Travelling To Kathmandu

Aakash didn't become too cocky because of the recent happenings of his life and still went to college. He knew that his life would have to change drastically in a few days.

After all, he wouldn't really be able to continue his daily life after the news got out that he was this millionaire genius. Aakash didn't really plan on continuing college. He had greater plans.

Aakash had already gotten a call from the representatives sent by Microsoft informing him that the contract would be signed tomorrow morning. Aakash followed the usual routine and hung out with his friends before leaving for home.

After reaching home, Aakash suddenly felt a bit unreal about this whole thing. After tomorrow, his life as a normal person would probably end.

'It feels sort of empty. Should I just move to the states? This amount of money entering Nepal will surely never go unnoticed. Sigh. I just wanted to live a life without being noticed too much. But. Prestige.'

Aakash listened to some music while looking at the ceiling in a daze.

'I won't run away. I'll deal with every shit that gets thrown my way. First of all, I need to clearly plan what I am going to do with all of this money.'

'I need to setup a laboratory for myself. I also need a supercomputer. Writing rats to let all the computers contribute computing power seems like a nice idea but I won't be able to explain it.'

'An AI also needs to be put into the agenda. So, first up, will be the super computer. Then, the AI project. After that, I can continue with the biological laboratory plan.'

Aakash had already put the various diseases that haunted mankind on his list of things to take care of. After all, if he had enough prestige, the corresponding knowledge could always be deduced and after that it was just a matter of time.

'Alongside these, the free schools and training centers should also be put into agenda. This will have to wait till I build the AI and screen some trustworthy people.'

Aakash saw that there was still some time for dinner and started working on the AI. Artificial Intelligence is one of the frontier field in the current computer science field.

The AI that Aakash was coding out was going to be one that could learn things on it's own. It would be the ultimate form of the concept algorithm that he had provided as a paper to the IEEE access. If the algorithm in the paper submitted to IEEE was a simple addition then the program he was about to write could be a research problem that students in postgraduate level were expected to solve.

Just this fact said a lot about the level of knowledge Aakash had in the field of computer science. Just this simple fact told a lot about the capabilities of the skills Aakash could deduce.

Aakash was constantly typing on his keyboard at record breaking speeds and tens of lines of codes were being typed every minute. It was as if Aakash was typing out pre-written code that was already in his mind.

Aakash was coding for almost 3 hours nonstop when his hands felt sore and he stopped writing code and checked the time. It was already 8:30 PM.

Aakash hadn't even finished typing out 1 percent of the total code required for the AI.

Aakash quickly saved his progress and went into the kitchen to make himself some dinner. He made some rotis and some vegetables to go with that.

Aakash was quite habituated on eating healthy which made him eat at home most of the time. He surely enjoyed the food outside but still, in his mind, nothing would ever beat a well-cooked meal at home.

He slowly ate his dinner in the kitchen and thought back to his memories of the family happily enjoying dinner at the very spot where he ate. But now, he was here but they were not.

Aakash shook his head lightly and quickly finished his dinner before going back to typing out the code. Life is like that. When people leave you, you aren't always depressed and sad and melancholic. But, sometimes, some actions bring back the memories of certain people, those happy times you spent together.

Aakash didn't do much work. He couldn't focus on his coding a lot, so he decided to stop writing for the day. Aakash didn't just waste his time but started practicing the longevity technique and simply sat on his without a single thought.

The alarm clock woke him up the next morning. He habitually went for a run. Aakash had already booked a ticket for Kathmandu yesterday. Even though the emergency next day ticket was a bit expensive, it was nothing to Aakash.

Aakash took the scooter and went for Dhangadi. Dhangadi was a sub metropolitan city next to Mahendranagar. The airport in Mahendranagar was still on the process of being reopened, so, Aakash had to travel for about 2 hours and reach the airport in Dhangadi.

Even with the occasional cigarette breaks in the middle, Aakash successfully caught the flight. He did have to wait for almost an hour because the flight had been delayed. Flights in Nepal are like that. The weather conditions usually delay flights, especially during rainy and foggy days.

Aakash was traveling light and only carried a single bag with him that contained a change of clothes and some personal items. Aakash hadn't actually decided how long he would stay in Kathmandu after this contract had been signed.

Aakash quickly found his window seat and sat down when an older gentleman came and sat next to him. Aakash didn't think much of it and closed his eyes to rest for a while as the flight would only take at most 55 minutes.

It was already 12 PM when Aakash's flight landed. Just as Aakash turned on his mobile phone and sting of text messages came that signaled the number of people that had contacted him during this time.

'It seems that they are getting anxious all of a sudden.'

What he didn't know was that there was quite a good reason for the representatives at Microsoft getting anxious.