Chapter 3-Learning to be a Criminal


Another year has gone by and it has been quite productive. I have been updating my studies in this new world while focusing mainly on the technology aspect as it is one of the best tools to use in any universe.

As I obviously don't have access to the truly advanced resources for my studies into different scientific fields and only at the surface level of this world's tech.

So I decided to start with coding, programming and hacking. Mainly hacking as it would help in nearly any tech situation unless I am completely outclassed.

I already had some experience in these subjects in my last life but it pales in comparison to what some hackers can achieve in this world. I mean anything the heroes build with tech can somehow be hacked by the villains. So basically I want to be able to hack into anything. I am still a long way off honestly but I think I might get there especially when my brain will adapt to better, faster and more optimized thinking along with being able to control my mind later will make me truly formidable in terms of my intellect and wisdom.

But I haven't reached that level yet or even close so I just practice slowly building on my skills.

One of the reasons I focused on hacking and computer security beside the obvious is that I wanted to help Selina in her heists. She still thinks I don't know or just pretends. Honestly while being a criminal she doesn't go out of her way to antagonize anyone and only steals objects that interest her like big diamonds, rare artworks and gems or just plain old money from rich people in this city. And honestly while living in this city almost everyone is a criminal in one way or another.

But I am probably just justifying her behavior and my help which I will give to her.

Selina has a very irregular timing which has slightly improved since she started taking care of me. She sleeps at anytime she feels like it or at times stays awake for days. She eats anytime she feels hungry and since last year I have had to make food for myself at times because of her irregularities. She truly is like a cat.

Whenever she wakes up Selina starts to stretch and relax her whole body and then does some yoga and gymnastics to wake herself up apparently.

And so, I got used to this irregular lifestyle even though it was a bit hard, and though we did not always sleep and wake up at the same time I made a habit to do the same as her.

I would stretch and do yoga along with minor gymnastics whenever I woke up or sometimes I would do it together with her.

In the past year Selina has been teaching me about the locations, dangers and rules of Gotham City.

My body has grown a bit and I have become quite flexible and can easily to splits and those intense yoga positions like sitting on the ground and crossing your legs behind your head. I have also notices that I am physically superior to others my age but not by much.

So far none of my racial abilities have awakened including that of the metagene and of the homo magi. At times I feel this intense tingling in my body and mind which I can only assume is the mixing of my races. So far there has been no real pain in my body or mind but I assume my powers will fully activate somewhere in my teenage years and there is when my growing pains will begin in its entirety.

My hacking and computer security abilities have advanced enough for me to easily hack into even the security of Gotham museum though I am not naive enough to believe if someone looked they would not find my traces.

After improving my skills to what I assume is pretty advanced I decide to show Selina and be able to help her.