Chapter 8- Awakenings

{Nicholas Kyle Dunamis POV}

[9th Feb, 2003]


I groaned as I got up from a comfortable bed before realizing I am not at home.

I was in a medical bed in what seemed to be a cave. I was suddenly struck by a headache as the last days memories come to the forefront of my mind.

"Right, I passed out, Selina took me somewhere and I am in a medbay inside a cave."

Putting my thoughts together I came to the conclusion I am in the Batcave.

I was awed by these thoughts as I get up from the bed and start to explore exited by the possibility of meeting 'the Batman' in real life.

My thoughts of being exited quickly fizzled out when I saw him sitting in front of, what I assume to be the Batcomputer, and going through through different files.

He gave of an intimidating aura even without looking at me.

I also noticed Selina sleeping in a foldable bed near the door of the medbay.

"Come here if you can walk properly. Your body shows no sign of any damage and it seems you have awoken as a netahuman or the like. At least it doesn't seem like you have alien DNA. But you do have nanobots in your body which are regulating your body."

I sighed in relief at the comment of my DNA showing human but was confused when I heard of the nanobots when I remembered what the 'Being' said about there being an extra gift besides the weapon.

I remembered that in the movies nanobots need mental commands so I tried calling for them.

They poured out of my skin to form into a cube in my hand and honestly it felt creepy how the nanobots came out of the pores of my skin.

I curiously inspected the cube in my hands I commanded them to change shape continuously.

After noticing Batman watching me I quickly let the nanobots back in my body.

"What happened to me?", I knowingly asked.

At this moment Selina woke up, saw me and rushed to check me making sure I was alright.

These actions warmed my heart as I smiled.

"I am okay"

"What happened to you?", she asked.

"I would like to know as well", said Batman narrowing his eyes under the mask as he seemed to glare at me.

Listening to them I remembered words which I heard when I was unconscious and chanyed them out loud.

"I am the bone of my sword," as I said that blue lines materialized on my arm and gave shape to two short swords in my hands,"steel is my body,"the blue lines in my hands were given a vague form,"and fire is my blood." the vague form of the short sword were covered in flames and given definite form.

"I have created over a thousand blades.

Unaware of beginning,

Nor aware of the end.

Withstood pain with inconsistent weapons, my hands will never hold anything.

Yet, my flame never ends. 

This body is made out of infinite swords."

As I finished chanting the blades were given colour and materialized completely in my hands.

One had a black blade with tortoise shell markings while the other had a dull white blade with the haze of a cloud and wave markings. The hilts were marked with the yin-yang symbol and the grip was covered in comfortable cloth as the short swords rested comfortably in my hands. Though they were a bit big for me too call them short swords.

"Gan Jiang and Mo Ye." I muttered.

These were the main weapons of Archer class Emiya Shirou and were in his trace form a C- Noble Phantasm.

Though a bit different from the Type Moon series these don't exactly have the same properties. As they symbolize yin-yang they now have the ability to cut through only what I wish to cut. The black yang sword(Gan Jiang) can cut through nearly all physical phenomenon and I only need to know and visualize what to cut. The same with the white yin sword(Mo Ye) to cut through nearly all non-physical phenomenon and I only need to know and visualize what to cut.

I stared at the blades in awe As Batman asked me,"What are they?"

"Huh?", I took the attention away from the blades to Batman.

"Oh, they are the swords Gan Jiang and Mo Ye(Kanshou and Bakuya). I just got that chant in my head and can continuously summon these weapons as long as I have energy and they will last in this world for as long as the energy last or till I will them to dissappear. Though they won't get stronger even if I put a lot of energy in them, they will just last for longer in the world."

"I see", was all he said while glaring at both me and the blades.

He went to the batcomputer and started searching for those names meanwhile I was pretending to inspect the blades while checking the new feeling in my body and mind as I felt what seemed to be the power of ope-ope no mi and also my haki advanced from the previous 5 meter radius to 10 meter radius.

Though I wanted too I didn't check on my fruit abilities, I would check later when I was alone.

Selina came to me put the sword aside and hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry me so much."

I smiled," I'll try."