Chapter 13

"Crown prince, how can you threaten the emperor?"

"Left prime minister, for the sake of our previous relationship I will let you live but you can't jump into talks between the family. The second brother, let's play a game. If you give the throne back to me willingly, I will spare your empress's life and for other officials' lives" Soldiers of the crown prince put swords in every official's neck.

"I want your life. Kill yourself" Emperor was taken back as he leaned to the throne feeling weak and numb.

"It's a good deal, isn't it? After all, with your life, you can save many lives. Your name will write on history" Emperor's mind was blank.

"I will count to three. 1. 2." One soldier put the sword more near the neck of empress slightly cutting neck. The neck was already bleeding.


"Wait!" Emperor stands up holding into a near object.

"Your majesty!" The left prime minister and half of the ministers knelt.

"Your majesty, we're all old. It's okay for us to die but you can't give away the throne"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Your majesty, please don't!" The meaning behind the empress's words was not clear but Emperor took off her headwear on the throne.

"Your majesty!!!" A general that was on the court give the sword to the emperor.

"You! Did the emperor ever mistreat you? How can you betray your majesty" He ignored it? Emperor took the sword.

"eighth royal brother, keep your words. Let them live" Emperor kills himself and the empress and consorts run to the emperor. Emperor caressed his empress's cheek. The left prime minister knelt automatically.

"K-keep yourself safe. X-Xiao Feng knows what to do" Emperor collapsed as all loyal ministers knelt. The Crown prince smiled as he walked to the throne and sit down taking the headdress in his hand.

"Someone, take former empress and concubines to the cold palace" Soldiers took them while they were crying.

"Long live your majesty" Right prime minister and more than half of the ministers kowtowed. Soldiers put swords on the ministers who refused to acknowledge the new emperor as all knelt because of the threat.

"Please rise, my subjects. I heard that my subjects want to bring princess royal grand back. Send the edict" Xiao Feng and Shan Yuan were taking their lunch together talking.

"Shan Yuan, I want to go to a place"


"Let me take you there" They both were at the city gate looking towards the flourished capital.

"Why are we here?"

"Look, People, they are doing great"

"What do you mean?"

"Shan Yuan, when you accomplish your mission don't put your hand here. Not just here, there are many innocent people"

"You know?" Shan Yuan was surprised.

"Are you a fool or do you trust me that much you didn't even try to hide?"

"I already did it once, I don't want to lie for you anymore" Xiao Feng hugged him.

"There are 8 kingdoms and there are always wars and discords among them. It's a good thing to unite all the kingdoms. Just don't hurt the innocent"

"You should just be here when the time comes and I will come to pick you up" Xiao Feng nodded continuously.

"Let's vow to the god, they will witness this" They vow to the sky and look at each other. They went back to the palace and Xiao Feng and Shan Yuan enter the great hall.

"Royal Grandfather? Mother?"

"Your majesty? Your Highness"

"Xiao Feng, Shan Yuan you came. Sit down" They sat down closer to each other.

"Xiao Feng, Sui kingdom has sent a letter asking you to come back"

"Me? Comeback? I don't think it's my brother-in-law's idea. Maybe old hags in the court must pressure him. I thought they don't want me back"

"Our people in the capital have sent a pigeon message that something is wrong in the palace," Princess Heiping said.

"Nothing will happen they possibly can't kill me. I will go back tomorrow"

"I don't have a good feeling, Xiao Feng," Princess Heiping said.

"I will go back with her, your highness"

"Good. I will ask you to prepare everything. I will prepare some disguise fighters"

"Okay," The next day Xiao Feng was going back with others. They had many carts filled with various things.

In the Sui kingdom, the former empress was in the cold palace mourning. The left prime minister enters the place. The former empress saw his father.


"Emperor has called Xiao Feng back. They are coming on the way"

"So, Xiao Feng will become empress? That's why she divorced prince Jing. I thought after having power in the court she will not dream to become an empress. I had this coming. Even your majesty thought to take Xiao Feng in the harem. She was the one who ask your majesty to take concubines. I let it be as long as I am the empress but now" the Former empress started to complain and mumble.

The left prime minister grab her by the shoulders and shake her.

"Wake up, Xiao Qi. Wake up. Do you think your sister is the same as you? I thought you were at least different from your Second sister, but I am wrong. You all are ambitious and want to be the empress. Do you think Xiao Feng is the same? Xiao Feng doesn't know what is happening in the capital. All paths are blocked not a single ant could go or enter the capital. Xiao Feng went away from the capital because she doesn't want to be a burden for you, me, your majesty, and our family. Your second sister is pregnant. The power in the court is now with the right prime minister. After all, do you forget that it was Xiao Feng, who help you to become the empress? Do you think you can stay safe with your intelligence in the palace without Xiao Feng's arrangements? Xiao Feng was engaged with the crown prince. I think only Xiao Feng can help the Xiao family right now. I am just a paper tiger in the court without any power. I am sure his majesty will request me for the tiger tally. I can't protect the Xiao family in this state" Former empress pushed prime minister Xiao's hand away.

The tiger tally that was given to the emperor was given to prime minister Xiao before he died.

"Xiao family! Xiao family! Your oldest daughter is me, help me. Maybe you can recommend me as the empress. Now your majesty has died. If I can become the empress again, I can take care of your Xiao family" Left Prime Minister Look at her with an unbelievable look.

"Xiao Qi, you should think before talking" He went away.

In the fourth prince's manor, the fourth prince and Xiao Li were sitting outside taking some fresh air.

"You, tell me, will crown prince let us live? Our child is still unborn. I am afraid he will do something" Xiao Li caressed her belly and the fourth prince took one hand of her in his.

"I don't think but we still need to be careful. If 3rd royal brother is still with the crown prince, then we don't have to be afraid but I am not that close to the 8th royal brother. I think the only reason we're still alive is your sister. After all, they both were close to each other"

"Do you think Xiao Feng is the one who helped the crown prince on the throne? She divorced prince Jing and went to the West kingdom. Can there be such a coincidence? First, she helped her first sister now does she want to help herself?"

"It could be a coincidence or not we still have to wait. With the crown prince, we can't do anything. Father-in-law also doesn't have a word in court. Prince Jing is locked in prison"

Xiao Feng and Shan Yuan was in RongJing city. It was afternoon and they decide to rest. Xiao Feng call for Linlin and Weining and was wearing all black with Linlin.

"Weining, take care of here"

"Yes, your highness"

"Linlin, you go first" Linlin nodded and went out. After some time of waiting, Xiao Feng went out.

Xiao Feng reached a tomb. Xiao Feng put the plate with food aside and put the phoenix-shaped jade in there. When a sound was heard she put the food plate back and took the jade pendant back and went to the other side of the tomb and there was a stair to go down. She walked inside. She walked and walked and stand in front of four types of Buddha statues in four directions. There also were various carved pictures related to Buddhism.

She put her ring in the lotus in front of the sitting buddha. A door opened on the right side of the statue. She walked inside after walking for a while there was a stair and she walked down the stair. She could see the stairs from 4 directions after coming to the bottom and there was a horizontal tunnel and a box under the tunnel in the middle. She went to the box and she took out the tiger tally with the letter from the metal ball.

She put the tiger tally in the box she brought and went near to a shelf and put the box in there and sit in a chair and open the letter.

"Xiao Feng, when you're reading this, I have already died. Someone must have succeeded the throne. I know the crown prince is alive and he is with the Wei kingdom. I know about the imperial family well. One day he will come to take the throne back. That day I think he will kill the whole royal family so I need you to help me to take care of royal blood so I can rest well in the other world. If one-day the crown prince came back, just give him the throne with the conditions of taking care of the imperial blood. I have an edict for it under the throne. In the imperial memorials, there is imperial family heirloom jade under my mother's memorial. Inside the jade, there is the thing needed to open under the throne. You have to crash it to take out what's inside. The token inside will not crash. I know I am not in a place to play with your marriage for great sake if the crown prince came to the throne divorce prince Jing. I know the crown prince will surely marry you and only you can control him. So, I permitted it. If you, marry him you can control the whole situation. I am in debt to you. The remaining letter is no use now. You can read the remaining now if you want" so without wasting time she folded the letter and put it inside her sleeve.

Xiao Feng came back and sat down in a chair and drank the water poured by Weining.

"Weining, did something happen?"

"When your highness was away, his highness came and he went back after I said that you went out with Linlin"

"Okay, let's wait for Linlin to come"

"It's time for Linlin to come," Weining said with a worried look. Xiao Feng nodded and after some time the door opened revealing Linlin.

"How was it?"

"I met him but he said there is no news from the capital"

"If my guess is right, I think the crown prince has taken control of the capital for the worse he has become the emperor" They both gasped.

"Are we still going to the capital then?"

"We will go with a plan. For now, go and take a rest. It will be long days from tomorrow onwards" Both nodded and went away. Xiao Feng was taking a bath.

"Why are you lingering around?" Shan Yuan came out behind the screen.

"You went out alone without me"

"It's a girl's work" Shan Yuan pouted.

"I am done, let's just sleep" Shan Yuan gave mischievous smile.

In the morning Xiao Feng woke up and was hugging Shen Yuan as he snaked her fingers in Shan Yuan's face. She gave a peck to Shen Yuan and stand up and wore her inner clothes while calling for Weining.

Xiao Feng looks at Shan Yuan who was still soundly sleeping.

"As for Shan Yuan, I decide to break up with him today"