An embodiment inconsistencies, Marko leads us into his mind, how he dissects the world and how he tackles the overwhelming amounts of obstacles thrown at him. Among these numbers of obstacles, a certain one particularly bugs him, that being his own mind. After years of being in constant solitude, Marko had developed a consciousness that both agrees and disagrees with everything he did, does and will do. Also, he goes to school with this mental illness.
After a certain school event that required Marko to be paired with Roze, he felt disdain on his heart as it flushed and undeniably developed a kindling to Roze. Hesitant yet determined, Marko confessed nonchalantly, but received no answer. With his type of brain, it ultimately went haywire. All throughout the school year, Marko uses all his questionable and immoral ways to get Roze to fall for him.
Surprisingly succeeding, he must now keep all of these methods and its victims a secret. Marko of course was not fully prepared when a victim spills his deepest secrets, yet Roze remains unfazed.