Chapter 19- Financing family


A few weeks later after Batman had finished rounding up all the escapees of Arkham Asylum, Robin called Nick again.

Apparently Batman had found traces of someone known as the Riddler who had placed bombs in the city and left behind riddles to solve to find and disarm the bomb.

He needed help to cover majority of the places and to use my powers to find and disable the bombs.

It was a rough three nights and two days where I didn't even go to school and spent majority of my time finding and disarming th bombs without letting them explode. So far only 2 out of the 24 bombs exploded but luckily due to the warnings before hand from Batman had the GCPD move the civilians from those areas which resulted in zero casualties.

In the end the Riddler managed to escape and Batman even with all his resources was unable to track him down which was quite impressive foe the newly self appointed nemesis of Batman.

I on the other hand was trudging back home to Selina's house introspecting on if I should really continue on this path of helping heroes while foregoing my precious sleep.

I entered the house taking off my coat as the heater was going at full blast.

I entered the T.V room to find Selina and her friend Alice Tesla, who makes all of Catwoman's gear, playing fighting games on the T.V. But that was not the problem, the problem was...

"Selina!! Please where some clothes."

Selina turned her head towards me and used a blanket to cover herself.

"Please, you are a child and it is perfectly fine for me to be naked in my own home. An I am wearing panties."

" That is not an excuse and I live here too." I rebuke her.

"Well this is my house and you are not even old enough to get a boner so it's all well and good." She muttered.

"I heard that and I really do not want to see my mother figure naked."

I had covered my eyed with my hands but against the wishes of my mind I was peeking through my fingers.

Selina for up from the flower and stretched as she smirked at me.

This time instead of covering my eyed I simply looked away.

"Get used to it kid. This is my house and you should do something about your shyness or you will never get a girlfriend. Unless of course the girl has that kink of liking shy guys. Those guys are fun to tease."

Not wanting to get further teased I simply ignore her to get some food.

Meanwhile Selina was having a discussion with Alice about her idea of running a bar since she is trying to get rid of her kleptomaniac tendencies.

She is lamenting about how she will have to sell her loot and the low price she will receive for the stolen goods and the time it will take to sell it all without getting caught.

After Alice left I decide to help her and say, "If it's money problems you have I may be able to help."

"No I don't want Batsy's help."

"I did not mean Batman, I mean me. I do have quite a bit of income due me having 5.7% shares in STAR Labs and Batman has given me 4% shares for me giving him the design and production of Baymax."

"You mean the medical marshmallow?" Selina asked, intrigued.

"Yes, and I have a lot of money I don't really need or use. So take it as ...thanks I guess for taking care of me." I awkwardly stated.

Selina jumped and hugged me.

"Ohh baby you don't need to give any thanks for raising you but as I need it I will still gratefully accept."

I smiled and hugged her.

"Yeah no need for going back and forth between family..."

That's when I noticed Selina still hadn't put on any clothes except for the blanket that slipped off when she hugged me.

I pushed her away got up and went to my room to sleep.

Selina laughed at my embarrassment as she watched me run away with my ears red.


I lay upon my bed as Arya materialized in her form as Felicia which made me remember again my embarrassment.

"What happened now Arya?"with a little irritation in my voice.

Arya looked at me with disdain.

"Your embarrassment is no fault of mine and I have come to like this look."

"Ohh man", I groaned.

"I have appeared to inform you of the deign for the neural link for the microbots is now successfully but remains to be tested."

I was pleasantly surprised by this development but was too tired to continue.

"Thank you Arya but for now I really want to sleep so goodnight."

'The ideas of Big Hero 6 are quite useful in this world' I thought as I drifted into the embrace of the dreaming.


In a metaphysical plane of symbol, belief, and imagination that is ever changing stands a castle of the grandest of dreams and of the most horrifying nightmares.

I felt myself being pulled into it and I could do nothing to stop it. I could not move or even scream as I was pulled into the confines of the majestic yet dreary castle.

When I finally stopped I was in front of a man, atleast I think it was a man. He was so thin and pale that his even his robes that seemed to cover his body below his neck in it's entirety hung on his frame seemed to be what anchored him to not drift away with the wind.

On his head he was wearing a mask or a helm of some sort that seemed like it was a gas mask or skull of some creature.

Around his neck he has a ruby like gem tied on a string. At his waist is a pouch and from the slightly open cloth I could see sand.

This confirmed what I recognized him as and I was scared. As much of a character that I liked him to be in The Sandman Comics I knew he is quite a scary entity to be an enemy of and if somehow coming to the DC universe has made me an enemy of any one of the endless it would be a disaster.

He removed his helm which I wondered why he wore in the fist place if he was going to take it off. Was it for dramatics since I am meeting him? Still even though I could now move I stayed still and tensed in his presence.

He appeared as a tall, pale man with wild dark blue-black hair. He dresses in a shapeless cloak of "night" with "flames dancing in its folds".

"Hello Nicholas, though you probably guessed who I am I shall still introduce myself, I am the creator of this realm and its only ruler, I am known by many names the most used is Morpheus and after my death and form of my new aspect I am Daniel. But the true name I go by and which is recognized by my siblings and all creation is Dream of the Endless."