[7th June 2003]
{Nicholas Kyle Dunamis POV}
A few months have passed since I started living here in Wayne Manor and the fight between the heroes and the Appelexians.
The Justice League has yet to form but I am sure that in a few months at least or a few years at most they will form in this universe.
I noticed that heroes here are very territorial. Batman, for example, becomes extra and gloomy when another hero is in the city.
It happened on a few occasions which were mostly just the heroes meeting up and probably discussing the formation of their alliance/team.
Though there was the time when Green Arrow chased a criminal to Gotham and Batman seemed grumpier than usual especially when Green Arrow clashed with Two-face.
In these months I have finally gotten comfortable with living in this huge lonely Manor with Alfred and the Batman for company. Alfred has been really nice and understanding to my needs and more ot less gives me whatever I need. He has been teaching me manners and has already succeeded in removing some of the 'bad habits' I picked up living with Selina.
I don't really meet Bruce all that much and even when we meet there is just the barebones of a conversation. He has asked me about my swords, though I have been very vague with my answers which I believe he sensed and stopped asking me about them.
These months I had been really focusing on my powers and also on books related to medicine and biology.
The swords had two forms so far, one in which I had summoned it with its abilities and another which was basically a powered down version of it which could exist for much longer as the swored themselves didn't have any special abilities, only that they were very sharp and very resistant swords. Due to the similarities the second form had with the blades of Spectre from DFO I named them Obsidian and White Fang.
Obsidian was a bit too long and heavy for me to hold properly but White Fang was a short sword just within my abilities to use.
My observation haki had improved quite a bit and now it covered 20 meters. But there is a problem, I realized though my haki covered 20 meters it wasn't really detailed, more like just barely sensing the boundaries. So I decided to condense my haki like they show in wuxia novels I tried to compress the haki and sure enough after much trying I succeeded. Now within a range of 5 meters around my body I can easily tell what is happening.
My fruit abilities are something I have very secretive in experimenting for very obvious reasons. An invisible spere spreads with me as the center whenever I activate this ability.
The sphere's size can be adjusted according to my whims but it consumes less physical and mental energy the smaller it is.
I have been slowly discovering the sheer usefulness of my abilities as I can use the ROOM in conjunction with observation haki in a small area and I basically have byakugan with the 360° and see through view. I could also SCAN the room no matter the size but the mental strain from the information is overwhelming, due to which I had to use SCAN based on touch to properly scan select objects rather than everything at once.
I have tried using TAKT which levitate objects but the most I can levitate is is about 3kg. SHAMBLES is something I personally love and the way I can swap positions is seriously cool, but I can only use it about 4-5 times before I am exhausted.
I haven't really tested AMPUTATE and INJECTION SHOT yet even though I was very curious as if I somehow fail with large objects it will become noticeable pretty soon.
I can also give electric shocks from my hands kinda like a defibrillator or rather Miles Morales' venom blasts.
There is also BOOSTER SHOT which basically heals any injury. What is special is that BOOSTER SHOT does not divide cells to heal the injury but uses energy to substitute that process so that the belly formed cells do not cut on the life span of a person due to cell activation.
I have secretly used SCAN on both Alfred and Bruce and boy are they amazing. Alfred is near peak human and Bruce has surpassed peak human, he also has access to very meager amounts of chi, which I assume is the reason he was able to past the natural limits of the human body if only a little.
Also his body is both amazing and broken. He has a lot of hidden problems in his body due to numerous injuries. These injuries have healed quite well so far bit if it continues like this slowly but surely his his body will deteriorate at an exelerated rate once he is past his prime, unless he uses some supernatural or very scientificaly advanced treatment.
I have also been studying the medical books in the archives of Arya and have progressed quite a bit.
Now, even without using my powers I should be able to perform surgery the only problem being my age and possible mistakes due to inexperience as my knowledge so far is just purely theoretical.
Even so I am quite happy with my learning capabilities which I am not sure if it is part of the gift or I was always this smart or it is the product of this being my second life or something else. I am just glad I can learn very fast, this will improve my chances of survival and of comfort in this dangerous reality.
I haven't touched much of the technological side of my studies recently but one thing I have been focusing on is meditation and the mind arts.
I have been trying to enter my mindscape and form a mind palace but so far even after 4 months of trying everyday it had been useless. I like to think that by meditating and concentrating on my mind has made my mind stronger but I am not entirely sure.
Still even though it is quite boring I have to, no I need to do at least that much if I am to meet telepaths like the Martian Manhunter.
Arya does have knowledge of Occulemency in her databanks but that will not be unlocked until I can enter my mindscape.
I want to quickly learn these so will be able to freely meet with the hero members, who have yet to form the Justice League and so far have only fought once together, so I can advance my plans.