Chapter 125: Sin City

Brother Yu, you are the only one? It's too dangerous!" He Chenguang immediately said, "Shall I accompany you?"

"I'll go, I know martial arts, and I can also act as a helper for Brother Yu." Xu Tianlong followed.

He Chenguang squinted at him: "It's like saying, I don't know how to martial arts?"

"Okay, stop arguing between you two, I'll go alone and no one will take it."

Lu Yu waved his hand: "There are many crises inside. It is convenient for one person to move and there are many people, but it increases the risk of exposure."

Seeing Lu Yu said this, the few people stopped arguing.

Fang Xinwudao: "You stay outside. You are not allowed to bring weapons inside. Instead, it is safer. The outer armed forces are stronger, so you can guard this place. After the hostages are rescued, there is still a tough battle to fight!"

Wang Yanbing shook her fist, her face fierce: "Okay, I will guard the periphery and make a **** path for Brother Yu!"

"Me too!"

Li Erniu plausibly said: "Whoever dares to do Brother Yu, I want his life."

After being tempered by blood and fire, this silly cow also exudes an aura of killing.

Everyone had a clear division of labor. When the car arrived at the place, everyone jumped out of the car.

In front, is Park Zas casino.

Check the weapons and equipment. As the mighty general of the dog, he also leads a group of younger brothers and forms a good formation.

Lu Yu patted the mighty general on the head and said, "The action will begin immediately. I will give you three minutes to take your little brothers to find out where the hostages are hiding! If you don't find it, or lose to the police dog, I will find you a little bitch. Don't think about it, I'm going to castrate you to be an **** dog."

Huh? ? !

The mighty general shrank the dog's head in fright, tightened the chrysanthemum, and tightened his tail on the spot to protect the little jj.

Seeing that the boss was frightened, the other army dogs immediately felt the same way, and backed straight to swing.

Before they found the little bitch, they walked to the pinnacle of dog birth, and they were castrated as **** dogs.

In the future, how can you be a majestic army dog that has reached the pinnacle of dog life?

I can't raise my head in the dog world!


In an instant, all the army dogs turned their heads together, staring at Xiaotian fiercely.

The look of grinning teeth, can't wait to swallow it alive.

Originally, Xiaotian, who was still lying on the ground, felt the gaze of the dog bosses killing dogs, and was so scared that he buried his head on the ground and whimpered.

The mighty general came over, raised his paw, and patted Xiaotian on his head, whimpering in his mouth.

The other army dogs also echoed, and their eyes were extremely bad.

Xiao Tiangou was so frightened that he kept leaning forward, trying to add chrysanthemums to the bosses, as a sign of loyalty.

But the dog boss was very disgusted with it, all staring with his eyes, Xiaotian had to wag his tail desperately, his front paws fell on the ground, and he stance low.

The dog's face was filled with flattery, like a dog leg.

"Xiaotian, you have really changed, where have you been that aloof?"

Gao Gang said sadly.

At this time, Fang Xinwu put away his mobile phone and walked back and solemnly said: "Everyone, I just received the news that the informant seems to have been found and has already left."


Gao Gang was shocked: "What should I do? No one answered?"

Fang Xinwu helplessly spread his hands: "You can only rely on yourself to find a way to find Yandopa! This action is more difficult than we thought. The other party is very alert. If the informant is found, it is estimated that Park Zha will soon Ill know, sure, you dont even have fifteen minutes."

"In that case, just one word…do it!"

A ray of cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

Direct orders to the mighty general!


The mighty general turned into a black lightning and rushed out first.

The other army dogs followed closely, went into the casino and separated, looking for the target person.

Seeing the dog bosses act, Xiaotian also rushed out, but it was the last one.

Because just now, it was ordered by the dog bosses, so it couldn't let it steal the limelight, so it had to run behind.

While running, he was sticking out his tongue, as if to say–

Dog bosses, come on and look for him, I will give you a break!

Lu Yu waved his hand, and the red cell team members immediately separated, guarding around the casino, taking strict precautions.

Fang Xinwu is an undercover agent, so it is naturally inconvenient to move. After everyone moves, he finds a place to hide.

Together, Lu Yu and Gao Gang, pretending to be guests entering the casino, lined up close to the security gate.

It is convenient for his special police team to cooperate on the periphery.

Fight a battle between inside and outside!

Outside the security gate, when it was Lu Yu and Gao Gang's turn, they did not detect any problems, so they were released.

The outer red blood cell team members scattered, pretending to be idlers, wandering around, secretly approaching those armed men.

Inside the security gate, there is a dark and damp passage, surrounded by steel wire safety nets, and there are various people moving inside.

Casinos are very common in the Golden Triangle, and the government will not take care of them. They are all operating normally.

Many outsiders will enter here to try their luck and gamble.

After entering, Lu Yu and the others followed the others and walked forward without arousing suspicion.

Inside the casino, there are three schools of thought, everyone is there, the air is hot and humid, and the smell is really not good.

The different rooms are full of noise, and everyone is gathered around the gaming table.

Smoking cigarettes, hugging the women, screaming sensually.

Those who have won the money will show off loudly, and those who have lost will curse and pat the table hard.

These are the norm in casinos!

Especially on the sofa next to it, sitting women from various countries and races of different colors.

These women are smoking cigarettes, dressed up and looking at the men who win money.

On the ring next door, there are two strong men playing Muay Thai.

They broke their heads~~ their faces were covered with scars, they almost fought for their lives, and they got cheers and screams from the surrounding audience.

"This is the capital of sin, the paradise of the dark."

Gao Gang sighed secretly, retracted his gaze and said in a low voice: "In this place, the various channels are outlined vertically and horizontally. It is too difficult to find someone!"

Lu Yu smiled: "Team Gao, don't worry, we still have thirteen helpers! Wait a minute, there should be results."

Suddenly, Lu Yu's eyes moved and he heard the barking faintly.

"Found it, over there."

Lu Yu pointed out a direction, quickly pulled Gao Gang, and sneaked over quietly.

"Notice! Find the target, find the target, everyone is ready to act."

Gao Gang lowered his head and whispered commands to the headset.

"Hurry up."


The order was given, and the special police and red blood cell team members from the periphery moved quickly and waited seriously.

Erlang controls the drone, ascending to high altitude, fully grasping the situation around the casino.

Report at any time for everyone to retreat.

On the other side, Lu Yu and Gao Gang followed the direction of the dog barking and came to a narrow corridor.

The mighty general was sitting at the end, his eyes fixed on the front.

"Found it?" Gao Gang asked.

"It should be right."

Lu Yu nodded: "Before I came, I had let them smell Yandopa's things and looked at his photos. You can't be wrong."

Military dogs have been trained more severely than police dogs, and Lu Yu, a dog training master, personally trained them.

"Go!" Gao Gang made a decision.

"Mighty General, go."

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and patted the mighty general on the back.


The mighty general flew out like a bolt of lightning, and at the same time summoned the dogs to gather.