Chapter 124: Three Elite Troops Of Spike

Fang Xinwu suddenly said: "By the way, there is still something to tell you. I dont know the location of Yandopas detention. Park Zha has many sites in this city. I have sent an informant to look for it, but you The action time is only fifteen minutes!"

Gao Gang frowned: "Fifteen minutes, is this too short?"

"Enough time." Lu Yu made a decisive decision: "Red blood cell action, it won't take so long."

Fang Xinwu gave a thumbs up: "The special forces are really extraordinary. Remember, after fifteen minutes, you must come out no matter whether you find someone or not. I have to ensure the safety of my informant."

"No problem, we must rescue people." Lu Yu smiled.

"Okay, then let's gather the people and get ready to act." Gao Gang nodded.

After the negotiation was settled, the two went back separately.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they led the red blood cell team and the special police team to meet in the city.

As the leader of the team, Gao Gang announced the rules of action and task discipline to everyone.

"Everyone, this case is very complicated, and the strength behind the scenes is great. Be careful not to be discovered by the local police when you act. If something happens, remember that your identity must never be revealed!"

"Another point, this is not our country. Crimes are rampant in this city, and the police may be their people! Therefore, any person you meet may be a drug dealer. We must fight quickly to save If you lose people, retreat immediately, and you can't use lethal weapons."

"The enemy, what should I do with us?"

He Chenguang asked in surprise, "Can I only be beaten and not fight back?"

Wang Yanbing frowned: "They have guns. We can't use flesh and blood to block the muzzle!"

Gao Gang said: "We will give out non-lethal low-speed rubber bullets to each of you! Remember, don't shoot casually, only use it when your life is threatened."

"Rubber bullets?"

Song Kaifei was shocked: "That's right? People use real guns and live ammunition, and rubber bullets are used for ass?"

"It's no way."

Gao Gang shook his head helplessly: "Until there is not enough evidence, we cannot use lethal weapons casually in other countries. This is disrespect for other countries! In addition, Western media will make a fuss about this matter."

"Comrades, this battle will be very difficult, but please believe that as long as we get the evidence, it will make you enjoyable at that time, even if all the drug dealers are killed, no one will stop you!"

"Hey, this is too awkward." Wang Yanbing grinned.

"Okay, don't you have no weapons, you can't defeat the enemy? You haven't forgotten the belief when you joined the red blood cell?"

Lu Yu swept over the crowd and said loudly: "The call is here, and the battle can be won! We have gone through many hardships to come to today, and we have worked hard for this goal. We are the most elite special forces. Born to fight! Even if you give you a chopstick, you can still kill the enemy!"


People with red blood cells have firm eyes.

Gao Gang scrutinized Lu Yu carefully, and the enthusiasm of the soldiers was aroused so quickly, the red cell captain seemed to be underestimated by him.

"Okay, everyone get ready first, and when the news arrives, we will act immediately!"

At this time, Lu Yu also received a call.

Seeing the caller ID, he connected and smiled: "Hey, Lao Fan, are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Smelly boy, I'm out of the hospital, didn't you know it?"

On the phone, Fan Tianlei heard an angry voice: "How is it? It's cool to be a captain, right?"

"Hey, it's fun."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "It's best if you don't intervene in the future, just give me the command."

"Do you want to be the captain forever?"

"Of course, it's so free without you!"

Lu Yu replied very cheaply.

Fan Tianlei's head is full of black lines, how can he not entertain him? Fortunately, I ran up and down to provide you with logistical support!

I'm stuck~!

"Okay, don't you want power? Then I will give you this opportunity." Fan Tianlei snorted coldly.

"Huh? Really?"

Lu Yu's eyes lit up. He just said casually, but didn't really want to claim power from Fan Tiankeng.

"The brigade commander can explain. This time, when you come back, the red blood cells will be given a chance to become the three elites of the wolf teeth!"

"Damn!" Lu Yu burst into swearing with excitement, "You didn't lie to me?"

There are tens of thousands of special forces in the Spike Brigade, and there are countless large and medium teams.

The newly established red blood cells are in it, which belongs to an inconspicuous wave. After a wave, no one will notice.

However, the three elites of Langya are different. They are all top-notch existences in the entire special forces brigade!

Even if you look at the entire military region, it is a top-notch special force.

If he could become the three elites, as the captain of Lu Yu, his status would naturally rise.

The most important thing is that he has independent command and will never be controlled by Fan Tianlei!

The power is in your own hands, and you are most assured…

"Of course, let me tell you another secret message. The brigade commander is going to hand over the title of Langya, and he will choose a successor from the three elite troops!"

Fan Tianlei lowered his voice and burst out a heavy news: "So, if your kid successfully completes the mission ~~ and makes military contributions, the title of Spike might fall on you."

Lu Yu rubbed his hands in excitement.

Grab the title of Spike?

This is a great opportunity!

Not only is it a symbol of glory, if the title of "Spike Tooth" is grabbed, it should be rewarded with a lot of merits, right?

Just as Lu Yu wanted to say something.

The informant news came successfully and the team was ready to set off.

Had to hang up temporarily, led the red blood cell members to board the car, and set off with the special police.

This operation was divided into two teams.

The special police officers sat in a car alone, first went to Puzha's site to check the environment, and made a route to the periphery and retreat.

The members of the red blood cells changed into casual clothes in the car. There were also Fang Xinwu and Gao Gang, as well as dozens of imposing military dogs.

The time is very short. It is much easier to let a dog find someone when you are not familiar with the road section.

The nose of a military dog is the most sensitive and small in size. It will not cause people's alertness when traveling around the city.

Even if they find out, dogs run faster than people, and they can retreat calmly.

"There is only one exit in the entire city. Before entering the casino, there is a metal detector at the entrance. No one who enters can bring a gun! But the desperadoes are even more brutal, so you must protect yourself.

Fang Xinwu took a map and gave instructions to Lu Yu and the others.

"Is Yandopa detained in the casino?" Lu Yu asked

"My informant didn't tell me the exact location."

Fang Xinwu shook his head: "If we reveal too much, he may be exposed! So we have no choice but to find it by ourselves."

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, and then said, "I enter the casino, and the rest of you meet from the outside!"