Hell's Training final:Skill acquired.


It was late in the evening, Ivy and victor sat around the fire, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, the cooked meat by the side of the fire, and the chirping of grasshoppers, making for a perfect camping trip no?

"Time for one more practice, if you fail then you go to sleep, got it!"Ivy.

"Y-yes ma'am!"Victor jittered.

"Now breathe in slowly, concentrate on my intentions towards you."Ivy

He closed his eyes and began to take slow deep breaths.

Victor took in a slow breath through his nose and expelled it from his mouth, he was meant to keep doing this until he could feel her "intent".

"That's right you're getting the breathing down, ignore your ears and other senses and just focus on mine."(Ivy)

Victor was so concentrated on his breathing and "Feeling his opponent's intent"that he didn't pay attention to what she said.

He took in a short sharp breath.

He started to feel everything around him more clearly, his eyes were closed but the way he felt was far much better than what he's eyes could do.

Ivy noticed this and tried to test him.

She ran around the camp so fast that the leaves on the ground were caught up by the wind and started to fall around victor.

"Now guess where I am," Ivy said internally.

Victor's eyes were still closed, due to the leaves and her running around he was about to point in the wrong direction but felt something was off about it, that there was a presence at the other side of where he was about to point.

"You're over there aren't you teacher."

He pointed at a tree far by the left.

"But wait!" He said.

"You're on top of the tree, right teacher?"

She was shocked he could tell where she was.

She walked towards him.

"I knew you could do it but this was way faster than I expected, "Ivy said smiling.

"Well, now time for the true test," Ivy said while cracking her fists.

"True tes-? WOAH!"

She tried to hit him with a force even greater than that she used on the tree from earlier, but victor narrowly dodged it with his eyes still closed.

He opened his eyes.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" Victor said while yelling.

"Congratulations you pass!"Ivy said while clapping.

"I passed?"Victor.

"I just confirmed that your finding me wasn't a fluke, you can now sense using bloodlust."


"So I can use bloodlust now... automatically?"Victor asked happily

"Yes" Ivy

"Wait a minute if I could sense YOUR killing intent doesn't that mean you were really about to kill me?!"Victor.

"Water under the bridge."Ivy.

"That water could have been my blood!!"Victor.

"You've learned it haven't you, you should be grateful you have such a high-quality teacher"Ivy.

"High quality my ass, what kind of teacher tries to kill her student at every turn!" Victor.

"Name one time"Ivy.

"Throughout today has been one near-death experience after another!" Victor.

He felt dizzy after saying that, he took a step forward and passed out on Ivy.

She gently dropped him down on the mat for him to sleep.

"Get some sleep, tomorrow's gonna be heavy, but I'll just do you this favor and let you sleep in tomorrow, "Ivy.

"T..h... ranks...teache...."Victor dozed off.


*YAWN* "Huh it's morning already?"Victor.


"Ouch, my back!"Victor.

"It must still hurt from dodging that sonic fist from yesterday, "Victor.

"Huh? New clothes?....and a note?"

The note read:

"Hey Victor, it's jane, I came by to check on you to see if you're alright but then I saw your clothes were badly torn so I brought you these:

It was a white t-shirt, black shorts, and a jacket

"You must be working hard not to hold us back, but don't push yourself too hard that you'll be out of commission for the mission, you can do it we believe in you!"

Your new friends


"She believes in me, huh?"Victor said while a smile formed on his face.

"No one has ever said that to me before, it feels...nice, that's it thanks to this I'll try my hardest to keep up with Ivy!" Victor.


"Ow, my back!"

"I might need to do some stretches first," Victor


"Okay, victor you've slept in, taken a cold bath in the river, eaten breakfast.....Are you ready?"Ivy.

"Yes, teacher!"

"Given that you have the agility to dodge like that thanks to your girl-like waist, we need to buff you up a little."Ivy

"We will be dragging these heavy rocks up to the peak before sundown."Ivy.


"Hmm, you'd usually complain before I have to beat you up to do it but I guess this is fine too, Lets get moving!"

The second day was filled with body/stamina-building exercises.

They pushed the heavy rocks up the mountain while dragging it down, luckily they started from a point that was an hour and back up and down the mountain.

At the top of the mountain they had a light-sparing session the next training was combat, this time she didn't rush at him she explained things on how to use bloodlust as a substitute to know how to fight.

"Since you know where the enemy is going to aim, your main course should be how to block a potentially lethal attack while still having enough time to counter, like where to hit the enemy where it hurts"Ivy

"Like their balls?"Victor.

"Well..... Uhm....something like that."Ivy

"Hey, I remember yesterday you beat me up for trying to say my precog was better than your bloodlust skill why were you so angry about that?"Victor

"Well, this is out of the blue."Ivy

"I wasn't angry, I was pissed"Ivy

"Same thing," Victor said internally.


"Because what if your precognition gets something wrong?"


"Like say an enemy you are currently fighting wasn't the enemy like you were put in an illusion that he/she was an enemy and you fought and killed that innocent person, what then?"

"I would have seen into the future what is going to happen."Victor

"Like you saw into the future of our fight but I still won?"Ivy.

"The point is to know who your real enemy is don't go charging in like a hot head."Ivy

"Oh, I guess I'll be more cautious about my powers then."Victor.

The chatting was over they spared for 2 hours until victor got tired and took a break.

"Hey, Vic what about that skill you said you git by accident in that gravity chamber."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that, I don't know much about it or even know what to call it"Victor.

"Show me your powers."

"Awww, but I'm tired"He groaned.

She glared at him and since he can now sense killing intent...

"Ugh, fine"

A bird was flying ten meters above them, he used his skill,[TIME CONTAINMENT]to stop the bird mid-flight.


She jumped to retrieve the bird but it wouldn't budge.

"I see"Ivy

She fell back to earth as if nothing happened.

"Uh? Ehhhhhhhh?!"