Chapter 67 - I Was 1 Book In My Last Life

The rookies who were still on the shore also began to walk into the pond.

Looking at Lu Yu's face relaxed and relaxed, but when they got out of the pool by themselves, the blood-stained soles of their feet touched water.

A violent pain hits his forehead, grinning so hard that even the soul almost flies out.

The adhesion of alcohol is much stronger than salt!

Continuously drilling into the wound, deep pain in the bone marrow.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts!


The rookies yelled, almost fainted without pain.

lay down on the edge of the pool and howled miserably.

"Fuck…fuck, fuck!"

"Isn't it said that it doesn't hurt? It feels more expensive than the sea of fire!"

Song Kaifei was pumping in the pool, yelling like a sheep having a seizure.

He Chenguang's face burst into blue veins.

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu also grinned.

'S face flushed, and couldn't help it anymore, the brothers and sisters hugged each other and screamed.

The scene on the scene is simply a dance of demons.

Ghost crying wolf howling!

This kind of high-concentration alcohol is not just for fun. The whole body is immersed in it, which is comparable to a thousand swords.

The painful tears of rookies rolled down!

The rookies who have not yet entered the water, their faces changed wildly in fright, hiding far away, and dared not approach the pool.

"You have been eliminated, go back to your respective troops!"

Chen Shanming glanced coldly at the rookies who were afraid to enter the water.

Looking at the miserable scene in the swimming pool, these people looked at each other and shook their heads and left.

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang are really unhappy.

When everyone was screaming in a hug, only Lu Yu was taking a bath very comfortably.

Snorkel for a while, backstroke for a while, freestyle for a while, breaststroke for a while…

is to turn a whole person project into a swimming meeting.

This makes two people feel unfulfilled!

If it werent for someone else screaming, they would doubt, is it alcohol in the pool?

"Something's wrong, doesn't this guy have any pain?"

Miao Lang muttered to himself depressed and looked over.

was stunned immediately.

The corners of the mouth twitch!

Lu Yu didn't know when, holding a book of "Animal World" in his hand, he was taking a bath while watching with relish.

Fuck, fuck!

You are naked, where did you get the book? ? ?

Miao Lang sweats and is speechless.

will not come from underpants…

He thought with a bad taste, and couldn't help but complain: "Lu Yu, how much do you love reading? Can't you feel the pain?"

I didn't look at other people, so I screamed in pain.

The screams are endless, but you are reading here, why are the pictures so weird?

Lu Yu glanced at him expressionlessly, and said calmly, "How much do you like to read?"

"Let me tell you this, reading is my life, I like reading so much, I think I might have been a book in my previous life!"

Lu Yu replied solemnly: "No cartoons are okay, but no books, I can't live for a minute, and no one can stop me from reading."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Miao Lang, picked up the book and continued reading.

Miaolang: "mmp"

I am pretty tired!

What should I do if I feel inexplicable and fatigued?

"Brother Yu, do you like watching cartoons too? So do I. My favorite is Dragon Ball." Li Erniu smiled.

Wang Yanbing let out a smirk: "Er Niu, Brother Yu is not talking about that cartoon, but the cartoon that we men watch! Don't you understand?"

"Man cartoons, what's the difference?"

Li Erniu asked.

Xu Tianlong laughed and explained: "It's a romantic movie with mature pictures of difficult physical coordination movements, referred to as cartoons."

This product is bold and unrestrained on the outside, but also boring on the inside!

"Oh oh oh!"


There was a burst of laughter from the man in the bathhouse.

Li Erniu suddenly realized, scratched his head and blushed.

Wang Yanbing teased his face and joked: "Er Niu, I always thought you were just like a piece of white paper, how can you understand this stuff?"

Li Erniu looked at him strangely: "What's the matter? Cuifen and I had a baby kiss since I was a child. It's my daughter-in-law. Why do you look like you haven't seen a woman?"

Fuck? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent.

All the single dogs have a look of bunker, and they have received 10,000 critical damage from Comrade Li Erniu!

He, they… were actually despised?

and there is no way to refute it!

Are you irritating or not?

After all, even Comrade Li Erniu has a fiancee, and the world is too unfriendly.

"Huh? Don't you have any girlfriends?"

Li Erniu scratched his head, and asked later.


All the single dogs glared.

Li Erniu raised his head proudly: "Hey, I finally found a better place than you."

show off!

Chi Guoguo's show off!


Resentment from a single dog +10086!

"Well, what are you talking about? Why do you feel that the atmosphere is not right?"

After reading the book, Lu Yu raised his head.

looked around blankly!

"This kid, I take it! Doesn't it hurt at all?"

On the shore, Miao Lang and Chen Shanming whispered.

"Our field must be found back."

Chen Shanming said with a cold face: "You can't be mounted on your head by a recruit. This can't be cured. There is another way."

"Yes, let this kid be subdued."

Miao Lang nodded fiercely.

half an hour later.

The rookies who had taken a bath were caught ashore, received their new camouflage uniforms, and assembled on the training ground.

Hell Week has started, followed by more severe training.

Special obstacle training ground, pulling up the barbed wire covered with thorns, blazing flames, and various guns roaring in the ears.

Da da da!

The rookies gritted their teeth and went through the rain of bullets.

Overcoming obstacles, climbing barbed wire, over deep trenches.


The bullets keep on chasing after him.

In the flames filled with gunpowder, dummies jumped out of the shadows from time to time and were hit by bullets.


A dummy was headshot, and Wang Yanbing's face was nourished by blood.

Lu Yu dipped, "Be careful, everyone, this is live ammunition."

"Live ammunition? Fuck, this will kill! Are they not afraid of going to the military court?" Song Kaifei yelled.

Lu Yu kicked his ass: "Stop talking nonsense and keep your strength for training. I'll talk about it after today."

finished speaking, urged a few people, and continued to bend forward.

"Break fast!"

"Follow Brother Yu!"

Obstacle training highland.

"Quickly, quickly, at this speed, you will be killed every minute on the battlefield!"

Fan Tianlei personally took the veterans, holding guns, and chasing after the rookie butt.

Under the threat of live ammunition, no one dared to relax.

If you are not careful, you can take a life away!

ran the obstacle course for a day, and in the evening, I thought I could have a good rest.

As a result, the hateful Fan Tianlei hit with a bullet and forced the exhausted rookie to start a 40-kilometer cross-country race.

"Look at how you are, you can't stand this little training?"

"You are red blood cells. In the future, in order to fight the enemy endlessly, you must have strong physical strength!"

"A 40-kilometer cross-country race, if you can't come back, add another 40 kilometers."

The rookies wailed and wanted to resist.

But the wolf-fangs didn't give this opportunity. A row of bullets swept over, and they had to run without running.

40 kilometers off-road, UU reading has to run for three or four hours in its heyday, let alone so exhausted?

! Puff!

Only five kilometers away, many rookies were shaking, and several fell to the ground.

"Everyone support each other, don't run alone!"

Lu Yu yelled: "Three people run together arm in arm, with good physical strength taking the lead, but when we are tired, we can exchange each other! We can only go back if we allocate our physical strength to the maximum."

At this time, everyone has no ability to think, and can only do as Lu Yu said.

Lu Yu led He Zhengguang and five others, rushing to the forefront, while the others followed behind, keeping a constant speed.

ran away unknowingly, 30 kilometers, Lu Yu still led the team and ran at the forefront.

According to the method he confessed, other rookies also adjusted their physical strength, no one left behind, and no one gave up!

"This kid is really a treasure boy! The physical strength is amazing and the organization is unparalleled. After one day of training, this group of rookies will use him as the core."

Fan Tianlei took the telescope and exclaimed: "Train it well, and you will definitely become the future king of red blood cells."

Miao Lang and Chen Shanming were silent.

There was a strong shock in her eyes!

"It's abnormal…too abnormal! Lu Yu's physical strength is like a bottomless pit."

Chen Shan is secretly speechless.

After such a long training, it is a freak to be able to run so happily!


Miao gave him a wolf look: "Do you still want revenge?"

Chen Shanming shook his head fiercely: "I'm not a fool, so I can find my own face? Revenge? Go to tmd to revenge! I want to love him!"

"me too!"

He deeply agrees.

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