I got caught?!

Chapter 5

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!

She saw me!

How didn't I see this coming?

Okay, calm down Victor maybe she'll be understanding...

"Are you possessed or something?!"(Victoria)

....or not.

"I'm not possessed!"

I stretched out my hand to try to calm her down but she ran to the living room, scared as if she just saw a ghost mean I would act out the same but still, listen to my side of the story at least.

my precognition acted out again. What I saw was[ Her calling my parents, my parents tying me up, calling a reverend, and sending me to church to get exorcised in some dark basement.]

*Shivers* What a horrible future, damn I have to change it quickly!

I quickly ran after her because the fear she felt and the terror that is about to befall me were little in comparison.

I caught up to her and took away her phone, she was acting very dramatically, as if 16 years of being with her meant nothing just because my eyes were green.

I remember she always scared me silly when I was a kid so I thought this might be the perfect way to get back at her.....

"Ouch, my eye!"

Again the precognition kicked in a little and told me why this will be a terrible idea.

The vision I saw was:

[Scaring her by telling her that I was a devil who came for her soul, she got a heart attack and died.]

Fearing for her life I scrapped that idea and told her the truth I explained how I got this power at random, I explained to her about my abilities to the extent of what I knew and I begged her not to tell mom and especially not dad.

She calmed down a little and asked

"Why shouldn't I tell?"

" if you did tell them my life would be very depressing"


"You know our parents are religious and even the slightest hint of an ability outside the ordinary is a red flag to them"

"So please, please,pleeease don't tell them" I begged

"oh I get it"

"You are strangely calmer," I said

"I can see that you are still YOU, even if you have powers, your idiocy can't be replaced," she said while giving out a smirk

"Thanks, sis"

"But you know you don't have to be afraid of me, right?" I said

"Who said I am? Anyone would react that way, mine just happened to be this"

"So your not.....afraid of me?" I stared teary-eyed.

"An elder sister who's scared of her little brother must have some issues, but my job is to take care of you like a backup parent, so whenever you have troubles with things you don't understand don't hesitate to tell me"

"Your just 3 years older and irresponsible," backup parent" seems like a stretch," I said jokingly

she hit my head hard and said :

"Way to ruin the moment, I hope you know those words are never gonna be said again"

"I'll take it, just don't go changing on me," victor said

We both laughed for a little after that she went to take a shower and made dinner.

[At the dinner table]

"So what are you gonna name it?"(victoria)

"Name what?"(victor)

"Your eyes power"(victoria)

"Does it need a name?"

"Not really but since w(victor) is a novel, you might want to clarify this"(victoria)

"Uhm... I don't have anything in mind"

"Eyes of Providence?"(victoria)


"hmm.....Eyes of time?"(victoria)


"I've got nothing then"(victoria)♿

" I'll think of a name later," I said while stuffing my face with rice

After the conversation they both continued to eat their dinner, the siblings were having rice and stew, with a cool glass of water, and they had some small talk about school and some unimportant matters. Their parents came back home a couple of hours later, had their dinner, prayed together, and said good night.

The next morning*

POV of Amy -victor's mom:

[Alarm rings] *Yawn*... it's 5 huh?... I better get breakfast ready and pack their lunches.

She headed to the kitchen, to make breakfast and pack their lunches, which took 30 minutes, the other 30 mins was used to clean up the house since no one here does chores anymore.

"Humph, alright, now let's get back at all of them by waking them up in the middle of an important dream".

[She barges into Victor's room]


"Ahhhhh!" Victor screams

"It's 7:am your late for school!"

"Mom, why do you do this every morning?" victor said while half asleep

"Why don't you do chores?"

"Hehe, i.....forgot?"

"If you're gonna be lazy at least try to come up with a better excuse."

"I'll try, heh"

"Well it's your sister's turn, go get ready"

Victor's POV:

"Ughhhh...I hate mornings, can't I have at least 5 more minutes of sleep?"

I got up and went to get prepared for school,

In the car, I kept thinking about what Ignatius said

about how the "government are declaring us as a threat to mankind or something like that"

I'm the only one who I've known to even have powers, even if they did catch us these powers don't seem to be genetic, how would they use us as lab rats, I should probably be watching the news more instead of movies.

We got off the car, and I approached the gate still deep in thought about all this, my sister went in before me, I passed the gateman without even greeting and he yelled saying:

"I'm not your mate, don't you know you should greet the elderly"

This is coming from the guy who ignores me on a daily and fantasizes about high school girls. Of course, I could never say this out loud I just apologized and left... being an introvert is hard.

I went up to my class, today it was empty, I guess it's pretty early though, not many people would be at school by 7:25 in the morning, Curse my house distance.

"Okay, time for a little practice, I think I'll go with skill 1 today"

I threw a pencil up into the air and activated my ability.

Hmm..... it's not stopping just moving slowly, hey I can hang on to it,



I landed on my butt but I didn't turn it off is there a time limit?

I threw it up in the air again, activated the ability, and kept time to see how long I can hold on.

A minute later it came back down, so my limits are one minute per use huh? I guess it could still be useful.

NEXT test:How many times can I use it?

Since I've already tried it twice, let's keep it going.

Time lag 3.....

Time lag 4.....

Time lag 5.....

Time la-..."ahhhh!!!!My head!! what's with this massive headache"

I cleaned my eyes, I saw blood on my sleeve, crap I might have overdone it.

"Am I seriously this weak?"

"I can't save anyone with this power"

I'd lost all sense of hope in being capable enough to save anyone, in disappointment I went to wash my sleeves and face in the bathroom and went back to class.