Chapter 96: Martyr’s Widow

Stayed in the army for almost half a year, and grew from an unknown soldier to a captain, which is also considered a return home.

When he came to this world, Lu Yu didn't know who his family was. He stayed with Sister Xiaoyin all the time.

Sister Xiaoyin, named Wenyin.

is the landlord of Lu Yu, a family member of a martyr.

Wenyins husband Wang Bibao is a border warrior. Three years ago, he died in a border drug tasking mission and was chased as a glorious martyr, leaving behind a pair of orphans and widows and an elderly mother.

The army issued a pension to Wenyin's family as compensation. Qian Wenyin didn't use the money, saying that he would leave it to his children to go to university, marry a wife and have children.

Wang Bibao left a property left by his ancestors, which is an old courtyard house. Now it is transferred to Wen Yin.

Because the house is big, the Wenyin family can't live in so many rooms, so they simply rent out, relying on the rent to improve their lives.

Over the years, Lu Yu rented Wen Yins house as his foothold in this world.

Because there is no source of income, Lu Yu can only study at night and go out to work during the day to earn living expenses and rent.

Normally, Wen Yin takes care of Lu Yu very much and treats him as his own brother. Lu Yu can save rent and provide a lot of convenience.

Lu Yu is a person who knows his favor.

When it was difficult before, Wen Yin's help to him was remembered in her heart.

He also knows that the Wenyin family is not rich.

There is no man in charge of the house, orphans and widows, can you imagine the days?

In this case, Wen Yin waived his rent many times. What a blessing!

Now, he is in the army and has received a reward of 1 million. Of course, he has to go back to visit Wen Yin and repay him by the way.

Only when I became a soldier did I understand how difficult it is to be a soldier!

This country is beautiful and very rich.

Because there are countless iron-blooded soldiers like Wenyins husband Wang Bibao, who are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. They are on the edge of darkness and light, bearing the weight of the country and the people, and they have brought this prosperity to peace!

Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the homeland is, it will become the Shura battlefield.

took a taxi to Donghai City, Lu Yu went straight to the train station.

Wenyins home is in Rongcheng, a city in the western part of Jiangnan!

Lu Yu bought a ticket, got on the high-speed rail, and arrived in three to five hours.

Rongcheng is a second-tier city that focuses on tourism. Compared with the cities in the south of the Yangtze River, the economy is underdeveloped.

But here, the environment is very beautiful, suitable for leisure and elderly care, it is a good tourist city.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the high-speed rail arrived.

Lu Yu walked out of the station and looked at this familiar city, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

"Rongcheng, I'm back."

Packed up, he put his bag on his back, and instead of taking a taxi, he left on foot.

First, I went to the bank to withdraw a sum of money and exchanged it into a check. The rent owed to Wenyin in the past can be made up in a lump sum.

The remaining money should be regarded as full repayment to Wen Yin for taking care of her.

Today is the weekend, and there is a lot of traffic on the street.

There are couples who go shopping, family members go out together, and three or five friends get together, chatting and laughing.

There is a rush of cars and people!

This flourishing and prosperous world is the hope of every soldier who will fight for his life!

But by the way, things are a bit cruel.

For soldiers, how can there be peace and happiness?

is always ready, not just a slogan, but also a practice for it.

No one asks at the general's grave, and the family knows all about the actors!

In this peaceful age, it has long become commonplace, but in times of war, it will never happen.

Lu Yu bought some fruits and went to the toy store. He bought a lot of toys in large and small bags. Wen Yin's son had just turned three years old, when he was very active.

Touched his stomach, Lu Yu felt a little hungry, and planned to find a snack bar to deal with it casually.

After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped.

Because the sidewalk in front was blocked.

Lu Yu looked up and saw that it was a newly opened western restaurant.

The decoration of is very stylish, full of strong European and American style, and the customers inside sit upright.

holding a knife and fork, very gentleman cutting steak, it seems very tall!

Because the business is booming, the customers in line are all on the roadside, mostly young people.

Lu Yu glanced at him, frowning slightly.

feels a little uncomfortable!

Nowadays, imported things are becoming more and more popular in the land of the Dragon Kingdom, and even food and drink are gradually Westernized.

A variety of western restaurants are in an endless stream, and foreign fast foods are spread across major cities and counties in the country, which seriously affects the psychology of young people.

As everyone knows, the cuisine of Longguo has been in the same line since ancient times. The eight major cuisines are at the pinnacle, which is unmatched by the cuisine of any country!

There is no need to put the cart before the horse, excessively pursue foreign devils with knives and forks in their hands, and drink blood in their hands, right?

Lu Yu shook his head, preparing to leave.

Suddenly, a few women next to me talk proudly!

"Tell you, I will go there soon, and officially become a U.S. citizen!"

A young woman with a stylish dress and sunglasses is showing off to the person next to her.


"Of course!" The woman was triumphant, raising her neck like a proud peacock: "He is an executive of the fruit company and has promised to marry me."


The women next to them all exclaimed.

Little stars full of eyes!

"Xiaohui, among us, you are the most promising."

"Yes, I got American citizenship and married a fruit company executive."

"We will all come to you in the future!"

Several other women are full of envy.

Lu Yu frowned and answered silently.

Cultivation of foreigners and foreigners is the most common phenomenon in the Dragon Kingdom today!

How many people, like this young woman, think that the moon of a foreign country is round and that they are proud of acquiring foreign nationality.

It is true that there are still some places in Longguo~~ that do not do well, and the welfare system is not as good as foreign countries, but this is not a reason for you to give up your nationality.

The saddest thing about a nation is that even its own people do not recognize this country.

In the **** battle of the year, countless heroes died for this, and the cities were turned into ruins. The horrific massacres revealed the history of blood and tears in the past century.

But our ancestors have never given up and prospered the country to this day, but some people forgot to stand up on their knees.

can't wait to marry a foreign devil so impatient.

abandon one's own nationality as if they were dead!

This is a helpless and sad fact.

Long Country, a loyal man who never lacks iron and blood.

But like the woman in front of me, there are not many people who forget their ancestors and forgetful slut!

"It's better to be a foreign man, good quality, and polite! Ability is strong, not something that some useless can compare."

"Yes, lets not talk about the United States. Look at the neighboring Dongying Kingdom. The population is less than one-tenth of the Long Kingdom, and the land resources are even more incomparable. The province of Long Kingdom is bigger, but the per capita wealth created is ten times ahead. A hundred times! People are called developed countries!"

How about foreign men?

More polite than domestic?

Great joke!

Xiaoxiao Dongying Country, a small place, with small courtesy but no righteousness, also worthy of etiquette?

The Dragon Kingdom has been a country of etiquette since ancient times. When our ancestors talked about benevolence, justice and morality, foreign devils were still playing in the mud and living a life of rags and blood.

A bunch of uncivilized wild people, what do their ancestors call them?

A barbarian outside!

is not just barking.

Lu Yu's expression gradually became cold!


clenched his fist.

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