't see those wolf-toothed old birds, all of them stared at it, don't you have any good intentions?

"Hey, Brother Yu, just two tricks! Soon!"

Xu Tianlong's eyes shined.

With a drink, he fisted and attacked.

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