Chapter 91: Shenkeng Fan Tianlei

In the next room, Song Kaifei was detained.

After knocking out the masked gangsters, they loosened Song Kaifei!

Seeing Lu Yu and others, Song Kaifei seemed to see his relatives, tears soaring: "Brother, brother, you can count it!"

"Look, my tender skin has been reddened by them."

Lu Yu had a disgusting face, and motioned to the three of them: "Wake up the masked man and beat him again."

Wang Yanbing smiled: "I think this is a good idea!"

"Don't stop!"

Song Kaifei was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand: "I'm joking. If you fight on this rotten meat, brother, it will almost turn into a pig's head, so quickly grab me."

"That's the truth!"

Lu Yu waved his hand, and several people immediately untied him.

Then, he entered other rooms and rescued the remaining rookies.

Finally, He Chenguang was detained.

came to the door of the room, only to hear a roar from inside.

"You bastards, come at me with a kind, what is the ability to bully two women?"

"Come on! Come on! Use any means, I'm not afraid of you."

Lu Yu knew right away that Fan Tianlei must use Tang Xinyi and An Ran to threaten He Chenguang.

According to the original plot, if this continues, He Chenguang will pretend to surrender and deliberately'strangled' Tang Xinyi or An Ran.

Tang Xinyi, a man-in-law, died when she died, but An Ran…

"Go in and save people!" Lu Yu dipped.

The rookies were already holding their stomachs up, and when they heard Lu Yu's order, they immediately rushed in.

In the room, there are eight masked gangsters!

Tang Xinyi and An Ran are controlled by two people respectively.

"The last chance, if you don't explain it honestly, I will do these two girls in front of you."

One of the masked men smiled coldly.

He Chenguang just wanted to get angry, when he suddenly saw the group behind him, a head popped out.

With joy on his face, he immediately shouted: "Brother Yu!"

"What is your name? Brother is useless!"

The gangster didn't see Lu Yu, and was triumphant: "I only need you to answer my questions, or else I will be stronger."


Lu Yu slapped Jianglong Shiba.

The masked man fell to the ground and fainted.

"Go to your mother, the worm goes to the brain, will you take a look at me?" Lu Yu snorted.

glanced coldly, and shouted: "Brothers, do it!"

"Fuck them!"

"Instructor Xiao Tang, Instructor An Ran, don't be afraid, we're here to save you."

The rookies rushed in, yelling.

The group is excited!

"Brothers, save me!" He Chenguang shouted.

"Chenguang, wait for a while! We saved Instructor Anran, and we will save you again!"

The rookies responded collectively.

He Chenguang: "…"

A bunch of beasts, with the opposite **** and innocent!

this is

what's the situation? ? ?

The remaining gangsters were shocked!

Before he could react, he was blasted to the ground by the rookies coming in, punching and kicking.

Although he was a special soldier, he had no room for reaction because he was temporarily attacked. When he encountered angry rookies, he had to turn off all fires.

"Stop it! Don't fight, we are our own…"

"Yes, yes, my own person! This is an assessment… an assessment…"

"Beat people without slapped face, kick people without kicking crotch…"

rolling back and forth on the ground one by one, screaming again and again.

"Fuck! I'm going to your mother's own person, who is so cruel? I believe in your evil!"

Wang Yanbing got angry when he heard this.

The group said the same just now, and now they want to lie to him, do they have a low IQ?

Comrade Lao Wang, most hate others for despising his IQ.

So, the start is even tougher!

Song Kai flew to fight, and roared anxiously: "Dare to pretend to be our Long Nation soldier, and see if I won't kill you! Brothers, you are welcome,"

Tang Xinyi and An Ran were stunned.

capitalized and bold!

When did these rookies escape?

What about good drills?

Why did the plot become like this? Could it be that we opened it in the wrong way…

"Don't fight, this is really a drill, it's an assessment…"

Tang Xinyi was anxious and immediately shouted.

An Ran stopped her, speechless: "What are you shouting?"

"Quickly stop it, I started fighting without seeing it!"

said, Tang Xinyi wanted to step forward again.

"Since it's all assessments, we can't stop it casually! Why only they can beat people, and the people with red blood cells can't resist?" An Ran sternly said: "If it's actual combat, can you stop it?"

Tang Xinyi was questioned, speechless for a while.

She never really thought about this issue.

But I have to admit that the other party made sense, so she couldn't refute it!

On the other side, in the surveillance command room.

Looking at the picture uploaded on the monitor, Fan Tianlei almost didn't sit on the ground.

"What's going on? When were these rookies released?" Fan Tianlei shouted in anger.

sent Tang Xinyi and An Ran to He Chenguang's room.

He has been monitoring, ignorant of what happened in other rooms.

"It's Lu Yu!"

Chen Shanming's sharp eyes found Lu Yu in the surveillance camera: "How did this guy get in?"

"I'll just say it, I'll just say it! This kid can't catch it, sooner or later it will ruin our good deeds.

Fan Tianlei had a headache and clutched his forehead.

I wonder, why is it always him?

"Why… end early?"

Miao Lang tentatively said: "It's almost the end of the assessment."

"No way!"

Fan Tianlei shook his head decisively.

"It can't be too cheap for the rookies. In the future, do we still want to save face?"

As he said, he snorted: "Octopus, you take people over and control them to me! When I announce that I have killed them, we will end.

"Remember, the assessment must be our final say! You can't give the rookie little room for collapse…"

Before finishing speaking, someone exclaimed.

"Look! What are they doing?"

Everyone looked over in doubt.

I saw Lu Yu, who had not moved.

suddenly picked up a fire hose, connected the water source, and pointed it in the direction of the monitoring room.

"What is this kid doing?" Fan Tianlei frowned.

Miaolang rubs his chin: "Uh, it seems…is to use water to nourish us?"


Sure enough, the crow's mouth worked.

Lu Yu turned on the fire hydrant, and a jet of high-pressure water spouted out of the water pipe, a jet of water as thick as the bowl, shattered, and the window glass of the monitoring room was shattered.

The people in the monitoring room were all swept away!


Fan Tianlei slipped and fell to the ground, almost twisting his thigh.

"Quick, quick! Stop him!" Fan Tianlei yelled, "You bastard, don't use exercises as actual combat."

Chen Shanming was about to stand up and rushed out.

Lu Yu threw away the water pipe, picked up the electric shock baton used by He Chenguang in the room.

"Fuck, fuck! What is he doing?"

Miao Lang was shocked.

Fan Tianlei also saw ~~ almost didn't scare to pee.

can't care about the face or face, immediately shouted: "Lu Yu, stop! This is a test…"

Lu Yu would not give this old fox a chance to speak.

Turn on the fire hydrant again, turn the electric shock baton to the maximum, and place it on the water stream.


Water is a conductor, which directly transmits current to the monitoring room.

More than a dozen people, including Fan Tianlei, were all electrocuted like sheep, with their hair standing on top of each other, almost without incontinence.

"Lu Yu, let go!"

"Don't kill anyone!"

Tang Xinyi and An Ran hurried forward.

"Instructor Tang, Instructor An Ran, there are a group of terrorists on them, they are extremely dangerous! We have no weapons, so we can only kill them with electric shocks." Lu Yuyi said.

Tang Xinyi grabbed the electric stun stick and turned off the fire hydrant:

"This is an assessment, an exercise, and the person above is the chief of staff, and they are all electrocuted by you!"

"What, chief of staff?"

Lu Yu pretended to be surprised and hurried up to the second floor.

Fan Tianlei fell to the ground, his hands and feet twitched, foaming at his mouth.

Lu Yu stepped forward with embarrassment, and shook his hand, "Chief of Staff, why are you? Why didn't you say it earlier, I'm still going to call you guys, and I can't help myself."

Fan Tianlei was weak and staring, like a dead prisoner.

"you you"

"Chief of Staff, don't say anything, it's nice to see you! I thought you were beaten to death!"

Holding Fan Tianlei's hand, Lu Yu shook violently.

Fan Tianlei shivered, as if being electrocuted again, convulsing all over, his bones almost fell apart.

"Lu Yu, you are a scam, even worse than Lao Tzu!!!"

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