Chapter 68: Er Et Al

After a day of training, everyone was exhausted. After lying on the bed, they snored and became unconscious.

Even Lu Yu felt a little tired, but he didn't go to sleep immediately.

I always feel that Fan Tianlei will not let them go easily. Who has ever seen this old fox be kind?

It is worth mentioning that after a day of arduous training, he took the opportunity to achieve 75% fusion of the super soldier serum, and made great progress regardless of physical strength or speed.

In addition, from reading "Animal World", he successfully extracted an ability of spiders called spider induction!

Spider induction is activated, turning Lu Yu into a realistic version of Spider-Man, which can sense danger signals hundreds of meters away and take precautions.

This skill can be said to be very practical, and it is equivalent to one more life on the battlefield!

Especially some special terrain, eyes are not available, as long as the spider is activated by induction, Lu Yu can predict the danger in advance and take the lead.

Although it is only a play support, it has a huge effect.

With the spider sensor, Lu Yu doesnt worry that someone will put a cold gun behind him, wanting to attack him? impossible!

waited for a long time, until there was no movement outside most of the night, Lu Yu secretly cursed the old fox.

"Huh, go to sleep! I must rest tonight, no one can disturb me."

Lu Yu's eyes flickered slightly, Lu Yu hummed coldly, yawned, and fell asleep.

Anyway, he made another arrangement, not afraid of you coming, just afraid that you will not come.

Old fox vs. little fox, see who is better!

It was late at night, and the night was dark.

Outside the camp, two and three insects and birds rang out to bring out the tranquility of the night.

Fan Tianlei took a few veterans with Spikes to the side of the tent, and did not disturb the sleeping people inside.

"Damn, I was killed by a grenade when I was playing a military game just now. I can't bear it!"

The old fox was full of indignation.

"Hey, I understand."

Chen Shanming laughed and said, "Go! Bring two boxes of grenade."

Soon, two boxes of Type 82 grenade were moved over.

Chen Shanming grabbed one and smiled: "These little bunnies sleep like dead pigs. They must be given a thunderbird. It must be very cool!"

As he said, he must unplug the fuse, throw the thunder into the tent, and blow up the rookies.


At this moment, a black shadow flashed, and thundered at Chen Shanming, frightening him.

"What the hell???"

After being stunned, I suddenly felt that the bottom of my hand was empty, the grenade was missing, and it was on the spot!

Damn! Where's my grenade?

I ran with long legs? ?

Squeak… Squeak!

Around, there was a rustle of feet on the ground.

The soldier followed the prestige, and suddenly found a pair of green eyes lit up around him, like lanterns, emerging in the dark night, very strange.

"This is… a military dog?" Someone responded.

"Why are there so many army dogs? Who opened the door of the kennel?" Chen Shanming whispered.


The army dogs threatened and growled!

A pair of green faint eyes, staring at them coldly, with this cry, it was really crippled in the middle of the night.

The meaning of is obvious. If you dare to throw things around, don't blame me for being polite!

Everyone looked in surprise.

Have these dogs become fine?


There is another dog barking, much more majestic.

The soldiers shifted their eyes, and saw a larger and taller wolf dog slowly walking out of the tent.

is the mighty general!

This dog holds its head high, like a mighty general, traveling for the emperor.

A pair of dog-eyes high above, staring contemptuously at the group of wolf-toothed veterans, as if to say–

"You wait for the people, want to disturb the emperor's boss to rest, no way!"

The soldiers are stunned.

They… were actually despised by a dog?

What a bad day! !

A pair of green eyes were staring, Chen Shanming swallowed his saliva: "Golden Eagle, what should I do now?"

Fan Tianlei's face changed, and finally turned into a helpless sigh: "I wanted to find something for Lu Yu's kid, but now it seems… out of play."

Chen Shanming and Miao Lao are also very depressed.

These dogs, is it possible that Chengdu is Lu Yu's younger brother?

As early as in the exercise, they knew that Lu Yu had a good ability to train dogs.

But today, when he just came to the training camp, he tamed all the army dogs and used them for himself?

This is too ridiculous! ?

But brother dog in front of me, but really…

If they stay here, don't even want to enter the tent.

"What else can you do? Go and bite the dog?"

Fan Tianlei rolled his eyes, looked at the rookie dormitory close at hand, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Fortunately for them tonight, I've been tossing most of the night, I'm also tired, go back to wash and sleep!"

The hard training lasted for a month.

In this months cruel elimination system, the rookies can hardly distinguish between day and night. In addition to training, training is training!

If you dont work hard, you will be swept away, eliminating the ranks of red blood cell seed players.

During this period, they have survived the most difficult physical training, experienced cruel tactical training, more stringent shooting training, trust training, and so on!

Both hands and feet are full of scars, the back is even more bloodied by the barbed wire, and almost nothing is intact.

In addition to these regular trainings, the rookies also completed a series of cruel assessments such as armed swimming, parachuting, infiltration behind enemy lines, beheading operations, intelligence collection ~~ diving deep, spot rescue of hostages… etc.

One month later, the number of rookies is decreasing.

After the trials of iron and blood, only six people, led by Lu Yu, are still standing on the training ground!

They are Lu Yu, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Second Niu, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong.

The last thing left is the absolute elite among the elite!

All headed by Lu Yu, Lu Yu is their leading brother.

Moreover, five of the six of them have all received Lu Yu's help.

Without Lu Yu, there would be no them now, and it would not be possible to survive until today. As early as the first examination of makeup penetration, they would have been eliminated.

In addition, during this month's training, Lu Yu ranked first in every subject, and he completed the training beyond the requirements, which convinced them!

The training selection is over, and the six are determined to stay.

This morning, when the emergency rally horn sounded, they quickly put on camouflage uniforms and rushed out of the barracks to gather.

"If you don't train today, go back, change into regular clothes and gather at the restaurant."

Chen Shanming blocked the door and roared.

Novices feel very strange about this.


Normally, in the early morning, they ran at least a ten-kilometer cross-country, and they had to do forty minutes of physical training before they could get a breakfast.

Today…I can eat breakfast without doing anything?

These wolf cubs, are they so kind? ! !

The rookies looked at each other and didn't believe it.

Nothing to do, courtesy, or steal…

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