Chapter 65: Red Blood Cell Special Team

Two hours later.

Under the torture of the veterans, a few people who were exhausted to the extreme finally arrived outside the camp of the Spike Brigade.

Such high-intensity devil training, although Lu Yu was injected with super soldier serum, his body was not beaten with iron, and the soles of his feet were also scratched by stones.

Even he is like this, let alone others, it can be described as terrible!

But this also made everyone look at Lu Yu even more impressively.

handed the backpack back to them, Lu Yu wiped his sweat and patted the dirt off his body: "Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay, but my feet are almost gone!"

Several people sat slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

Song Kaifei was full of envy: "Brother Yu, do you have special training in the logistics department of the Iron Fist? Are you still recruiting? Let me go for training too!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't be so troublesome, I can take you with me in the future."

In the distance, on an off-road vehicle.

Miao Lang and Chen Shanming seem to have seen a ghost!

"Mother! Is this kid still a human? I don't feel tired at all to look at it…Is he still talking and laughing with others??"

Miao Lang was so startled that his jaw dropped to the ground, he was surprised.

Chen Shanming frowned and sneered: "This kid's physical strength is a lot beyond that of ordinary people! But his physical strength is so useless. If you want to enter the wolffang, you must have the consciousness not to be afraid of death…"

He made up his mind and didn't want Lu Yu to get better.

After speaking, he took out a windproof lighter.

gave a smirk and lit the wall of fire in front of you!


In an instant, a raging fire wave soared into the sky.

was so scared that everyone slipped down and jumped up like frightened rabbits.

"If you want to get into Spike, just jump over. The courageous car is behind and send you back to the original army!"

Xu Tianlong frowned: "Is this the selection of special forces? Why do you play like the bears who use us as a circus? Such a big fire, once people are killed, they will go to a military court."

"Don't worry about the court, this is for roasting pigs!"

Song Kaifei was pale and complained.

He didn't notice it at all, and unconsciously, he had accepted his Flying Pig's setting.

Wang Yanbing thought with a grin, unable to smile.

Li Erniu was timid: "Brother Yu, what should we do? Will we be burned if we rush over?"

The others are also a little scared.

can't get in!

has a kind of inexplicable fear of flames, this is due to the instinct of living things, it is difficult to overcome for a while!

Lu Yu didn't want to waste time and was laughed at by Fan Tianlei and others.

"Everything is dead! Do you want to go back?"

Lu Yu coldly yelled: "Langya only accepts brave men. If you don't even have this courage, do you deserve to be a special soldier?"

"Everyone jump with me!"

The words fell, he stood up and rushed over first.


approached to the edge of the wall of fire, took off instantly, jumped, jumped from above.

"Yanbing, Erniu, let's jump too!"

He Chenguang gritted his teeth, and the three of them jumped over.

"Don't look at it, the fire won't be small anymore!"

Xu Tianlong took the pale Song Kaifei and shouted: "Let's jump together!"

"Ah ah, I'm not ready…I'm not, ah! Long Long, your uncle!"

Song Kaifei shouted tragically.

After crossing the fire wall, several people burst into flames, screaming and rolling in place.

While veterans with fangs, bring fire extinguishers.

Put out the fire on your body.

Several people were sprayed into white-faced people.

looked at each other and laughed with joy!

There are still some people who stand behind the wall of fire, without the courage to jump over.

Fan Tianlei shouted with a cold face: "Look at you, you are all a gang of veterans, not as good as other recruits! Spike doesn't welcome you, all return to the original troops, don't be ashamed in front of Lao Tzu!"

The eliminated veteran sighed secretly.

This walk, they may never see each other in this life!

got into the car one by one in despair.

Da da da!

The recruits who passed the assessment did not have time to catch their breath.

was all shot into a circle.


Flames appeared again around the circle.

The high temperature grilled the trapped recruits.

"Fuck! Come on?!"

Song Kaifei sweated profusely when he was roasted: "Is it all over? Really use us as a roast pig!!"

"Don't talk, calm down, it will make you feel better." Lu Yu reminded.

Everyone did what he said, calmly, and tried to empty their hearts to keep their physical output in a balanced state. It really didn't feel so hot anymore.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you for passing the test and injecting fresh blood into the Spikes Brigade."

Fan Tianlei walked back and forth around the circle of fire a few times: "You are the talents I personally selected. You are top players in each company, but from this moment on, you must forget your identity and the glory of the past…"

"Because, here, you are just zero! Do you know what zero is?"

"Know!" rookie roared.

"Very good." Fan Tianlei squinted and nodded: "Presumably you also know that you were selected to form a new highly confidential combat team! It will be the special forces in the special forces, the code name of this combat team, I named it-red blood cells!"

Lu Yu finally smiled when he heard the three words red blood cell.

The red blood cell was formed, and because of his addition, most of the unrelated personnel have been eliminated in advance, and the rate of advancement has been increased.

"You are very lucky to be the first batch of candidates for red blood cells!"

Fan Tianlei's eyes were very different: "Red blood cells, as the name suggests, each of you, like red blood cells, penetrates the enemy's area, attaches to the enemy's body, and makes them diseased! It becomes a sharp knife inserted in the enemy's chest."

"Military, there is no permanent ease and peace, only war and preparations are waiting for you!"

"Of course now, you are not worthy of the name of the red blood cell. Because among you, in the end, only one third will be left~~ maybe none of them."

"Red blood cells don't have defects or rubbish, I just want the best! Next, you will have more cruel training."

Fan Tianlei roared: "Take all your skills and stay at the end to become the well-deserved king of soldiers! Do you have confidence?"


Everyone answered very firmly.

I have to say that Fan Tianlei, an old fool, successfully aroused the passion of a group of rookies.

"Well, the soldiers have worked hard all the way, take them to a bath."

Fan Tianlei nodded narrowly towards Chen Shanming and Miao Lang.


The two looked at each other and smiled.

The fire was extinguished.

The rookies are all relieved to hear that they can take a bath.

One by one, I was so happy.

Only Lu Yu frowned.

Compared to being burned by fire, taking a bath is the deadliest!

But these rookies are still kept in the dark, it's not clear why.

"My God, these people are finally a bit human."

Song Kaifei really sighed: "I can finally take a bath and relax."

"So many days have exhausted me! There are three catties of mud on my body, even a cold shower is worth it."

Wang Yanbing said with a smile.

"I'll rub your back later!"

"Rub each other."

Seeing these people's faces are full of smiles, it's like a pig who was sent to the oven by a gang and still silly. .

"Happy Mao, a group of sand sculptures…you will be crying for a while!"

Lu Yu shook his head, becoming more cautious.

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