Microsoft Deal

"My name is Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft."

"Oh. Hello." Aakash was a bit amazed but this scenario was still expected. After all, if details about any one of those seven bugs got into the hands of people with ill intentions, It would cause huge losses to Microsoft.

"Is it about the email I sent?", Aakash said in a calm manner. This was a man with a system. In the past, he would probably be nervous if he met a Microsoft employee was talking with him. But, now it was different.

"Yes, it is. I wonder if we can meet and negotiate this? I would like to warmly welcome you to the states and a 50 million dollar consultation fee for this inconvenience. Also, we at Microsoft hope that you can come work with us. The salary and benefits are totally negotiable."

Satya rolled out a series of offers and benefits in one breath while hoping to attract this young talented man.

Aakash was a bit speechless and didn't talk for a while just to see how Satya would react. On the other hand, Satya was a getting a bit edgy. After all, just this small feat signified the amount of genius this boy had in him. If he could win him over, the technical capability of Microsoft would surely grow by a lot.

"I think we can negotiate a new deal. I will not be coming to the states. I am not interested in finding a job. As for the price of the bugs and patches that I have in my hand, I think 100 million is a good price for it."

Satya already had a document in his hand that calculated the estimated losses of Windows if the details about those bugs went out. In the long term, the loss was in the billions. A hundred million was not too big of a price to pay. After all, time and tide waits for none.

"I agree. We will immediately send people to sign a contract with you. I do hope that you consider joining us. You can just be a specially hired consultant. You only need to act in cases of emergency. We will provide you with a hefty appearance fee every time you have to consult and also a fixed yearly salary of 5 million dollars."

Satya stil tried his best to retain Aakash but Aakash was really not one to be tied to anyone's ship and politely declined.

Both of them talked a bit more before finally hanging up. After hanging up, Aakash was in daze at the thought that how easy it was for him to get this hundred million dollars. If he didn't have the system, this hundred million dollars would have been like a dream that is unachievable.

Aakash went back inside to where his friends were and started to smoke. He thought for some time and wondered how he should break it to his friends that he was now a multi-millionaire.

Aakash thought for a while before finally deciding on not telling his friends about this whole ordeal. He decided to let life work it's magic and let his friends know about it once the news becomes public.

After all, if Microsoft wanted to send a hundred million dollars to him, it would surely cause a lot of headlines. Aakash had also decided to dutifully pay all the taxes and just get the money in his own country which could be termed a foolish move by the rational mind but he didn't think so.

The guys soon finished up and went back home. Aakash went back home and was making his dinner when another scene was playing out in Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey.

In the IEEE Access office, John was checking the articles submitted to the IEEE Access. John was one of the post graduate students employed at IEEE to weed out duds from the initial submissions sent.

John was instantly hooked by the paper on dataset condensation techniques. He had initially wanted to straight out reject the paper seeing that it had been submitted from Nepal. The papers submitted from here were mostly duds but John's professionalism stopped him from rejecting the papers without even checking them out.

John was engrossed for almost an hour before he hurriedly sent the papers to the next phase of selection. On the other hand, Eric, another postgraduate student responsible for sorting submitted papers had also forwarded the paper on Bootstrapped Meta-Learning for further selection.

It would soon be realized that the most popular articles in this month's IEEE Access publication would come from the hands of the same person.

This was happening while Aakash had already been running the longevity technique and resting in his place. In order to commence his next part of the plan, he would have to wait for the money from the Microsoft deal to come in.

Aakash was planning on setting up a range of personal labs. He could deduce knowledge and skills from the system which he could then implement in the labs. He had also been planning on operating a bunch of educational institutes all over the country that would provide good quality education free of cost.

After all, he knew very well that only when you have knowledge, you can have power and money. Durga and Laxmi closely follow Sarawati.


Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique, Supreme Level Computer Programming, Supreme Research paper writing skill

Skills Deducing: Physique polishing skill

Prestige: 13

Lifespan: 242


Aakash had already noticed that his prestige was steadily increasing albeit at a slow rate. He believed that soon enough, this rate of increase in prestige would skyrocket. That will be the time when he will truly start to display the system's capabilities fully.

At 5:00 AM, Aakash woke up by the virtue of his alarm going off. He went out for a quick run before getting on his computer. He saw that Microsoft had sent him a mail explaining that the representatives from the company had already set off and would reach him in a day.