Chapter 33

"Then empress, who do you like more?" Linlin asked.

"Of course, it's Shan Yuan. For the past year, I have missed him though I knew it was unfair to brother Zheng. That's why I decide to forget about him and at least be a dutiful wife. Here he comes again. What should I do?"

"Empress, you always take decisions for others. You have never thought about yourself at least once. I think this time you should think about yourself"

"If I can choose, I choose to forget everything and just live with my loved ones" Xiao Feng sighed. 3 days, Xiao Feng was still kneeling in front of the imperial memorials. She didn't do anything for 3 days. Only some water to keep herself kneeling.

"Empress, you have to be alive so eat a little" Xiao Feng just look at the memorials, no more energy to talk. They heard the sounds of swords clashing each other behind the door, the door opened and they both looked back. Xiao Feng squeezed her eyes for the sudden sunlight she saw after 3 days. She saw the shadow of the figure come inside and when she saw the face of the person she has been missing the corners of her lips went a little up and suddenly collapsed.

Xiao Feng was lying on the bed and Weining and Linlin were also waiting by side with elder Mi checking on her pulse.

"She is okay"

"But elder Mi, the empress is someone who practices martial arts, how can she collapse just by starving 3 days?" Elder Mi looked down and sighed.

"There is too much pressure inside her, I have already given medicine for her to control the blood pressure"

"E-elder Mi, is there any medicine that can make someone can forget the past?"

"Why do you ask so?" Linlin knelt and bowed.

"Your highness, elder Mi, the empress has been gone through a lot. In the memorial empress has said it would be better to end everything there, she doesn't want to burden your highness as it's unfair to him" Linlin's face said it all. She felt sadness for her mistress.

"I don't have such a medicine, but I know where is the medicine but the price for it would be greater"

"I would be even willing to give my life," Linlin said and Weining knelt too beside Linlin.

"Me too" Shan Yuan looked at the two women and elder Mi.

"Elder Mi, I would personally bring it, where is it?"

"You don't have to, but you have to remember the effect of the medicine is not forever. She may remember the past" Shan Yuan thought thoroughly inside his mind.

It was okay as long as Xiao Feng can be happy. He is willing to sacrifice anything for her happiness. They can finally reunite, he doesn't want her to be thinking about the past and being sad.

"I thought it over, where is it?"

"It belongs to 16 armies. She may be in a coma for a month or so because the memory loss pill is a poison"

Weining just changed the incense. Suddenly, Xiao Feng who was lying on the bed only for 2 weeks cough a little. Weining and Linlin ran towards the bed.

"You wake up?" Xiao Feng again coughed as Linlin gave some water to Weining and Weining fed Xiao Feng water after sitting in the bed with the support of Weining.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"Your highness, we are in the West kingdom. You can't remember?" Xiao Feng touched her forehead.

"What exactly happened? Why am I here? Why did I come to West kingdom suddenly?" She said trying to remember something. A slight headache made her support his head.

"Why can't I remember anything?"

"Your highness, you got to hit your head on the way to West Kingdom's palace"


"Weining, your highness's maid. Linlin, let others know princess has to wake up"

"Have you been with me in the past?"


"Are we two close?"

"Yes, I was with your highness for the past few years. When your highness give missions to Linlin I was the one who stayed with your highness"

"Then tell me how I injured my head?"

"Your highness fell while trying to pluck a plant in a steep, almost gave Weining a heart attack"

"What happened in the past? Why can't I remember anything" Xiao Feng said still supporting her head and fighting against the slight dizziness.

"Your highness, you have to recover first. I will tell you slowly because I think you can't take it, so first, recover"

"I promise I will tell" Xiao Feng pouted and at the same time, the door opened revealing princess Heiping. Xiao Feng look at Weining.

"It's your highness's mother" Princess Heiping came to her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay now? You scared me to death"

"M-mother, I am okay, I just can't remember anything"

"Linlin told me, it is okay, Take it slowly. You will remember with time. We will help you. Also, elder Mi already told me that you may have temporary memory loss because you hit your head" There was hidden guilty on princess Heiping's face.


"Take it slow. Now rest a bit. I will tell his highness that you can go back after some days" Xiao Feng didn't get the words but anyway she nodded. Princess Heping exited the room.

"How many days I was sleeping?"

"2 weeks" Xiao Feng nodded and was lost in thought.

"Wait, who is his highness?" Weining gives a shy smile.

"Of course, your highness's husband"

"Husband? I am married?" Xiao Feng pointed at herself with widen eyes.

"Yes, and your highness has 2 children"

"2? When did I have my first child? How old am I?"

"Your highness is 17, Little prince and little princess are twins. They were born last year. They will celebrate their first birthday after 2 months"

"So my husband, who is it? how was our relationship?"

"It's the crown prince from Yang kingdom"

"Yang? I am from West kingdom and he is from Yang kingdom? Did I married for an alliance?" Xiao Feng asked getting all the details inside her head.

"No. Crown prince and your highness were in love after meeting last year. So later you two married and the crown prince will become the emperor of Yuan in the next month"

"Yuan? Wasn't it Yang?" Xiao Feng look at Weining. Weining gets to know that she can't handle her mistress. She can remember a little detail well by listening only once.

"Your highness, you first recover. I will tell you slowly" Weining said and Xiao Feng looked at her with a questionable look making Weining sigh.

"Okay, this one question about Yang and Yuan. There are 8 kingdoms and his highness has united 8 kingdoms. Although the West kingdom still exists it will be Yuan when his highness attends the throne" Xiao Feng just wave to her and lay down.

"Let's talk after my nap" But soon she woke up and sat straightly.

"So, where is my husband?" She asked glancing secretly towards Weining making her chuckle.

"His highness is busy with building the new palace and everything"

A few days passed and Xiao Feng was sitting in front of the mirror.

"So my father," Weining nodded making Xiao Feng take a deep breath and then sighed.

"Why is my wife sighing early in the morning" Xiao Feng turned and smiled.

"Not much. You promised to take me outside"

"Of course, that's why I am here, let's go"

They were in front of the river. Shan Yuan pointed towards two red strings.

"That red string is yours and that is mine" Xiao Feng looks and saw that "I wish to be with Shan Yuan for the rest of my life" written on the wooden piece hanging in the red string and smiled.

After a month the day where 8 kingdoms will be one kingdom came. Everyone, all the ministers from 8 kingdoms was under the new kingdom. Both the new emperor and empress walk down the stairs hand in hand towards the highest stair and turned. Everyone kowtowed.

"Long live emperor, long live empresses"

After the emperor and empress, all the high-ranked, powerful ministers and generals were in the great hall of the Yuan dynasty. The emperor and empress were sitting on the throne.

"Everyone put the military power in the middle" Imperial eunuch Cheng announced and one by one came towards the tray and put the tiger tallies inside it. There was also general Yan who came forward and put the South tiger tally in the box. Emperor took out two tallies and gave them to Bai Qi and he put the two inside.

"All the tallies are here except North Talley of Sui kingdom. It has been missing since general Xiao's death" A minister of the previous Yang kingdom said.

Empress took out a box inside her sleeves.

"When my uncle, fourth emperor died he gave me this. See if this is what are you looking for?" Everyone looks at Xiao Feng, their empress. Imperial eunuch Cheng gave it to a minister to check and he bow.

"This indeed the missing tally. Your majesty is finally united the 8 kingdoms" Emperor was thinking if Xiao Feng's memory is back and look at Weining. Weining shook her head knowing what is the emperor's concern.

"Court dismisses" Everyone bowed as the emperor and empress went out.

"D-did your memory came back?"

"I wish I have, so you don't have to remember every sweet thing by yourself," Xiao Feng said pouting.


"I found one of a book about a secret cave left by grandfather and I found a box that I haven't seen before and I open it and I open it and there was the tally and a letter. I read it and there was "Use when necessary" and the address of "Your uncle, fourth emperor of Sui" then I get the idea that it was my uncle who gave me it. I can't remember what tally it is and I confirm it after asking myself about the box from my brother. He said that I had this box when the uncle died and the tiger tally is also north tiger tally" Emperor sighed while nodding.

"First year of the eighth month of the sixth emperor of Sui: emperor went mad and start killing his kin. The former empress came to the throne with her son. 1st year of the tenth month of the sixth emperor: the Sui kingdom collapsed. first-year twelfth emperor of Sui: crown prince of Yang united the 8 kingdoms and became the emperor of the new kingdom Yuan by collecting all tiger tallies. 20 tiger tallies are buried in general Xiao's cave. Emperor promote everyone who contributed to uniting the 8 kingdoms. No taxes for a year. My brother general Yan was promoted to the left prime minister. The new 4 main tiger tallies were given to left Prime Minister Yan, right Prime Minister Gu, General Cai, and general Bai Qi. In the first year of the first emperor of Yuan: Emperor and I together make the organized kingdom. In the second year of the first emperor of Yuan: I had my second child, a prince, Xue Zhong. In the third year of the first emperor of Yuan: when I went back to the secret cave I found the written records by me. After reading them I got my memory but I continue to be like a memory lost"

"Twentifourth year of the first emperor of Yuan: the kingdom was peaceful. I got to see my grandchildren. The first prince married one of Prime Minister Gu's daughters and had a son in their first year of the wedding. The second prince married from a noble family and had a son after 1 year of married life. Princess Xi married General Cai's only son and had a son too before her brothers. The first emperor was diagnosed with heart disease in the last few years. the twenty-fifth year of the first emperor of Yuan: first emperor died in the start of winter"

Xiao Feng was near the emperor while holding his hand.

"I want to hold you in my arms but I will not be able to do it anymore. I am sorry that I lied to you for years"

"Your majesty, I have got my memories long ago. I also want to live in that lie because it is a beautiful lie I loved" The tears were falling in the empress's eyes as the emperor caress her head after wiping his tears away.

"If there's another life I wish I could meet you again in my next life" Emperor's hand loosened from Xiao Feng's grip and fell out as Xiao Feng silently cried. Nature also showed signs of being sad. A rainstorm started in the winter.

"twenty-fifth year of the first emperor of Yuan, the crown prince got the throne as the Second emperor of Yuan. In the first year of the Second emperor of Yuan: I, the empress dowager retired and went to live in the countryside after looking at 5 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. I already told my children about the dark past. I let them know that the secret that I haven't told anyone is that Xue ting and Xue Ying are also Shan Yuan's children. I make the labor postponed with medicines and never make them got harm. I didn't let them know more. In the second year of the second emperor of Yuan: I felt ill continuously because of the grievance I had as the wife of Shan Yuan. In the third year of the Second emperor of Yuan: I dismissed all the 16 armies and let them have freedom. I wrote letters to each of my children and grandchildren and ask my only daughter Xi'er to take care of her great grandfather's secret, passing it to the next generation. I decided to accompany my husband to the tomb"

Princess Xi had a lot of resemblance to her mother Xiao Feng. She had the same look when she indulged in writing.

"My mother was a great image, I am not saying it as her daughter but a subject under her ruling. She tells me that I am just like her but I am not as confident as her nor I would be able to sacrifice my love and happiness for the peace of the kingdom and protect people. I am thankful to my father and emperor for the peaceful days we are enjoying. She said that meeting my father is the sweetest mistake she ever did. She is a kind-hearted person. Even my emperor brother, and father haven't done good deeds as her. But she was afraid that people hates her for her past but now she is worshipped by the people. She must be happy in heaven looking at us and blessing the great Yuan dynasty with prosperous and flourishing with endless peace"

(Not the end)