Chapter 66 - Still Very Easy

Because of taking a bath, everyone who was exhausted originally regained some strength.

Many people dream of taking a hot bath.

The kind of comfort that the hot water fills the whole body can make any fatigue disappear!

People are extremely tired. It is extremely luxurious to simply take a bath and relax.

A group of rookies followed Chen Shanming and Miao Lang, the team was sparse and there was no formation at all.

But these wolf-toothed veterans just ignored it.

Let these rookies keep the team scattered, and support each other to move forward.

Lu Yu sneered.

It's weird to say that there is no ghost!

Will a wolf cub be so kind? Obviously waiting for the rookies to make a fool of themselves, to be so tolerant.

However, Lu Yu was already prepared.

The fusion degree of Super Soldier Serum has reached 70%. Although it is still a mortal body, it will increase a lot in terms of pain and tolerance.

In other words, today's Lu Yu can withstand pain that most people can't bear.

For example, Lu Yu could not feel the pain in the wound on the sole of his foot.

Langya does not have a separate bathroom. The conditions for this type of unit that specializes in cultivating special combat qualities are difficult, with only a public bathhouse.

"We have limited conditions. We don't have a separate shower room. You are very lucky to be able to take a bath. Enjoy it!" Chen Shanming said coldly.

Newbies who want to take a bath can no longer take care of these. A bathhouse would be great.

The bathhouse was empty, without anyone, as if it had been specially prepared by their rookies.

"Undress and go to the bathhouse." Miao Lang ordered.

The rookies undressed and shirtless.

lower body, keep a pair of army green shorts, after all, it was embarrassing to meet for the first time after all.

Chen Shanming shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, take a shower quickly, you have limited time."

The rookies shut up and walked into the bathhouse pool.

But soon, they found something was wrong, why did they smell a smell of alcohol again?

"What's the situation? Ask us to drink?"

He Chenguang sniffed his nose, surprised.

Li Erniu also wondered: "Is it possible that drinking is one of the standards of special operations brigade training?"

"Are you dreaming? We haven't drunk for three years. If we have wine, we won't leave it to you." Miao Lang sneered.

As it approached, the smell of alcohol became stronger and stronger, very pungent.

When I got to the side of the pool, I realized that the smell of wine was escaping from the pool, and the faces of several people turned white.

"Damn, is this full pool full of wine?"

"Why do I have a bad feeling, what are they doing?"

Lu Yu stared at the pool, and said solemnly: "It's alcohol. Spikes are not thin to us. Knowing that we are injured, I am going to use alcohol for disinfection."


alcohol disinfection?

A bunch of rookies look ugly, soaking the wound with wine, it hurts more than salt.

Miao Lang laughed at a few people: "Yes, the Chief of Staff is sympathetic to everyone, knowing that you are all injured, so I specifically ordered me to take you to the pool for a dip! Avoid infection and affect the next training."

"Don't worry, it's all medical alcohol, it's safe!"

"Mother…this, is this to use us to make wine?"

Song Kai shuddered: "Isn't this life-threatening? Are you Spikes selecting or pranking? To death?"

Xu Tianlong smiled bitterly: "Fucking! I thought we really wanted to take a bath, are we all too kind?"

"Okay, go down and wash and disinfect, don't waste the kindness of the Chief of Staff." Miao Lang smiled.

The rookies looked at each other and got goose bumps all over, but none of them dared to step forward.

"I can't bear this little pain or itching, how can I become a special soldier?"

Chen Shanming sneered: "If you want to stay, just go down! If you don't want to stay, you can turn around and leave, no one will stop you."

Little pain, little itching?

Everyone slandered themselves secretly, you have a try!

is wounded by itself. If you jump into this kind of pool, the alcohol will combine with the wound, which is more painful than the ant eating the heart. Don't be too sour.

"Lu Yu, set an example for everyone, first jump one?"

Seeing no one moved, Miao Lang smiled and looked at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Xin asked, this guy is too vengeful, right?

Can't wait to get revenge on yourself?

But he was not afraid of preparing for it early.

Since you can't hide, go down for a dip!

If you want to be the strongest special soldier, let alone a pool of alcohol, you have to fight through the sword.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, it's just a pool of alcohol, don't forget what we are here for."

Lu Yu smiled and walked out: "Besides, how can the Chief of Staff really fix us? Maybe the water is just mixed with a little alcohol to train everyone to be brave!"

The words fall.

Plop, jump into the pool!

The whole person is soaked in it.

Everyone looked admired, and didn't hesitate to say it. You deserve to be the leader.

In an instant, the alcohol penetrated the wound on the sole of the foot and severely stimulated Lu Yu's muscle cells.

But because of the super soldier serum, the pain at the beginning was very heart-stirring, and it quickly eased.

continued for dozens of seconds, and Lu Yu was fully adapted.

Even, completely relaxed, still swimming in the pool.

"Have you seen? It's okay! Come on~~Everyone is down, sweating, and it's very comfortable to soak."

Lu Yu took up the alcohol, poured it on his body, rubbing his back.

He Chenguang was stunned: "Brother Yu, a true iron-blooded man! That's awesome…"

Li Erniu nodded: "In this life, I only serve Brother Yu, not even the Jade Emperor!"

Wang Yanbing plucked up the courage: "Let's go down too, don't let Brother Yu look down upon."

Several people bit their heads and walked into the pool.

Alcohol stimulates the wound, and there is a piercing pain.

But because Lu Yu was a role model, they all gritted their teeth to endure, walked into the middle of the pool, and sat down without saying a word.

"This is a real man!"

Song Kaifei, arrogant, also gave a thumbs up.

Xu Tianlong nodded in sympathy: "I saw from Brother Yu, what a real soldier is, in this life, I will follow him!"

Seeing this scene, the Spike veterans on the side were all stunned.

Miao Lang and Chen Shanming also opened their mouths in shock.

What is the situation?

originally wanted to avenge private revenge, have fun with these rookies, watch them make a fool of themselves, why is it different from what you expected?

"Are you sure, it was alcohol? No water?"

"I put it myself, and the pool is full of high-concentration alcohol, absolutely stimulating!"

Miao Lang nodded depressed.

"Why didn't you make a scream?"

Pointing to Lu Yu, who is in the pool and the brows are not frowning, Chen Shanming is speechless: "Look, this kid is still swimming and diving…I'm doing it, why is he so comfortable??"

"I also want to know, how can I get this kid!?"

Miao Lang collapsed inside!

ask, answer online, urgent…

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