
It was the modern time, the year 2022.

A girl was reading some ancient papers in a study room and a teardrop fell. She was just like Xiao Feng. The room was like a museum with antique things, mainly a few thousand old items.

"Are you rereading those letters?" A boy came inside the room and put a cup of coffee on the coffee table.

"Li Wei Long, it's so sad," The girl said one word by one word and pouted. Li Weilong was just like Shan Yuan. Li Wei sighed and massaged her shoulders.

"Zhao! Wei!" Weilong said back making Zhao Wei looked at him with a glare. She just drag him out of the study room and close it. She pushed Weilong onto the sofa and climb into his lap facing him.

"What is it? It's Li, not Zhao. Li Wei, Li. Li" Zhao Wei was so cute to look at with lecturing Weilong who had a proud look on his face. It was all written on his face "She is mine only"

"Dad, mom, are you going to make a little sister?" Zhao Wei look back and saw that their 3-year-old son, Zhenzhen was looking at them. Zhao Wei glared at her husband for not telling her that their son is behind them. She then looks at their son.

"Who is teaching you all those things?" Zhao Wei said embarrassed.

"Grandma said as long as I come to stay with them and don't disturb dad and mom when they are alone, I can have a little sister"

"She just wants you to stay with them," Zhao Wei said while burying her head inside Weilong's chest. "You, father and son bullying me," Zhao Wei said while pouting. Weilong motioned Zhenzhen to go back to his room with a smile and Zhenzhen nodded happily before going back to his room.

"Isn't it good to give her a little sister?" Weilong said while caressing her back. Zhao Wei stood up and kick him and ran to her room.

"Will you carry the baby for 10 months, will you go inside the labour room instead of me? just sleep in the living" Zhao Wei locked the room making Weilong chuckle.


Zhao Wei came from a family of archeologists and Weilong is also from a decent family. They both met in junior high school best friends throughout senior high school and became lovers in university. They got married with their families' blessing after graduation. Zhao Wei get her hand in those letters because it was her family's secret. Her father entrusted her with the secret.

"Zhao Wei never told about this secret to anyone but her husband, she decided to hand the letters to the government saying that it was handed over by her family. Zhao Wei wants to change the view of modern people of Xiao Feng. In their view Xiao Feng is an ambitious, vicious woman who can sacrifice anyone, even her family members to achieve her goals. She betrays her motherland and supported the enemy. She is lustful she married 3 times. As much as Xiao Feng was afraid of people will think badly about her, it really happened. People thought of statues of her around the country because she made a rule that everyone should worship her. There were many bold ideas about Xiao Feng, that Zhao Wei want to get rid of. Because Xiao Feng was someone people need to think of as a role model, a character everyone should praise, even though it couldn't at least they shouldn't think Xiao Feng is an immoral character. That's what made Zhao Wei hand over those letters to the government"