Chapter 95: Dimensional Space Upgrade

"Are these military dogs all for me?" Lu Yu asked expectantly.

The secretary smiled and said: "I heard that they are good partners fighting alongside you during the exercise. The chief ordered these military dogs to be brought over and let you choose at will! Although I don't know how you trained, they are all willing. I listen to you and I am naturally willing to follow you."

Lu Yu was very excited and surprised.

With these military dogs, the combat effectiveness around him will be improved by more than one level.

But looking at the expressions of the breeders, I couldn't bear it.

The keeper of the mighty general last time cried to death, and it took him three inches of perseverance to persuade others.

This time, the head of the legion personally ordered it. The breeders naturally didn't dare to say anything, but they definitely felt uncomfortable.

After all, the breeder has established a relationship with the military dog since he was a child, and finally raised the furry child, but he has to give it up!

This is equivalent to asking parents to give away their children.

Who doesn't hurt?

Replaced by Lu Yu himself, I cant accept it!

But soldiers must obey orders as their bounden duty.

I gave an order and had to hand it over again.

Moreover, these military dogs and Lu Yu will have better room for development.

"I took the army dogs, what about them?"

Lu Yu couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry about that. Brigadier He also said that if special operations are assisted by military dogs, it will be more effective."

Secretary smiled and said: "They will be assigned to retrain new military dogs. This is the duty of the breeder!"

He Zhijun said: "Regardless of whether the breeder or the army dog, they serve the army, they will also have new tasks."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, even He Zhijun said that, he no longer has a psychological burden.

"Can I take them all?" Lu Yu asked.

"So many army dogs, you want to take them away and bring them here?" The secretary was surprised.

He Zhijun helped and said: "Looking at the anxious look of this kid, you can say can you? He dares to say that there must be a way."

"Haha! No problem, the chief asked you to choose anything, but I didn't say that you can't take it all away."

After hearing this, Lu Yu was so happy that he quickly stepped forward.

made a strange cry from his mouth!

The army dogs seemed to have heard the order to gather, and immediately rushed to stand in front of Lu Yu, wagging their tails happily.

This scene is like a soldier facing the command of the general and his actions are uniform!

Every army dog is a soldier, neatly arranged, standing in front of Lu Yu for inspection.

"I'll be a good boy!"

The secretary was full of admiration, and his eyes widened in surprise: "I used to hear about the fact that military dogs can still pick up bombs during exercises. I thought it was just an exaggeration! Now, it can be regarded as a real experience."

"Haha, this kid doesn't need two brushes, can he be the captain of the red blood cells?" He Zhijun laughed.

"Brigadier He, congratulations, there is such a good soldier under his hand, even I envy!" The secretary smiled and congratulated.

He Zhijun said sternly: "Lu Yu is not only my soldier, he belongs to the whole army, the whole country! It is the treasure of our country!"

"Yes, our army, our country has found a treasure."

Looking at the army dogs raised from childhood to big, they ran away with others so easily, all the keepers were crying, and they had no love.

"Nothing! I'm both a father and a mother, pulling you to the end, but patted **** and left without looking back."

"It's not as promising as it is? I think it's just ruthless, I can't bear to give it something to eat, it's delicious and delicious, and I ran away after shouting!"

"It's been a long time to raise dogs, and they all say that dogs are not too poor at home. Why doesn't it work for us?"

"Eh…I was holding it to sleep last night, and didn't even say hello when I left, wagging my tail and ran into someone's arms, unscrupulous bastard."

The trainers secretly wiped their tears, scolded, and looked at the departed military dog, reluctantly.

is like parting parents, sending off their children!

While chatting, he exhorts the children, hoping they will have a good time.

Lu Yu looked at this scene from a distance, indifferently, sighed inwardly, and gave an order to the army dog.

All the army dogs turned around at the same time, stood upright, and whistling towards their breeder.

The breeders were stunned.

Watching her pet dog crowing at them, her tense emotions can no longer be controlled, and tears flow down her eyes.

"Look, they are saying goodbye to us! I haven't forgotten us." A breeder whimpered.

"We didn't raise them for nothing! In the future, they will live better." Another breeder cried and laughed: "Let's go, don't look at it, it's uncomfortable."

"They are the bravest fighters, their future is on the battlefield!"

"With Captain Lu, they are the well-deserved king of military dogs."

The breeder wiped away his tears, turned around and left.

No matter how long the army dog crowed, he didn't look back!

Lu Yu stands at attention.

with a solemn face, saluting at their backs.

Don't worry, guys, if you hand the army dogs into my hands, I will treat them well!

They are all my comrades in arms.

Always will be!

He Zhijun patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "How are you going to place the army dog?"

Lu Yu turned around and thought for a while: "I have my own way!"

"Okay, then you go back and have a good rest! Don't forget, the day after tomorrow, the agreement with the chief."


Back to the brigade.

He Zhijun left Lu Yu and the army dog and drove away.

Lu Yu carried his bag and brought the mighty general with him, and 13 army dogs followed him in unison.

"Mighty General, from today, you will be their leader. Bring me this team~~ Lu Yu patted the mighty general on the big head and laughed.

The mighty general wailed, and his chest stood tall.

The meaning is obviously saying

Boss, don't worry! With me here, I promise to help you train these boys!

The other army dogs bowed their heads to the mighty general with sobs, as if the soldiers paid homage to the general.

The mighty general raised his head proudly.

The cold wind blows its hair.

At this moment, accompanied by a narration: The lonely shadow of the cold river, the old man of the rivers and lakes, why do we have met when we meet…

"Congratulations to the host, promoted to the rank of captain, rewarded with a merit value of 1000!"

"Congratulations to the host, for being promoted to the captain of the red blood cell special combat team, rewarding merits worth 2000!"

"Ding, the system has detected that the host has a military dog following. It is recommended that the host use the merit value to upgrade the dimensional space to 10 cubic meters, which can accommodate living things. The general dog is stored in the dimensional space, so that the military dog can rest inside!"

Lu Yu was stunned. He was worried about how to place these military dogs. Dimensional space still has this function?


"How much merit is needed to upgrade?"

"Ten thousand feats!"

Lu Yu gritted his teeth, which was equal to an opportunity to extract the master's book.

He now has 33,000 merit points, and he doesn't care about that anymore.


"Ding, the portable dimension space has been upgraded! The host only needs to use his mind to store all objects."

Lu Yu's mind moved, and the army dog following him disappeared into the same place almost instantly and was accommodated in the dimension space.

"It's really convenient!"

Lu Yu clapped his hands: "Okay, it's time to leave."

straightened the military cap and strode out of the barracks.

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