Icarus In The Dark [2/3]

Introductions and the likes were the first order of business for the first day.

Gretchen, Tarik, and Lyie were quite interesting individuals. As for my introduction, I followed the format of Name, Age, and Hobby.

"Hello, my name is Markov Brown. You can call me Marko. I'm 18 like most of you, and my hobby would be playing basketball."

I don't even know how to play basketball, but it beats people asking too much questions. I don't want to reveal that I like to write poems. I know that it makes way for unneeded questions, as poem writing is seen as a feminine hobby for the most part. "Oh, what do you write about?" "What type of poems do you write?" and so on.

Of course, I realize that this could mean that the boys in the class may invite me to play, but I'll cross the bridge when we get there.

Gretchen though, quite a superstar. An athletic monster and well-known on campus. Tarik on the other hand, a Russian exchange student, maybe he and I could get along. After all the name "Markov" sounds Russian. Lyie on the other hand seemed the most competent person in the class, she's a straight acer and quite pretty, alas already taken.

Before the introduction ends though, a panting, exhausted and bread-holding man rushes through the door.

"Sorry I'm late!"

"Oh, Kaneki, you're in this class too?" I blurted out with sufficient volume.

The teacher was using the introduction as roll call as well, so we don't know if we have any absentees until after the introductions. Our teacher, Sir George is pretty merciful and let Kenny go without punishment.

"Alright, Kaneki, why don't you introduce yourself?"

The class hides their laughter.

After classes, the students were given ample time to talk to each other. I'm no pushover nor am I naïve, so I know that it's beneficial in the long run if I get along with most of the people in the class. By the end of this meet and greet with the other student's, most of them flocked around my desk and we were having a jolly time.

"Then what happened next?" Tarik asked excitedly

"The door slammed shut and poor Theresa got caught by the security guard." I told mockingly.

Though I tell this story in a comedic way, it's actually quite tragic and I really do feel bad for Theresa. But I doubt she remembers me at all. I have to use everything in my arsenal after all to win over this class.

As such, after that beautifully told line, everybody was either shocked or laughing like a wheezing lemon. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. The bell rang and signaled the end of the class.

It was the end of the day, and we went our separate ways. I walked with Kenny up till the train station.

"See you tomorrow Marko, you were awesome earlier."

I waved at him goodbye as he crossed the road.

Now, once again I am all alone. Time to unpack my thoughts. There were 3 absent students on the first day of class, which is pretty surprising. Though Sir George didn't seem to mind, so they probably have some sort of excuse. Roze, Kei, and Josh. I have no information on them but I guess now's not the time to mull over it.

Before I could continue my thoughts I find myself in front of my apartment already.