Chapter 90: The Show Is Here

He passed! ! !

heard such words from Fan Tianlei's mouth.

Not only was the octopus stunned, even Chen Shanming and Miao Lang opened their mouths in surprise.

They have never seen it before, Fan Tianlei has recognized it so much, and the other party is still a recruit!

"Don't hurry up?" Fan Tianlei glared, "Wait for that kid to come in?"

The octopus had no choice but to give orders.

Soon, the entire warehouse was blocked, no one was allowed to enter or exit, and no flaws could be seen from the outside.

the other side.

200 meters away from the warehouse, Lu Yu hides his figure and quietly observes the movement.

The action of the octopus is very mysterious, but Lu Yu found it easily by the spider's induction.

But he didn't get close immediately, instead he locked it nearby for a long time.

After the whole warehouse was closed, he approached quietly and wandered around the warehouse twice.

found the second floor of the warehouse, there is a window to enter.

He ran close to the past, like a civet cat, climbing up quickly, and followed the window into the warehouse.

As soon as he jumped in, he ran into two soldiers disguised as mercenaries.

The two soldiers were taken aback for a moment, but they didn't expect a figure to come in through the window.

Lu Yu was not polite, and dashed forward.

bang bang.

A hand knife, cut down a soldier!

At the same time, he kicked out, hitting another soldier's stomach, almost kicking out the bitter bile.

knew that Lu Yu was the soldier who escaped.

The two hurriedly explained: "Comrade, you have misunderstood! This is not a real exercise…"

The two did not finish their words.

Lu Yu rushed over and knocked them out!

"What did you say? Sorry, I didn't hear clearly."

Lu Yu chuckled, his mouth raised.

quickly dragged the two aside, tied them with a rope, and spread the spider induction.

This abandoned warehouse is huge!

The rookies who were arrested were kept in separate rooms, each with at least two guards.

There were screams from each room.

The rookies are all being tortured and tortured. Although Lu Yu didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew that they were tortured not lightly.

Remember the location of each room, Lu Yu began to act.

The rookies were caught in, and it had been two or three hours, and the interrogation was completed.

has suffered enough.

Under the pressure of the gangster, none of them let go, their loyalty is enough to be tested!

"Next, it's the turn of the show."

Lu Yu smiled slightly.

Now, he is bravely breaking into the den of gangsters!

As long as he rescues any companion, his loyalty test will be over-fulfilled, no one dares to criticize.

In such a dangerous situation, dare to be alone and risk his life to go deep into the enemy's base camp. With this courage, who dares to doubt him?

The first room Lu Yu touched was the detention of Li Erniu.

In the room, two masked men in hoods were beating and interrogating Li Erniu.

"Frankly explain, who sent you here? What is your unit, and its name?"

"If you don't want to suffer from skin and flesh, just explain it honestly, or you will be killed!"

Li Erniu was covered with scars, and his painful tears were about to come out.

still gritted his teeth, cursing: "I am your grandfather, I am your ancestor, our troops call to bring down the terrorists!"

Lu Yu smiled.

This foolish bull is really stubborn!


He kicked the door open and rushed into the room.

The two masked gangsters looked over in amazement.

Lu Yu rushed forward and kicked a criminal into the air!

Before the other gangster could react, Lu Yu's fist had already reached his face.

The huge fist made him dizzy, fell to the ground with a bang, and passed out.

Lu Yu strode towards the gangster who was kicked into the air.

"I'll go! Comrades in this is a misunderstanding, we are taking the exam…"

Before he finished speaking, he was knocked out by Lu Yu.

"What do I care about who you are? I have to pay a price for torturing my brother for so long!"

Lu Yu snorted coldly, clapped his hands and stood up.

"Brother Yu, is it really you?"

Li Erniu stared at Lu Yu with tears in his eyes: "I thought I was dead this time, and I will never see you again!"

Lu Yu stepped forward to untie him, and said with a smile: "Who said you can't see me? You can still see your family Cuifen, and give birth to a fat boy with her.

"Brother Yu, it's great to see you!"

Li Erniu hugged Lu Yu with excitement, and cried with joy: "I was scared to death just now, I was so painful being beaten by them, I thought I was going to die…"

Lu Yu smiled and comforted: "Er Niu, you are great, you didn't shame our soldiers! When facing life and death, he did not forget his identity."

"I, I remember your words, and I haven't forgotten the beliefs of soldiers!"

Li Erniu wiped away his tears: "Even if I fall into despair, I will not be defeated! I will never forget my death."

Lu Yu patted him on the back: "Very well, let's save others!"

The two quietly moved out of the room.

Wang Yanbings scream came from next door!

They rushed in and saw four masked brawny men **** and beating Wang Yanbing.

"Yan Bing, I'm here to save you."

Li Erniu roared and rushed forward.

The four masked gangsters were obviously taken aback.

I didnt understand, how did Li Erniu escape?

is like a bull that savagely collides, directly throws down two masked gangsters and fights together.

The other two hurriedly grabbed the stick to save the scene.

But Lu Yu, he won't do what they want.

flashed in shape, stopped in front of them, and slammed their heads against the wall like lightning.


These two snorted!

rolled his eyes and lost consciousness on the spot.

"Brother Yu, Erniu, UU reading taught them hard!"

Wang Yanbing has a blue nose and a swollen face, and exclaimed in excitement: "Fight! Fight hard! Slot, dare to fight labor…"

"Don't fight, don't fight."

The two people who were pressed on the ground by Li Erniu complained repeatedly: "Our own people, we are our own people…"

Lu Yu didn't give them a chance to explain, he went straight forward, knocked them out respectively, and then untied Wang Yanbing.

"Hey, I seem to hear them say they are my own, what's the matter?" Wang Yanbing was suspicious.

"You got it wrong, these kidnappers are extremely cunning, they are deceiving us!" Lu Yu said with a calm expression, "Is his own person who can be so cruel? They are saying that they are coming, hurry up!"

"I mean, these gangsters are too hateful."

Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth bitterly, but he kicked his feet again: "Tell you to beat me, tell you to beat me! Pooh!"

said, spitting.

He was tortured just now, his face was like a pig, his bones almost fell apart.

Kicked both feet and felt uncomfortable, so he moved a stool and prepared to smash it down.

Lu Yu was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped him.

If this stool is smashed down, the legs can be discounted. If it is a real gangster, these are their comrades-in-arms.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong?" Wang Yanbing was puzzled.

"We are soldiers and don't do anything against unarmed people!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Although they are terrorists, if we abuse lynching, what is the difference from this group of people?"

"Get them up, they will get the trial they deserve!"

"Okay, I listen to Brother Yu."

Wang Yanbing nodded and threw away the stool.

The three of them went out of the house together and quietly touched the next room.

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