Chapter 12

"Do you like her?"

"Of course. I love her. After I went to Yang kingdom the only one who was in my mind day and night was Xiao Feng" Emperor chuckled and pat.

"Let me tell lad, if she doesn't have you in her mind do you think you could even follow her to West kingdom? Even though you followed her to other places"

Xiao Feng was in the garden with her mother and a cat in her arms.

"Ruo younger sister, I missed you"

"Your Ming sister is old now. These days she is not in good health" Princess Heiping said. Xiao Feng caressed her fluff.

In the Wei kingdom, the crown prince was in a cave with few men.

"Prepare. This time we will attack the capital"

"Yes, your highness" Xiao Feng was going to Shan Yuan's room with a few maids behind her. She enters the room and Bai Qi bows to her. She signaled Bai Qi to stay silent and motioned maids to put the clothes on the table and signaled them to go away. She asked Bai Qi where Shan Yuan was without any sound and Bai Qi pointed toward her bathing. Xiao Feng nodded and waited sitting in a chair and serve herself some tea. Shan Yuan was tidying inner clothes.

"Bai Qi, help me get dressed" Bai Qi was going to go but Xiao Feng stops him and went inside with one tray of clothes. Shan Yuan opened his hands to the sides.

"Hurry" Xiao Feng had a mischievous smile. She put the tray of clothes on a table and start dressing him from behind and it had only one last tie which had to tie from the front as she sneak under his left arm and step in front of him. Shan Yuan was a bit startled as he covered himself.

"Why are you acting like a shy woman? And you're already dressed" Xiao Feng gave a disgusted look looking up and down at Shan Yuan.

Xiao Feng tied the two parts and then tidy the collar to look more pleasant and look at Shan Yuan. Shan Yuan was already looking at her with eyes full of love. His eyes were glowing. Xiao Feng's teasing look went to a serious one as she saw her clear eyes had the reflection of her. He was going to kiss her but she put her hand in front of her mouth as he pecks her palm.

He looks at her with pleading eyes and pouted. He had decided he loves her too much. She will not let go of her. Even though she is unwilling he will let her stay with him even though she is annoyed but now he shouldn't rush things.

"Did you lose your mind?"

"I indeed lose my mind, I am sorry" Xiao Feng didn't think he would apologize. He looks to the side rubbing his neck. Xiao Feng quickly pecks his chick and ran for her life towards the entrance and Shan Yuan was first surprised as he went wide with a smile. He starts chasing after her.

"Xiao Feng wait"

"Linlin?" They both froze when they heard Bai Qi's high-pitched voice but they again start running and chasing because it was just Linlin.

"Where is your highness?"

"Princess is inside" Linlin was going to go inside but Bai Qi stop her as they both had a little fight one trying to open the door and one trying to stop her. Finally, Linlin stepped on Bai Qi's leg, and Linlin went inside. Shan Yuan was back hugging Xiao Feng and Xiao Feng was trying to get rid of his grip as he was tickling Xiao Feng and Xiao Feng was laughing pleading with Shan Yuan to stop. Linlin closed her eyes and turn back and Bai Qi had his eyes opened wide. Linlin decides to drag him out together with her.

"Wait Linlin, help me" Xiao Feng was still laughing because Shan Yuan was tickling her.

"Linlin, you can just wait outside" Shan Yuan gave a smug smile.

"Princess, you can go on. I just came to say that the red moon has already been back on track. We will go now" Linlin went out while Xiao Feng begs for help. Once they went out.

"You are teasing me right, giving me a heart attack," Shan Yuan asked with that Xiao Feng got an idea as she smirked.

"I love you" Shan Yuan was stupefied and he loosen his grip automatically as Xiao Feng took this chance and ran away from him while laughing hard. Shan Yuan came to his senses and start chasing her back. Xiao Feng was behind his bed and Shan Yuan was on the other side.

They were teasing each other by making faces. Suddenly Xiao Feng decides to run to the left as Shan Yuan climbs into bed and pulled Xiao Feng by her hands. Xiao Feng fell on top of him. They both breathing so hard but stopped.

Shan Yuan changed the positions and now Shan Yuan was at the top. They both looking at each other's eyes. He tugged a few strands of hair that was on her face. Shen Yuan's eyes went down to her lips as he swallowed his salvia as took a deep breath. He had waited for a long time to listen to the sentence that she loves him. Even if it was a real joke she had already said it.

"Xiao Feng, I had enough of waiting. I decide to be with you every minute and every second. I want to spend my time with you till our hair turns grey. Will you let me stay with you?"

"I-" Xiao Feng hesitated.

"I love you"

"Shan Yuan, I am already married. I am not worthy of you. You deserve better"

"Xiao Feng, I love you and you only. If you're not worth then no one is worthy. Xiao Feng, I know you're married but you haven't done marriage rituals so it doesn't count as marrying. Even though you are married like as married I still want you. So please, don't push me away"

"I-" Xiao Feng paused her lips. Shan Yuan was nervous and his mind was blank that she doesn't want to hear Xiao Feng's hesitation. He knows she loves her and that was enough for him.

Shan Yuan closes the gap between them and their nose was almost touching. Both of their heartbeats were racing more than the other. Shan Yuan closed his eyes and attack his lips on Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng's eyes were wide open as she felt butterflies in her stomach but she slowly closes her eyes and gripped the cloth behind Shan Yuan's dress. Shan Yuan lets go of Xiao Feng and broke the kiss because he is not sure if he would swallow her whole.

Outside the door, Linlin and Bai Qi were eavesdropping. Linlin quickly grabs his ears and distances him from the door.

"The remaining is not for kids," Linlin said while dragging Bai Qi away with her. Bai Qi was nagging all the way.

Xiao Feng was laying on Shan Yuan's chest who was leaning on the headboard.

"Would we be able to go through this?" Shan Yuan intertwined their hands and started playing with Xiao Feng's fingers.

"I will always be with you. I promise"

"Can we stay like this in the future?"

"Why?" Xiao Feng smell Shan Yuan.

"Just so the fragrance is so addicting" Shan Yuan chuckled.

"Xiao Feng, will you hate me if I-"

"I already hate you" Xiao Feng pecks him again and again.

In the morning Xiao Feng asked Weining to dress her up beautifully. That day she went out on a date with Shan Yuan to show him the city. They shopped the whole day and took meals together.

When they came back Xiao Feng's mother gave the divorce letter making Xiao Feng smiled.

Emperor of West sends a personal letter to emperor Yang. With the reply of the Emperor of Yang, Xiao Feng and Shan Yuan were engaged and will marry when every kingdom is in peace and stable. It got one and a half months for everything to happen.

Xiao Feng, Shan Yuan, Linlin, and Bai Qi rode their horse out of the city. They stop beside a river. There was one tree with many bells with red strings hanging on it.

"This is it. People in West kingdom believe if we wished something here it will come true since river of God is watching us"

Linlin gave red strings and bells to them. They both tie it in the tree and closed their eyes wishing.

"What did you wish?" Xiao Feng asked.

"It will not come true if I tell you right?" Xiao Feng just rolled her eyes as she went towards the river and took off her shoes and sit on the river bank playing with water. Shan Yuan also sat beside her. Linlin and Bai Qi also was making their wishes.

"Do you know in my hometown; women's legs can only be seen by their husbands" Xiao Feng smiled.

"Then I can have a whole harem of pretty faces since my bare leg must have been seen by many men"

"But we're already engaged and you're mine and mine only" Shan Yuan said looking at Xiao Feng and Xiao Feng looked at Shan Yuan in a few seconds of stare was broken by Xiao Feng flashing water at Shan Yuan as they start a water fight.

In the Sui kingdom court,

"Your majesty, I think it's time for princess royal grand to come back," A minister said. While they were in the court the imperial guards in the palace were killed one after one by soldiers wearing black. Back in court, no one knows what happens outside.

"Yes, your majesty. Princess royal grand has been away for more than 2 months. You have already locked prince Jing for making a mess in prince Jing's manor. If princess royal grand can come and explain to prince Jing in person, I think prince Jing will understand"

"What do you think right prime minister?"

"Your majesty, I think we should call princess royal grand back"

"Left prime minister?"

"Your majesty, my daughter indeed can explain but Your majesty but I think my daughter hasn't done anything wrong in the first place I don't know what is there to explain" The people were killed nonstop including maids and eunuchs.

"Do you mean that prince Jing is wrong? Even though you have power in court but still you should obey your majesty's words and don't forget prince Jing is a royal prince" A minister said. The left prime minister ignored it.

"Your majesty, we should ask for an explanation from prince royal grand for the sudden wanting of the divorce. If you don't people will think it's not your majesty but the Xiao family who ruled the country"

"Bullshit!! Xiao's family has been following the emperor's words all the time. If your majesty asks princess royal grand to come, of course, she will come back, and to your memory the reason why my daughter wants to divorce prince Jing, who doesn't know. Even a commoner knows about it. If Duke Liu doesn't know you can ask from a child while you are going back to Liu manor"

"Okay. Okay. Pass by edict"

"Second royal brother" All look back as everyone gasped and some were startled.

"Crown prince"

"eighth royal brother?"

"Second royal brother, I came back. Thank you for taking care of the throne for me and it's time for you to give what belongs to me" the Crown prince said walking towards the throne.

"eighth royal brother, it was royal father's edict. You shouldn't act on impulse" Emperor was tensed that he couldn't speak straightly.

"Second brother, of course, it's you who shouldn't act on impulse. After all-"

The crown prince turned his head a half and again look at the emperor. Soldiers brought empress, consorts, and concubines.

"Your majesty!" They were disheveled and were crying nonstop.

"Crown prince, how can you threaten the emperor?"