Bugs In Windows System

After his morning run, Aakash fixed himself some breakfast and went to college. Aakash had already decided to keep taking his classes when possible and just not go if he was busy with anything.

The college was pretty normal. Classes. Joking around with friends. Checking out the girls in college. It was already 2 PM when Aakash was finished with his daily ritual of college and some snacks at Tripura Cafe.

Aakash got on his computer as soon as he reached home. He then proceeded to check out the various bug bounty websites. He wanted to see how much he would be paid and such.

After realizing the fact the fact that this was not nearly as profitable as the alternatives that he had planned, he quit right away and started snooping around the windows machine that he had.

Yes, what Aakash wanted to actually do is to find out some critical bugs in the windows system and shave off a layer of wool from this fat sheep called Microsoft.

It wasn't actually that hard to do this for someone like Aakash. When he looked deep enough, Aakash actually found a total of 7 such critical bugs in the windows system. This was just the result of snooping around for only 2 hours.

If he was given enough time, Aakash could for sure find out way more bugs. But, this was enough for his initial pot of gold and the prestige he was going to get. He could probably get the physique polishing technique out and even have some left over for some experimentation.

Aakash had already wanted to deduce sharingan for a long time and when he had enough prestige, he could probably do so.

One might ask why Aakash hadn't used his lifespan as a way to quickly deduce various things. 1 hour of running the longevity technique could increase his lifespan by a whole 10 years and 10 years of lifespan could decrease the time needed to deduce a skill by a year.

So an hour of practicing longevity technique was roughly equal to 1 prestige point. This was because Aakash had already noticed that it was very taxing on himself and was even hurting his source while he had consumed his lifespan earlier during deducing the scientific research paper writing skill.

According to the longevity technique, he had a base age of 18 years. No matter how much time passed, he would look like 18 years old if he had enough lifespan and couldn't look younger than 18 years old. Damaging his source would up this base age, so Aakash refrained from using such means to deduce skills while he could easily do things and get prestige points.

Aakash didn't continue to snoop around more and just sent details of one of those seven bugs while explaining that he had found six more bugs. He sent this mail that he had carefully written to the Microsoft headquarters and just went out to meet his friends at the Tripura Cafe.

While, Aakash was having a fun time with his friends, there was someone on the other side of the world that was having quite a headache.

Satya Narayana Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft was woken up early today because of the mail that 'some guy' had sent to the Microsoft.

At first, the staff responsible for handling mails just disregarded the mail as it was obviously pretty unlikely to be true. But the technical code attached with the mail still let her forward the mail to the technical staff to handle.

The technical staff responsible also went through the mail but couldn't comprehend the solution and the problem fully and it was slowly transferred up to more able people.

This single mail had completely made waves in the whole Microsoft redwood campus, that currently serves as the headquarters of Microsoft.

The bug patch that Aakash had sent was immediately applied while a mail was sent to Aakash that could be said to be a bit humble.

"Have you found out who it was?", Satya asked his assistant on the phone while he was on his way to the headquarters.

"Yes, it seems to be teenager from Nepal. Our people tried to snoop around but his systems seem to be impenetrable. We could only send him an email."

"You fool. If the bugs are at the level that is stated in the mail, do you really think that guy is going to be easy? Let's just hope that your actions haven't offended him or you can just pack you stuff and get out of the company."


"Try and get me his phone number.", Satya added before hanging up.

Soon enough, a lot of Aakash's details that were available on the internet was snooped out and sent to Satya along with Aakash's phone number. This information naturally only included his name, address and the fact that his parents had recently died.

Being honest, Satya was quite impressed with Aakash and wondered what kind of a person this guy was in real life.

Satya thought about it for a while and finally called the number he had just gotten with a calm and calculating look on his face. After all, no matter how much he appreciated this young kid, he was currently the CEO of Microsoft and he had a certain duties that he needed to fulfill. Also, this 'young kid' quite possibly had Microsoft in his pocket right now.

The call was soon connected. It was Satya who took the lead and spoke first.

"Hello, is this Mr. Aakash?"

"Yes, it's me. Who am I speaking with?", Aakash was a bit shocked when he got a phone call from the states but still answered in fluent English.

After all, Aakash had already seen the mail and was only planning on replying to it after he had gone back home. But, after a moment of thought, it did make sense.

"My name is Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft."